Sexy Christmas Calendar | Couples Ideas and Inspiration | Sweets and Treats (Sploshing)

Welcome to the third week of the Sexy Christmas Calendar. The place where every member of the subMrs and husDOM communities can get couple’s Ideas and Inspiration during the HOLIDAYS! This week, if you have a “sweet tooth” … you will be sated! We will give you new kinky ways to enjoy our favorite Christmas sweets and treat! How else but with a subMrs TWIST, of course!
Sexy Christmas Calendar
It may be the “♫..most wonderful time of the year♫…” but it is also the busiest. We may be focused on celebrating the magic of the season, but how do we do that and keep the magic in our D|s-M? How do we continue to feed our subMrs and our HusDOM during the hectic holiday season?
To help you keep your dynamic active and thriving, throughout the month of December we will be offering you some ideas for each day of December to help you do just that. The intention is not that there be another set of items for your “to do” list, maybe just some reminders, or ways to enjoy the festivities in a slightly different, TWISTED, way. Wink, Wink! Hopefully, some inspiration for maintaining and building your submission, feeding your Dominant, and generally making sure the glow of the season extends to your own cheeks, and lips, and …. OH MY!
There will be weekly themes for your subMrs pleasure, and a daily inspirational idea to help you focus on areas of your dynamic to keep things darkly naughty…or fabulous fun & nice.
Previous Weeks
The first week of December was spent preparing and illuminating our nests and our dymanic, Candles & Lights. The second week we spent preparing for the gift-giving that will quickly be upon us. This week, the third week of December, will be a “sweet” start to the up cumming Yuletide season, Sweets and treats! YUMMY !!!
Week Three theme: Sweets and Treats
Day 13
The history of hot chocolate, or cocoa, goes quite a way back. In fact, as early as 500 BC, the Mayans were drinking chocolate made from cocoa seeds mixed with water, wine, and chili peppers, then consumed cold. Hmmm…not my idea of a cup of comfort! King Charles V, as well as the Spanish upper class, rocketed the beverage’s popularity in the 1500. This is when it began to be served hot and sweet, and they were very protective of this new beverage…it took over 100 years before news of it spread across Europe. Today, hot cocoa has evolved and become so popular that it can be found in coffee vending machines. Sold as powder in packets or canisters, it is found everywhere. Whether served with marshmallows, whipped cream, peppermint sticks, or a splash of something more…SPIRITED, it is the perfect winter beverage and the perfect treat for you and your husDOM.
National Cocoa Day, falls this week. It’s a celebration worthy of the winter holidays…and the perfect way to warm up after a cold day outside. Make your Sir some cocoa…with whipped cream. Who says you have to use the whipped cream IN your cocoa? WINK, WINK. You can also find adult versions of our favorite warm, chocolatey beverage…perfect for a cold winter’s day. Use your subMrs service skills to prepare the perfect cup, and then serve it SUMBISSIVELY to your Sir.
- Boozy Hot Chocolate: Hot water, for filling mugs, 2 cups whole or reduced-fat milk (may substitute plant-based milk), 3 ounces dark chocolate chips or chopped dark chocolate, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 large pinch salt, 2 ounces dark rum or another spirit, 2 ounces coffee liqueur, or another liqueur, Whipped cream, marshmallows, chocolate shavings, orange zest and/or grating of nutmeg/cinnamon, for garnish (optional)
- Fill two mugs with hot water and set aside while you make the cocoa.
- In a small saucepan over low heat, warm the milk, chocolate, vanilla and salt, whisking until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is smooth and uniform. Add the rum and coffee liqueur, and stir to combine. Continue to stir until the mixture is fully heated — don’t let it come to a boil. Discard the hot water in the mugs, ladle the mixture into your mugs and garnish with lightly toasted marshmallows, whipped cream, or anything fun you think of!
Now, that you have a mouthful of delicious warm …HOT Chocolate, you must know what to do with your warm mouths, add a little temperature play this evening. You can take turns using your warm mouth on each other.
Additionally, please share YOUR favorite twisted version of hot cocoa with your subMrs community!
Splosh & Cock
Day 14
“Now! Bring us some figgy pudding and bring some out here.…”
Christmas Plum Pudding, also known as Figgy Pudding, has been sung about since we were children, but it originated in the 15th century Roman Catholic Church. In a church decree, families were to make a 13-ingredient pudding to represent Christ and the apostles. Four to five weeks before Christmas, on the last Sunday before Advent informally named “Stir it up Sunday”, families made this pudding by taking turns stirring the batter with a wooden spoon from east to west to commemorate the Magi’s journey. While stirring, each person would make a wish. It was common to place something in the pudding for luck, like silver coins for wealth, a silver thimble for thriftiness, or a wishbone for good luck. The lucky person who received the item in their serving was envied by everyone. A holly sprig was placed on top to represent the crown of thorns that Jesus wore and for good luck and healing for the upcumming year. Then brandy was poured over the pudding and set alight, representing the love and power of Jesus.
Today, pull out your favorite goblets/glasses, or buy some new Christmas ones. Make and serve a yummy dessert that you can use during playtime together. It can be a real pudding, or a figgy pudding for those ambitious subMrs. Don’t forget the splash of brandy to set it alight! Present your dessert in your beautiful Christmas goblets to your Sir, and then feed him…or let him feed you. Splosh and have fun with it. Sploshing, Wet and messy fetish, is a form of sexual fetishism whereby a person becomes aroused when copious amounts of a substance are applied to the naked skin, face, or to clothing. Wikipedia. Spend some time twisting dessert into an enjoyable and wanton occasion that you will want to replay over and over and over again!
Christmas Cock-tail..
Figgy Pudding Cocktail: 1¾ oz. aged Demerara rum, ¼ oz. Jamaican rum, ¼ oz. Averna, ½ oz. fig syrup, ½ oz. ruby Port, Dash of Angostura bitters, 1 whole egg (pasteurized if you like)
Combine all ingredients in a shaker. Shake first without ice to incorporate the egg. Add ice cubes and shake vigorously. Strain into a chilled coupe and garnish with a sprig of holly.
After your cocktail, please drink responsibly…We suggest a 2 drink MAX and playing afterwards… BUTT, and you can always skip the above cocktail and use a cock-tail like the one below! .. HO, HO, HO!!
Pretty Please Pearls
Day 15
Almost every Christmas dessert that you see has some sort of holiday decoration, and Christmas cookies are no different. Nonpariels garnish and accessorize cakes, candies, and cookies during the holiday season. Nonpariels are tiny balls made of sugar and starch. They were originally only white in color, but today can be found in every color of the rainbow. The origin is unknown, however they are thought to have evolved from the pharmaceutical use of sugar. The French name is interpreted as “without equal” and used to decorate cakes, desserts, and even ornaments. In 18th century America, they were particularly popular to decorate wedding cakes. The tiny white balls of sugar closely resemble miniature pearls, but today we just call them “sprinkles”.
National Wear Your Pearls
This month we celebrate National Wear Your Pearls Day. Pearls are the perfect subMrs garnish. You can wear them to accessorize any outfit, even making your casual more formal. A formal Oral may be in order. You can use them to bring your HusDOM immense pleasure. To do this, apply plenty of lube and then wrap your pearls around his package. Making sure they are not too tight, and using both hands, give your Sir a special hand job. Start slow and gentle and build to a happy ending. He can give you a Pearl Necklace as a special treat, in return. He does this by cumming on or around your neck or chest, you are then wearing his pearls. Being Marked by your Sir is an awesome Christmas experience. Pearls can also be part of a special panty and used on the clitorus or inside the vagina for a little more joy! (Only use the real ones internally, cleaning them after.)
Pearl Cocktail
Pearl Necklace: 1½ oz. Coconut Rum, 1 oz. white or gold Rum, 1 oz. Coconut Milk, ½ oz. Fresh Lime Juice, ½ oz. Cola Syrup*
- Add all ingredients, with ice, to a cocktail shaker. Shake to chill and strain into a Coupe Glass. Garnish with a lime skin curly-cue.
Naughty Bits Bag
Day 16
Christmas festivities are all rooted from pagan rituals and beliefs, including Winter Solstice and the festival of Saturnalia. In the fourth century this pagan festival was incorporated by Christians and became commemorative of Jesus’ birth. The famous chocolate yule log origin is linked to winter solstice as well. This dates back to the Middle Ages where yule logs were burned. In the twelfth century, the Catholic Church started a tradition of sprinkling the log with holy water, salt, cooked wine, or oil. If the person failed to do this, bad omens awaited. When modern appliances arrived and logs were not needed to cook with, pastry chefs decided to turn the yule log into a pastry log. The cake is spread with a layer of chocolate, then rolled into a “log”. It is then covered in another layer of chocolate. The chocolate icing on the outside looks like bark…thus today’s Chocolate Yule Log.
Chocolate is a symbol of nobility and traditional Christmas gift given all around the world. In Mexico their turkey has a layer of chocolate on top. In Italy, children receive pieces of chocolate from the witch Befana. Jewish children receive Hannukah gelt, with chocolate coins replacing real money in the 1920s.
Naughty Bits
In a nod to the tradition of giving chocolate for Christmas, We celebrate National Chocolate Covered Anything Day in December…. WE MEAN ANY-THING! Even your Naughty bits, WINK, WINK! Today, wanting to be a good subMrs you can give your Sir the gift of a NAUGHTY BAG. In a NAUGHTY bag include anything covered in chocolate, fruit, cake, chocolates. Then you must include chocolate to dip you in…… decorating gel, frosting, sprinkles, cherries. Include chocolate sauce, chocolate body paint, lube, arousal oil. You will give him the naughty bag and be his dessert for the evening. He will get to decorate his gift and eat it up any way he pleases.
Or, perhaps you’d like your husDOM to BE part of dessert. You can give him the gift of sucking, licking and consuming the dessert he gives you. Include in your Naughty Bag a POPPING surprise, BJ Blast, it will BLOW his… MIND! Make sure you swallow every drop he gives you! It’s the ultimate way to give your Sir the gift of submission.
After all that chocolate, here is an evening cocktail to try…..
White Christmas Cocktail
- 1 ounce Southern Comfort, 1/2 ounce white chocolate liqueur (white crème de cacao can be substituted), 4 ounces eggnog, Edible gold or chocolate flakes, for garnish
- Gather ingredients and build them in a snifter glass. Stir lightly and sprinkle gold or chocolate flakes on top. (This cocktail is not chilled. If you don’t want to add ice but want to give it a gentle frost, place your snifter (or other glass) in the freezer about 30 minutes before mixing the drink.)
Peppermint Patty Nipples
Day 17
Today candy canes are the second most popular stocking stuffer, after chocolate, of course. Originally created over 350 years ago as straight white sticks of flavored sugar. Invented as a form of bribery. Apparently, keeping children occupied and quiet in church has always been a struggle. So in 1670, a highly imaginative choir leader at Cologne Cathedral in Germany, came up with the idea of bribing the kids with candy to get them to sit still and stay quiet in church. Now, why didn’t we think of that? This would keep them occupied for the extra-long holiday mass, during which congregants would act out the Nativity scene. Colored candy didn’t exist at the time, so the brilliant choirmaster actually brought plain white candy sticks. To justify the bribe — and the idea of eating candy in church —he asked the candy maker to add a little crook in the top of the sticks, to signify the staffs of the shepherds who came to visit Jesus upon his birth in the manger.
Another account is that the roots of this popular Christmas treat goes back to Oliver Cromwell’s England. The Puritan leader banned Christmas celebrations for a short while, so a confectioner made candy canes so that Christians could carry them on the street as a secret code to each other. Either way, the design with red stripes that we know today didn’t happen until the 1920s when a candy maker in Georgia added them by hand twisting the color into the sweet treat. The TWIST is always the best part!
Caned Nipples
For the discerning subMrs and HusDOM shopper, there are a vast array of red and white, twisted, candy cane shapped dildos, butt plugs, and vibrators on the market, as well as peppermint flavored lubes, sensitizer gels, and body oils. Ask Santa for your favorite and gear up for some TWISTED holiday fun. Maybe you’d like to try a glass candy cane shaped dildo? How about some peppermint sensitizer gel for your clit or some candy cane lube? You can use actual peppermint candy in wonderfully fun ways as well. A peppermint patty, warmed in a dish and massaged on the skin as a sweet treat for your Sir (be sure to check temp – you don’t want it too hot). Food grade Peppermint oil can be used in sensation or chemical play (Edge play), but be very careful where you use the oil. Essential oils can be very intense, so experiment and test on your skin before play. Peppermint gummies or hard candy can be place in your bra to sweeten your nipples, for a sweet surprise for your Sir.
To add additional cool… add some chilled, not frozen.. nipple clamps to your nipple play! MAKE SURE YOU DON’T END UP WITH TORN NIPPLES… LIKE INTHE MOVIE A CHRISTMAS STORY! Can’t you just feel the CHILL!
Incase that’s not ENOUGH for you GREEDY LOVERS…. Here is another cocktail…..
Cocktails for 2
- Peppermint Patty: 2 ounces chocolate vodka, 3/4 ounce cream liqueur, 1/2 ounce peppermint schnapps, Peppermint patty candy for garnish
- In a cocktail shaker, pour the vodka, cream liqueur, and peppermint schnapps. Fill with ice. Shake well. Strain into an old-fashioned glass filled with fresh ice. Garnish with peppermint patty candy. Serve and enjoy.
Gingered Apron Roleplay
Day 18
Gingerbread, “a cake made with molasses and flavored with ginger.” Today gingerbread is a broad category of baked goods having the taste of warm spiciness and dark sweetness, just like a subMrs! Gingerbread is special and unique in that it tastes like nothing you’ve ever had before, just like D|s-M! The early form of gingerbread can be traced to the ancient Greeks (yes, Greeks again!) and Egyptians who used it for ceremonial purposes. Gingerbread then made an appearance in Europe when 11th-century Crusaders brought back ginger from the Middle East for the aristocrats’ cooks to experiment with. As ginger and other spices became more affordable to the masses, gingerbread caught on. The first gingerbread man is credited to Queen Elizabeth I, who presented visiting dignitaries with one baked in their own likeness. The gingerbread house became popular in Germany after the Brothers Grimm published their fairy tale collection which included “Hansel and Gretel” in the 19th century. Early German settlers brought this lebkuchenhaeusle (gingerbread house) tradition to the Americas. The Legends state that gingerbread was sacred, and the only seen by the general public was during Christmas and Easter, hence, why it’s seen as a Christmas delicacy.
Erotic Ginger
Did you know that ginger is known to be an aphrodisiac? The legend of ginger as an aphrodisiac and sexual cure is embraced by cultures around the world. Ginger’s history as an aphrodisiac can be traced back to the first century AD when physician Dioscorides recommended ginger for stimulating the male organ. Ginger has a long history in folk medicine and ginger also gets a mention in the last chapters of the Kama Sutra, India’s handbook about love and sex. So put on that sexy apron, and nothing else, and bake a batch of naughty gingerbread cookies for your Sir. It may just give him a BOOST during this hectic holiday season.
If you and your Sir feel especially adventurous, you can explore the BDSM kink of figging. “Figging is the practice of inserting a piece of skinned ginger root into the human anus or the vagina to generate an acute burning sensation. Historically this was a method of punishment, but now adopted as a practice of BDSM. The term “figging” comes from the 19th-century word ‘feaguing’.” -Wikipedia
Stories claim that Victorians used figging to punish naughty students. You lucky subMrs, figging is now for everyone and so is naughty student/teacher role-play! Today, it is a form of sensation play where a finger of ginger root is peeled into an anal plug shape and inserted in the anus, vagina. This creates a warm, tingling, or burning sensation that some people find erotic, intense, humiliating, or painful in an exciting way. It only lasts for about 20-30 minutes. The buildup is slow—as the ginger oils mingle with the delicate tissues of the rectum (or vag or urethra), the recipient will feel a warmth, then a tingling, then more and more of a burning sensation. Today you can roleplay, and your Sir can punish his naughty pastry chef with ginger root and a spankings! Of course the naughty pastry chef, must only wear an apron, you can buy just sexy aprons for you and your Sir…. We recommend adding to your gingered role play spankings and other impact play (caning, flogging, cropping, etc.) as it complements figging, as the smacks will cause you to clench your ass, heightening the burn. If you don’t clench, then the impact from the implement will hurt more. Which burn do you prefer? Click through the images below… for more inspiration.
To put out the heat…. Cocktail Anyone?
Gingerbread Martini: 3 Oz. Vanilla Vodka, 1.5 Oz. Baileys, 2 Tbsp. Hot Damn! Schnapps, 1.5 Oz. Ginger Syrup (see recipe below), 1.5 Oz. Milk or Half and Half
Garnishments: Ginger Cookies, Whipped Cream, Honey
Ginger Syrup: 3 Tsp. Fresh Ginger; minced, 1 Tsp. Whole Cloves, 1 C. Sugar, 1 C. Water
- Dip rim of a martini glass into honey and then, crushed ginger cookies until coated.
- Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with around 1 C. of ice.
- Shake vigorously for around 30 seconds and strain into a prepared martini glass.
- Top with whipped cream and a ginger cookie.
- For Ginger Syrup:
- Add all ingredients to a small saucepan on Medium Heat.
- Bring to a low boil and continue stirring for around 3 minutes until syrup is thickened.
- Run through a sifter to get out any chunks.
- Allow to cool completely before using.
Sugared Cookie
Day 19
Last on our list of treats and sweets, but certainly not least, we have Christmas sugar cookies! Me want some Cookies… ~Cookie Monster
Historically Sugared
Like most Christmas traditions, holiday cookies are traced back to pagan solstice rituals. Cookies, as well as the cultivation of sugar, dates back to 7th century Persia. In the 10th and 11th centuries, winter solstice festivals were celebrated all over the world. With the spread of Christianity in the Middle Ages, traditional solstice festivals had changed to the Christmas holiday, but feasting was still an intergral part of the celebration. Since it was a time of visiting family, and it was clod outside and the ground was hard, farming wasn’t an option. Cookies then were made with cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg and fruits. They were stored in large amounts as a way to share the spirit of the season with all those who visited.
The sugar cookie that we know today was created by German Moravian settlers in the Nazareth colony of Pennsylvania in the 1700s. The cookie was round, crumbly, and buttery, and became known as the Nazareth Cookie. The sugar cookie is the official cookie for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Since the 1930s in Canada and the US, children have left milk and cookies for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. In the late 1950s, Pilsbury began selling pre-mixed refrigerated sugar cookie dough in US grocery stores. And they have been a Christmas staple ever since!
The tradition of leaving cookies for Santa was begun in the 1930s. Parents wanted to encourage generosity in their children, especially during the harsh times of the depression. However, after the hard times had passed, the tradition quickly stuck. Today, most homes around the world that celebrate Christmas put out cookies for the Jolly Old Elf and his Reindeer.
Body Servitude Scene
Tonight, treat your Sir to a Body Servitude Scene. Find a nice comforting sugar body scrub, or make your own. Draw a bath, and apply the sugar scrub to your Sir’s skin. Find a nice heavy scrub brush ..and another that wipes him softly… Massage him in every crevice, really pamper him… and help him relax. Or, choose the shower and do a full body exploration with the scrub. Your Sir may instruct you to wear insertable, or anal plug during the scene. After rinsing, worship his body with a warmed, fluffy towel while drying him from head to toe. He may decide to reward you with some sugar ….cookie… a gift of your own…WINK, WINK!
After Scrub Cocktail
Sugar Cookie Cocktail: 1tablespoon honey, 1tablespoon Betty Crocker™ Decorating Decors nonpareils, 2tablespoons (1 oz.) sugar cookie or vanilla vodka, 2tablespoons (1 oz.) vanilla creme liqueur (like Baileys™ Vanilla), 1/4cup half-and-half, 1/4teaspoon pure almond extract (optional)
Rim a small glass with honey and nonpareils. In a cocktail shaker, mix together vodka, cream liqueur, half-and-half and almond extract with 1 cup ice. Shake for 30-60 seconds, then strain into rimmed glass. Enjoy immediately!
Week’s Closing
Hopefully you are enjoying the activities and history of the Christmas season, and are taking away many ideas to help your dynamic stay fresh and fun during this chaotic time of the season. As always, discuss all activities with you Sir first in downtime. Plan and prepare ahead of time to make the best experience. And don’t feel obligated to participate in every activity…take only the ones that you both desire to experience. This is the season for light, love, and happiness with the one we cherish most. Enjoy! Watch for the cumming weeks of Sexy Christmas Calendar, Couple’s Ideas and Inspiration!