Sexy Christmas Calendar | Couples Ideas and Inspiration | Giving Gifts

Sexy Christmas Calendar, Adult fun calendar, 31 Days of X-Mas, St. Nicolas Day, submission is a gift

31 Days of Celebration, AKA the Sexy Christmas Calendar here in the subMrs Community. Where couple’s can get fun ideas and inspiration during this joyful time of the season, Christmas! This week we talk about Giving Gifts.It may be the “♫..most wonderful time of the year♫…” but it is also the most hectic.  We may be focused on celebrating the magic of the season, but how do we do that and keep the magic in our D|s-M?  How do we continue to feed our subMrs and our HusDOM during the hectic holiday season?  

To help you keep your dynamic active and thriving, throughout the month of December we will be offering you some ideas for each day of December to help you do just that.  The intention is not that there be another set of items for your “to do” list, maybe just some reminders, or ways to enjoy the festivities in a slightly different, TWISTED, way.  Wink, Wink!  Hopefully, some inspiration for maintaining and building your submission, feeding your Dominant, and generally making sure the glow of the season extends to your own cheeks, and lips, and ….those other places, OH MY! There will be weekly themes for your subMrs pleasure, and a daily inspirational idea to help you focus on areas of your dynamic to keep things naughty…or nice…and fun!

Historically Gifting

Usually when we think of the gifts of the holiday season, we think of it in the context of the hunt for the perfect something, shiny paper and bows, and the anticipation of giving and receiving those special boxes and bags.  The tradition of December gift giving is anciently old, stemming from the Roman festival of Saturnalia which gave thanks and sacrifice to the agricultural God Saturn.  Festivities included gambling, singing, playing music, feasting, socializing and… giving each other gifts.  Wax taper candles were common gifts, to signify light returning after the solstice. Christians associate gift giving at Christmas as symbolizing the gifts given to the baby Jesus by the three Wise Men. However, that may have been a convenient association for the Romans when Constantine converted to Christianity and was looking to ban pagan celebrations.   There would have been quite the backlash if he had simply outlawed the very popular Saturnalia celebrations!

Last Week (Week 1)

Roman God and Goddess, Sexy Christmas Calendar, subMrs, Married Dominance and Submission, D|s-M, Ideas and Inspirations, 2nd week of December, Giving and Receiving Sex, Gift Giving, subMrs

We began the first week of December by preparing our nest and illuminating it with twinkling, flickering lights and candles.  The New December Cold Moon has passed, and we are frantically preparing for the season of gift-giving. Onto week 2, Giving Gifts.

This week think like a Sexual God and Goddess!

Week 2 Theme:  Giving Gifts

Day 5

Sexy Christmas Calendar, Adult fun calendar, 31 Days of X-Mas, St. Nicolas Day, submission is a gift

Another way of looking at gifts this season could be to reflect on more intangible gifts we give and receive seasonally and maybe even throughout the year, and to take time to celebrate and offer our thanks for those gifts. (Give the Gift of skin on skin!) Your Sir’s Dominance, and your own submission, are gifts you have chosen to give each other, celebrate those! And maybe this can be a time of looking forward with your Dominance and submission as well:  Saturnalia was a festival of thanks for the harvest and offering sacrifice as the Roman’s looked forward to winter sowing and the growing season ahead.  For Christians, Advent is a season not just looking forward to Christmas day and remembering the birth of Jesus, but can also be looking for the coming of Jesus into daily lives, or his coming again.  Now is a great time to celebrate your dynamic (ribbons and bows are optional), but it’s also a good time to look forward to all the amazing things it can be going forward, while like in November, continuing to give thanks.

Talents & Tools

Consider the gifts of the season is to reflect on what gifts or talents you possess that you can make the most of.  In the context of your submission, what are you very good at? And how can you use those gifts to show your submission?  We are all gifted in different ways,  just like there are many versions of D|s-M dynamics, so it’s up to you to decide how your gifts can build your own dynamic.  Use your gifts of service, or your physical attributes that your Sir is particularly fond of, or maybe those amazing oral skills.  A gift is meant to be shared! Receiving is also a gift, receiving from your Sir is a gift… Wink ..wink!

Sexy Christmas Calendar – Submission is a Gift

Day 6

Sexy Christmas Calendar, Adult fun calendar, 31 Days of X-Mas, St. Nicolas Day, submission is a gift

Today is St. Nicolas day, and as such is the perfect time to channel the giving spirit of the holidays.  St. Nicolas was a third century saint who became the inspiration for the modern-day Santa Claus.  He is the patron saint of a great many causes include sailors, travelers, clergy, school children, and thieves, to name a few.  St. Nicolas is known for selling all of his possessions and giving the money to the poor.  December 6th is also the Feast of St. Nicolas which is widely celebrated in Europe.

To your Sir YOU are a gift, your submission to him, also gift, so it can be fun to play with that idea.  Maybe wrap yourself in lace – wear your lace panties and purchase some lace for a blindfold & ties.  Or sew ribbons and bows – get creative.  The Fabric store will never look the same to you again! Use a mirror and brush up on those positions and “present” yourself in a creative way, or maybe send him a fun series of texts through the day. Try a little scavenger hunt to find his special gift.  Channel the spirit of St. Nicolas and gift YOURSELF to your Sir.

Picture This, Boudoir

Day 7  

Photos, black and whites or color are one of those gifts that keep on giving… to your partner!  Professional Boudoir photos can be an amazing and empowering experience for a submissive – be sure to take your collar and cuffs, or a special outfit.  Remember these photographers have seen it all and are far more likely to be impressed (maybe even a little envious!)  by your leather than pass negative judgement on it.  If your head, your calendar, or your pocketbook aren’t up for that kind of “exposure”, consider a do-it-yourself version – either with a tripod on your own, or consider asking your Dom to be the photographer.  Then strike a pose….and bitch, you better work!

If you’d rather be the one behind the lens, here’s another fun idea – Cover your husDom in kisses:  Find (at least) three lip colors that mean Christmas to you, maybe the colors on your Christmas tree.  Put down a play sheet and ask your Sir to lay down on it, then kiss him from head to toe.  Make a design all over him or just cover him all over with your kisses, then take a pic.  

The internet might have lots of inspirational images, but nothing will compare to some personal shots he can enjoy again and again.

Sexy Christmas Calendar – Self Love

Day 8

Sexy Christmas Calendar, Adult fun calendar, 31 Days of X-Mas, Christmas self care, Masturbation Day, Buy New lingerie, Feel sexy, Sexy SELF CARE, subMrs

Don’t forget to treat yourself this season too.  Today, is all about self-love. Yes, today, explore yourself, your body.. your needs and desires. Today, lay back and masturbate ..feel sexy, and relaxed, or energized. Take time after for a haircut, nails and brows! Buy yourself some seasonal bubble bath and soak away some sore muscles.  Take the time for a walk or hit the gym.  Turn on your favorite music and give yourself an evening by your tree before the family comes flooding in.  Sexy lingerie can be for your Sir.  Remember, you can’t give what you don’t have!  

Who Wears the Hat ?

Day 9

Here’s a Choose-Your-Own-Santa -Adventure Day!  

  1. Door number ONE, get a Santa hat and match it with a pair of new panties.  Pay a special visit to your HusDom and make all his Christmas wishes come true.  
  2. Or If door number TWO is more attractive, your Sir gets to wear the Santa Cap.  You can be his helper elf or Mrs. Claus. Santa has a big night cumming up and he needs some special (WINK, WINK) fluffing… I mean pampering. 
  3. Or there is a third door could, it may interest you most.  Both of you are going to visit your favorite gift giver, you know sit on “Jolly St. Nick’s lap! Let him know what you want for Christmas, make sure you whisper it in his ear and get a pic! Find out for sure if you are you on the BORING nice list, or have you been very, very GOOD and on the naughty list? 

Sexy Christmas Surprises

Day 10

Marriage's Sexiest Secret, Christmas reading, Christmas Surprises, Married Dominance and Submission, Sexy Christmas Calendar, Sexy December, subMrs

Gift giving is often the highlight of the holiday season, but if you have a hard-to-buy-for Sir, picking out the perfect gift can be a little daunting.  Here are a few ideas that may inspire your gift buying experience.  Please, subbies, share your own ideas for those who have a difficult time buying for their Sir.

Often our partners are the hardest to buy for, especially if we need something he can open in front of everyone.  One family friendly idea is a new fragrance, cologne. This may mean you scoping out your favorites beforehand & then taking him shopping to see which one fits him. There is a list of them in the subMrs forums. Find the one that makes you WET!  Then write him a sexy note along with it, of what it makes you feel like, encouraging him to wear it. Enjoy!

Sexy Surprises are fun! Trying a new treat every day is even more fun.  Just like the chocolate advent calendars, you can give your Sir a new treat every day leading up to December 25th. Buy some new sexy panties model each pair for your Santa-Dom every evening.  Pick out the jeweled colors of Christmas, plaids, satin, lace, sparkle, and of course, some black thong panties. If you watch for sales, you can do this rather inexpensively online. 

If you’re looking for a fun and inexpensive gift, and a fun evening, dust off a D|s implement.  Find a “toy” that’s been gathering dust for whatever reason and wrap it up beautifully in Christmas paper.  Leave it somewhere to peak his interest over a couple of days, or surprise him with it at a fun moment.  What boy doesn’t want to play with a toy when he opens it?

Marriage's Sexiest Secret, subMrs, Sexy Christmas Calendar, Couple's Sexy Ideas and Inspiration, XXX-Mas Calendar, Adult Calendar, subMrs, husDOM

Naughty List

Day 11

I love when my Sir reads me a story. For this day, find a beautiful Christmas story book and ask him to read it to you. Ask to be first, tucked into some lovely new bed sheets and turn on the twinkle lights, snuggle together in one of those cozy Hygge blankets, or sit at his feet in a pair of those new panties and wind him down…or up!  

We talk of Being Naughty or Nice… Being Naughty is so much more fun! Another option is to add a very special “Naughty List” in your own writing.  You can even make a scroll just like St. Nicks! Write down a naughty story or a list of all your naughty desires and turn ons! Present it to him in bed and watch your Sir make at least one of your naughty list dreams cum true!

Polaroid is Back

Day 12

While thinking of the gifts you can give your HusDOM, it’s also important to consider the gifts he gives you… not just through this season, but all year long.  A grateful spirit is one of the tools you have in your Submissive Toolbox.   How can you show your gratitude?  Maybe you can tell him just how grateful you are with a Naughty XXX-mas card, Etsy has lots! In your card put a few naughty Polaroids inside.

The new little Polaroid cameras, the NOW or the GO are cute and easy to use. Seems like many companies are making these type of cameras. Great gift idea for you both! Keep one in your husDOM drawer! Even better you can get the new tripod, light ring with remote for your mobile phones.. take pics together.. in bed and out!

Festival of Unmentionable Thoughts

December 12, is the Festival of Unmentionable Thoughts DayATTENTION, ALL DIRTY MINDS…. This week celebrate this festival! Immersive yourself into an experience. You can let those deep dark erotic ideas and fantasies that are in your mind out to play! Ever wonder what someone, male or female… other than your Sir would look like naked? Come on … you’re lying if you deny it!

Ever wonder what it would be like to have a “third” experience? Just one night where your Sir directs and you are the “star”? (NOT TALKING POLLY RELATIONSHIP ! We do promote MONOGAMY HERE!) A man or women, which experience do you want and why? Remember this is sharing and airing darkest of thoughts… Nothing that has to be acted on… unless you both are good with it! Ever have thoughts about your Sir doing something soooo completely naughty to you that you’ve been too nervous to give voice to? Have you had thoughts or desires so twisted you simply couldn’t share them in the past?  Well, this whole week is it. That’s right… what better way to celebrate than to give voice to thoughts that may be considered taboo! (Which plays right into getting one good shots with a cameras above!) (SLIDE THE PIC BELOW!)

Weeks Closing

As you enjoy this second week of December by staying connected with your Sir, don’t let the chaos of preparation eclipse your joy of the season or the joy of the season eclipse your dynamic! By preparing ahead, practicing self-care, and scheduling some D|s-M fun, you can not only survive this holiday season but you can THRIVE in it! HO, HO, HO!

Watch for Next weeks Sexy Christmas Calendar article and theme!

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