Yuletime | 12 Days of Christmas Couples Celebration

Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, Pagan Celebrations, History of Yule, How Yule created Christmas, Yuletide Season, How to Celebrate Yule, Incorporating Yule into your Christmas, Norse Celebrations, Germanic Celebrations , subMrs, husDOM

Yuletime Couples Celebration

Personally, I love the Yuletide Season. Unfortunately, the media and retail stores stale the season by declaring the season in September. By the time it gets here you’re tired of it, ready for it to be over and stressed out. What happened until the “Day after Thanksgiving” introduction to the holiday season? In the life stage we are in, it seems a great idea to try to hold off the celebrations to just these 12 special days. I thought why not post a special 12 Days of celebration for Marriage’s Sexiest Secret, M.S.S. couples, making sure I add a subMrs Twist. I was inspired by Yule, Yuletide and Twelvetide (12 Days of Christmas) Our Yuletime Couples Celebration is December 21- January 1st. For each of the 12 days, I have written a little (Yule)time history, spirituality and exercise for each day. Go through see what days really turn you on and circle them and start writing your Yuletime shopping list! Then try to do a little parts of each day to stay in the spirit of it all.

subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, Pagan Celebrations, History of Yule, How Yule created Christmas, Yuletide Season, How to Celebrate Yule, Incorporating Yule into your Christmas, Norse Celebrations, Germanic Celebrations

What is Yule, Yuletide & Twelvetide

Before Christianity, Scandinavian and German people celebrated a 12-day winter holiday called jul, from which we get the modern word “yule.” Yule is a celebration of the Winter Solstice, December 21st . Winter Solstice is the darkest longest night, the shortest amount of daylight hours. Folktales state this is the day where the 2 kings battle for control of the light. The “Oak King (Sun King) defeats the Holly King (NOT HOLY KING) and thus we begin to get longer daylight hours. Some of the common yule festivities were, hanging wreaths made of evergreen boughs, singing carols, decorating pine trees, burning a yule log, and hanging sprigs of mistletoe in doorways.   During the twelve days of Yule, people also would harvest crops to make a meal, pine trees are decorated with pinecones, outdoor foliage, and candles then gifts are exchanged with those they love. These original traditions were adopted by Christians to make Christmas more palatable to newly converted pagans.

Yuletide is a word defining the time around the Christmas season, December 21st through January 1st.  The celebration of Yuletide dates back many centuries, and was originally a waYuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebrationy to celebrate the winter solstice, or the shortest day and longest darkest night of the year and the fact that the days will after that become longer again.

Twelvetide is also known as “The 12 Days of Christmas”. Twelvetide is the most recognized, the Christian season celebrating the Nativity of Jesus. In most Western ecclesiastical traditions, “Christmas Day” is considered the “First Day of Christmas”. The Twelve Days are 25 December 25th – January 5th. ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas was originally an English carol. The carol was created for children to easily remember specific details of their Catholic faith. I am sure you know the song… On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ carol has been a holiday steadfast for hundreds of years.

Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration

All the above celebrations should sound very similar to one another. No matter which one you may observe, it seems that the traditions all came from the same original celebration, Yule.

Daily Inspiration for Celebration

~On the First Day of Yuletime, December 21st, my true love gave to me….

This night is about the Celebrating the DARKNESS. Being the Darkest and Longest night of the entire year. The battle between a Holly King, (Fall/Winter) and (Spring/Summer), the Oak King was fought this night and the Holly King once again has to give in to the Oak (sun) King.

~Your inspiration tonight is the color black, Conquering Fear and 12 Drummer’s Drumming.

  • Material: Dark or Black Candles, Lingerie, PJ’s or Toys/Tools, If you have black collar or cuffs… wear them tonight!

Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Black BDSM cuffs, BDSM Collar, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M

  • Physical: 12 Drummers Drumming, Spanking Scene! …. Make sure to count them off in 12’s (Tw-elves). (Wear your black collar and cuffs.)

  • Spiritually: Many times darkness can cause fear. Tonight we cast out any fear or sadness that we have been carrying. This night we forgive someone else or ourselves. Tonight we let the sadness or fear die in the darkness. Do a ritual burning, write your fear or sadness on paper then burn it with a light and energy of a flame make a fire in the fireplace or use your black candle, turning the worry, anxiety or fears to ash.

  • Emotional/Mental: Using the techniques above may give you Release. A therapeutic spanking, lets out your emotions, release your fears, works out your anxieties. These spankings deepen your connection. Also, the ritual burning

Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Therapeutic Spanking, Fun-ishment, Spanking Scene Ideas helps release you mentally by naming it, bringing the light to something then by and burning it, making the plan to be rid of it.

On the Second Day of Yuletime, December 22nd, my true love gave to me….

Tonight unlike last night is about the LIGHT and the energy behind it. We want to encourage the light and feed into it. More sunlight hours as the Oak King has now taken over and the Sun King begins to take his rest.

Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission, Sun King, Oak King, Pagan Celebration

~Your inspiration tonight is light or fire & 11 Pipers Pipping.

  • Material: Log, cake mix, candle

  • Physical: Burn a yule log in the fireplace. The Yule log, is a specially selected log that you can decorate with berries & ribbons. Add a meaningful tradition, before you burn your log, write down a wish on a piece of paper, and then insert it into the rSexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission, Pagan Celebration, Yule Log, Yule Log Cakeibbons. If you can’t burn a log, you can create you’re own yule log adding holes for candles. If that is too much, bake a yule log! You can Google how to do any of these and get some great ideas! However you can share in the yule log tradition.

Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission, Pagan Celebration, Yule Log, Yule Log Cake

  • Spiritually: Today I want to add Spirituality to our Spirits today. The 11 piper’s pipping in Christianity represent the apostles or Christ’s missionary’s. So tonight we want to focus on our spirit and what represents our spirituality, no matter your culture or religion. Light a candle then pray or meditate around your spirit and be grateful for those who have touched your life and be thankful for what you do have.

  • Emotional/Mental: What’s going on in 2020 the need for a deeper connection with your spouse is so important. Tonight share the fire and light together. Get a special blanket, faux fur or tartan plaid and sit in front of the fir, have a glass of wine. Touch one another mentally and physically.

~On the Third Day of Yuletime, December 23, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Tonight’s inspiration 10 Lords a Leaping (Dancing), Animal guising, Last Day of Roman Saturnalia, the giving of candles and figurines.

  • Material: Animal Mask or any mask, Animal Print Lingerie or panties, Tapered Red Candles, animal figurine.

Animal Guising Roleplay, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission, Pagan Celebration

  • Physical: Animal guising seems to have been a part of ancient Northern European Yule traditions. Disguising (Masking) or acting as if you’re an animal. Make an animal mask that represents your current attributes or one that you would like to have more of in the coming year. You can wear any mask and just play out the animal as well, make sure though both of you be masked in some way representing you are roleplaying someone or something else.

Some Significant Animals:

Bear: Represents strength, power, might, connection to the earth.
Wolf: Represents family, fierceness, loyalty, working together.
Fox: Sacred, cunning, trickster, problem-solving.
Mink: Playfulness, adaptability, quick thinking.
Seal: Represents the mystery of the sea or water, joy, feminine magic.
Boar: Represents war, power, wealth
Horse: Cooperation, travel, adventure, support.
Rabbit: Cautious, fertility, swiftness, abundance.
Cat: Independent, silence, beauty, ferocity.
Snake or Dragon: Knowledge of the sacred, underworld mysteries, transformation.
Deer: A sacrificial king, authority, defense, self-sacrifice.
Raven: Messenger, magic, communication, devours the dead and unneeded.
Falcon: Spiritual messenger, traveler, great awareness.
Goat: Hearty, persistent, ambitious, lusty.

Animal Guising Roleplay, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission, Pagan Celebration

  • Spiritually: (Ten Lords a Leaping) Dancing & Candles

A Lord is a title or designation for a person or deity who is a leader, has authority, control, or power over others, acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler. Hmmm… maybe even a husDOM, or Dominant husband?

Leaping” was popular in dance especially with the upper classes back in the 1500s. You will see this style of dance where groups of people line up and dance together. The male will lift a woman off of her feet during the dance and sometimes he will do a leap as well.

You want to do as the ancients did and dance around your candles, with your Sir. Make your flames leap into the air. This could be literally dancing (nude) only disguised or masked as your animal. A chase where his animal chases yours, only to catch you and eat you up (sex or scene).Animal Guising Roleplay, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission, Pagan Celebration, Dancing in the dark

This is last day of Saturnalia in the Roman Calendar. Saturnalia was the ancient Roman festival, Wonderland meets Mardi Gras. A festival in honor of the agricultural god Saturn. All Romans spent Saturnalia gambling, singing, playing music, feasting, socializing, guising and giving each other gifts. Much of the above was done nude. Common gifts were wax taper or figure candles, small terra cotta figurines, (People, Animals, Objects.) The candle signifying the return of the light after the solstice. The figurines served as ornaments for the people to exchange.

To celebrate the God Saturn they served gingersnap cookies, cakes using candied fruit & jams. Also tarts, honey buns, nut rolls and sweetened seeds were served.  Make sure to feast on foods or each other this night. Exchange a gift with one another. Give your Sir a figurine of his animal.

This was a time when all social rules were turned upside down, meaning the slaves did not have to work during Saturnalia, but were allowed to participate in the festivities. Slaves were free this day. Some masters let them sit at the head of the table while they served their slaves. Maybe your Sir or Master will give you freedom that day, serve you…….

This day was known as “The Jolliest of Days”.  “Io Saturnalia!” – A greeting – “Merry Christmas!”

  • Emotional/Mental: While lighting your candles, Set a goal or an intension for the night. Making sure to journal your thoughts and go back after tonights experiences and write about them and the great time you had doing it. List your animals and why you both decided to be them tonight. Make sure your animals live on.

On the Fourth Day of Yuletime, December 24, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Your Inspiration tonight is: Christmas Eve, dinner, twinkle lights, pressies & being naughty!

  • Material: Christmas Lights, Pressie for your Sir and Bright colored panties or lingerie.

1. Go drive and see Christmas lights, then come home put a few twinkle lights above your bed. Light and Love…

2. Open your one small pressie, maybe your new husDOM/subMrs gifts!

3. Those of you with kiddos, after everyone is tucked away, Santa has cum andyou can be his elf…. Make a love nest under the tree or in front of the fireplace and show your Santa or Sir how you got on the naughty list!

  • Physical: Share in a Meal: Have Chinese Take Out or a Seven Fish Seafood Dinner.

  • Spiritual: Go drive and see Christmas lights, then come home put a few twinkle lights above your bed. Light and Love, show him that your panties are festive colored.

  • Emotional/Mental: “Nine Ladies Dancing” in Christianity represent the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit; Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindne
    ss, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. Today, journal what brings you all of these nine ladies.

Take this time to form a deeper connection, sharing the Eve of Christmas in a way you may have never done before.

Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

 Those of you with kiddos, after everyone is tucked away, make a love nest under the tree or in front of the fireplace and show your Sir how you got on the naughty list!

On the Fifth Day of Yuletime, December 25, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Tonight is all about Sacred Trees/Plants, Evergreens & Milking, yes Milking…..

This time of year there are 7 evergreens and plants that help you celebrate yuletime. First Evergreen Trees like your traditional Christmas trees are pines, fir, juniper, and cedars. These all are associated with protection and prosperity, and the continuation of life and its renewal. This is where the term, “evergreen” comes from, or the meaning for to be forever young. In the winter, when all 

Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

of the other trees have lost their leaves and gone dormant for a cold nap, your evergreen family of trees will still be… well, green and alive. Use these evergreens and plants in your home to bring joy and cheer, first during your Yuletime or Christmas then being able to continue to 
use them in your home all the way through January to fill in that time of year where things may seem bare.

Oak; The Oak tree represents triumph, endurance, power and victory. Oak leaves are still used today as symbolism for leaders in the military. Victorious ancient roman generals were presented with oak crowns after returning from their battles. AgaSexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submissionin, spiritually there is a connection as this is the time that the Oak (sun) King defeats the Holly King to bring us back into longer day light. You can spray twigs, leaves and acorns golden to add them to your holiday decor.

Holly; (Not Holy) In European societies, the holly plant has become representative of the waning sun as the winter solstice approaches. Holly is associated with the Holly King himself, the Yule precursor to today’s Santa Claus.

History of Holly, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

In ancient times holly being associated with protection and having the sharp spiked leaves, ancients would plant a hedge around their homes to keep malevolent spirits out. The ancients used the wood of the holly in protective magics and to ensure good luck and safety of their families. They would make “holly water” (NOT holy water.) by soaking leaves overnight in spring water under a full moon. Newborn babies used to be sprinkled with this ‘holly water’, water in where holly had been soaked, thought especially potent if left under a full moon overnight. This practice symbolized everlasting life, goodwill and potent life energy. It’s red berries represent feminine blood. Rituals have changed because, though holly leaves, branches and berries are beautiful holiday decorations, the berries are poisonous to people and pets. Holly leaves may also make you symptomatic if eaten. Because the leaves are prickly, children will usually leave them alone. Adding holly branches to boughs, wreaths, and garland will bring the Yuletime season into your home.


Mistletoe is a hemiparasitic plant that grows on a wide range of host trees and is poisonous. It’s mostly known for its use during the holidays, or the tradition of kissing under it. Mistletoe is associated with peacemaking and ending of discord. Spiritually mistletoe has association with Norse mythology and its deities. Mistletoe symbolizes prosperity and fertility as well. As matter of fact, Pre-Christian cultures regarded the white berries as symbols of male fertility and the seeds resembling semen. The Celts, particularly, saw mistletoe as the semen of Taranis, or the God ofMistletoe and semen,History of Holly, Holly association with Semen, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission Thunder. while the Ancient Greeks referred to mistletoe as “oak sperm. (Connecting to the “milking” part of our inspiration.) Try putting mistletoe and holly together in your homeas it represents the Sacredness of Marriage.

Ivy; This plant often lives on after its host has died, reminding us that life is an endless cycle, Life, death and rebirth. Ivy can represent, healing, protection, cooperation, fidelity and loyalty.

History of Ivy, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submissionIvy’s magic is known to bind lovers together. This being the time of year we often look to improving ourselves and setting intensions to stop the things that are toxic to you. Most times it’s used in Yuletime decorations to represent the powerful bond and loyalties of family and friendships.

Birch; The birch tree symbolizes growth, renewal, stability, initiation, adaptability, a new beginning, regeneration, hope, new dawn, and the promise of what is to come.Using Birch at ChristmasSexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Yew; The yew is associated with immortality and longevity. It represents that last long Winter Solstice day. The winter solstice is the time to accept change for what it is, an asset. Now is the time to stop seeing change as an obstacle. Don’t fear new things, instead choose to embrace it. Yew and Christmas, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

  • Material; Evergreen/sacred plant, green lingerie, ribbon, drinks.

  • Physical : Use these Evergreen Plants Trees and their color green to decorate your home, if you have not already. The evergreens can stay up in your house all through January. This helps with the emptiness after all your Christmas decor gets put away. It helps bring some of the outdoors in. If you’re more into the faux, use pine scent in your home, light a candle, use plug ins or essential oils in your defuser to add the smell of evergreens.

In a subMrs Twist, wear those green panties, bra or lingerie.  Get your GREEN ribbon and Bows, and beads out and ask your Sir to decorate you and tie you up tonight…..Let him unwrap you.Christmas Lingerie, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Secondly, In the Twelve Days of Christmas, today would be “8 maids a milking”. How did this cum about? In ancient days, owning animals that produced milk was a great sign of wealth. Then before refrigeration was invented, drinking milk was a true luxury because it would quickly spoil. Milk based products, things like cheese and custard were much desired treats because they would not spoil quickly. The mentioning of “the maids” means there is love and romance in mind. In the 15th century England, the phrase “let’s go-a-milking” was a expression for let’s get married.

  • Spiritual; Use Oak, Holly or Ivy in their spiritual way described above then write about it in your journalling.

  • Mental/Emotional; You all know where I may be taking this one, of course tonight, add a drink of Bailey’s Mint liquor qualifies for milk and mint, which is green. OMG, you all thought I was going to recommend a Yuletime Fellatio or hand job session. Well…. Why Not? It does deepen your connection. Happy Yule Everyone!

~On the Sixth Day of Yuletime, December 26, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Today’s inspiration is 7 swans a swimming.

The Seven Swans a Swimming verse in the Twelve Days of Christmas in Christianity represents the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Prophesy, service, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership & mercy. This beautiful yet silent bird has always been a symbol for intuition and dreams. With SwansSwans a swimming, History of the swan ,Christmas Lingerie, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission connection to water they also symbolize fluidity creativity and depth. These birds are associated with fidelity, loyalty in marriage, and monogamy, because they mate for life.  

  • Material; New White Towels, White Candle, Blue sheets, White Lingerie & Boxer shorts

  • Physical; Take a Nice HOT bath or shower with your Sir. Clean and care for one another’s bodies. Then dry one another off in some new fluffy soft towels. Then make sure your bed has blue sheets that can represent the water. Swim fluidly together in your dynamic tonight. Go to deeper depths connecting where you may have never before.

  • Spiritually; The swan is known as messenger. If a swan has caught your attention it is offering you guidance, letting you know to slow something down in your life.

  • Emotional/Mental; Today journal the things that are in your life that the swan maybe telling you to slow down on.

On the Seventh Day of Yuletime, December 27, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Your Inspiration is from The Goose, Mother & Goddess

Geese, in the past known was known as the “the roast of choice” for the Christmas, especially in Europe, that is until the turkey from America caught on. Roasted Goose is still a Yule classic. In Ancient times geese were revered and offered to Odin and Thor in thanks for their harvests. In ancient Greek culture in order to insure the crops in the months to come geese were ritually eaten. In the Middle ages, geese were the main meat used in feast days. They were the centerpiece at Michaelmas, also known as the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels. This feast happened during the winter solstice. Honoring the end of the harvest and the change in the season.

Some religions believe that “The Six Geese a Laying” song verse represents the fact that the world was made in six days. Just as eggs are the symbol for new life and creation, so the geese laying eggs is the story of God moving his hand over a void to create life. Swans a swimming, History of the swan ,Christmas Lingerie, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Historically, The goose was once a goddess so powerful she create the mighty sun in the sky.  The ancient Egyptians taught that the sun was created by a goddess who turned herself into a goose and then laid “The Golden Sun Egg.” In the earliest times of Europe, before the birth of Christ, goddesses in the form of geese watched over birth and destiny. Images became wide spread in Greece, France, and southern Germany of goddesses holding rabbits or geese. Caesar informs us that the ancient Celts were forbidden to eat the goose because of the sacred connection to “The Sun Egg.”

The church did not like the power behind the goddess and the bird, made sure her power was leached slowly by smear campaigns, Her name reduced to the meanings behind, “silly goose” and “goose-egg”. Gossip quickly spread that the goose was even commonly ridden by witches! The effort poured into ridiculing and degrading this bird is testament to the immense power she once held over people. She once was the epitome of beauty and all that was sacred and holy.  Today she survives in

Mother Goose,Swans a swimming, History of the swan ,Christmas Lingerie, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

 the form of a beloved children’s literary figure, Mother Goose.

  • Physical: Tell your Sir about your mediation and journaling in a downtime. Also, use your gold sex toys/tool tonight. If you don’t have one, ask your Sir if you can choose one and order it.

  • Spiritually: Spiritually it’s all about the egg. An egg is a symbol of life because life emerges from it. It embodies the idea of rebirth and rejuvenation in the cycle of life. If you reflect in its shape you see there is with neither beginning nor end. Use an egg and mediate today. Wear your gold as the color is associated with illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and wisdom. 

Use the energy from your yoni egg or you can even use an egg right out of your refrigerator. Yoni eggs do not need to be inserted just placed in front of you in a focused way. Think about the coming year, what would you want to give birth to in the coming year. Make sure to include something about yourself and something for your dynamic. Then you can make you and your Sir an omelet.. Just kidding. Some people, like to break the egg after the meditation if the yolk stays in shape or doesn’t break then your requests will cum true. If the yolk breaks, there is going to be an obstacle in the way, meaning back to journaling and writing through your mediation until you find that obstacle. Hopefully, you have the luck of the goose!

  • Emotional Mental: While journalling, call on the goose tonight when you want to find yourself and better understand your soul’s mission. The Goose lends support energetically when your engaging in self-discovery or the search for your voice, and for when you need to speak your truth. This bird helps you explore existing relationships. A great night to write about your self journey into TTWD. Then write your feelings, your voice about the dynamic, explore your dynamic and then share with your Sir.

On the Eighth Day of Yuletime, December 28, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~The Inspiration is Gold Rings, Five Golden Rings…….

It is suspect that the “five golden rings” line is actually a reference to the yellowish rings around a pheasant’s neck or to a Goldfinch and not to the jewelry on our fingers. And that actually makes sense, considering every other lyric in the first seven days of the song references a bird: a partridge, turtle doves, French hens, calling birds (or coley, black birds), swans and geese. Rings around the neck, a collar of sorts… hmmmm……..

Let’s talk about the “rings” you can use in your dynamic.

Genital Rings or Genital jewelry is jewelry that is designed specifically for wear on to accentuate (visual or sensation) or put pressure on the genitals

Genital Jewelry, Clitoral Clamp,Swans a swimming, Christmas Lingerie, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

 In a wider range nipple rings, some anal plugs may be considered genital jewelry.

These can be piercing or non-pierced. Magnets, Clips, rings, clamps and inserts are worn on nipples, anal, vagina, labia, clitorus and

Nipple Clamp,Genital Jewelry, Clitoral Clamp,Swans a swimming, Christmas Lingerie, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

some go internally into the vagina. There is an option for everyone.

D & O Rings: “O” rings, specially designed ring which is worn as a distinctive mark among BDSM practitioners, since the 1990s. Its name was derived from the classic BDSM novel Story of O by Pauline Réage, who was a sex slave and wore a similar ring.Hardware used in SDSM, BDSM Collar with O-rings, BDSM O-rings, Genital Jewelry, Clitoral Clamp, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Many collars have the “O” ring on the front for attachments. The “D” ring, a piece of hardware, usually a tie-down metal ring shaped like the letter D used primarily as a lashing point. A D-ring may be used at the end of a leather or fabric strap, or may be secured to a surface with a metal or fabric strap. Ideally, a D-ring swings freely after it has been secured. These rings are used on BDSM on equipment, chairs, horses, benches and even

Using D-rings on BDSM furniture, How to use D-rings on massage Tables, Hardware used in SDSM, Genital Jewelry, Clitoral Clamp, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

your massage tables. Anything you want to be tied or clipped down to. You can use them with tie down (leather) straps and or ropes.

Material: Genital Jewels, A collar with “O” ring and a couple “D” rings for your Sir to attach to a current or future piece of equipment.

Physical: Tonight, play with your collar and its “O” ring. Explore with it. Use a leash, rope or whatever your Sir wishes to try out. Have fun with it!

Spiritual: Try a piece of genital or nipple jewels for a couple days, then write in your journal about how the jewels make you feel as a subMrs.

Emotional/Mental: After wearing your jewels sit and think how they made you feel. Write in your journal about your experience.

On the Ninth Day of Yuletime, December 29, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Inspiration Today is the number 4 and Calling Birds, or Collared Birds …Colly Birds (Black Birds)

The number 4 is a sacred number that represents the four elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, and the four directions, North, South, East and West. If you repetitively see the Number 4 indicates that your personal angels are around you and that you are able to call upon them for help, guidance and assistance.History of the Raven or Black Bird, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Early versions of the 12 Days of Christmas the lyric, four calling birds began as “colly” or “collared” birds meaning black as coal, ravens or black birds. The mix up of the versions are undoubtedly the result of mis-hearings and misinterpretations. A black bird’s calling or call, sounds like a soft bark, to me more like ‘wow’. Usually from a tree, still or in flight. It is an alarm indicating to others that their is a presence of ground predators.

Ancient Celtic’s tales say there were two magical black birds named Thought and Memory, aka Huginn and Munnin, they were Odin’s scouts, looking for land. Odin may have been the prototype for our Santa Claus. Odin was also known as Jolfaor, or “Jul Father,” meaning something very close to Father Christmas, which is how Santa is still known in many countries. Odin would fly across the sky on an eight-legged horse named Sleipnir or being pulled by animals in a chariot. He even had helpers or elves and lived in the NORTH POLE!

Back to the black birds, “colley or collared birds”, are known for discovering grand secrets and having the most curious wisdom. Black birds demand our commitment to learning their wisdom, and do not reveal their meanings unless they are convinced we’ve devoted ourselves completely to the path of understanding. The raven symbolizes; Magic, Mystery, Secrets, The Unknown, Pure Potential, Un-obvious Perception & Protection. In many tales, ravens were once white then turned to black cursed for their lack of loyalty (not being able to keep a secret) or for copulated during the great flood.

Material: 4 black items: Black Feather, Black lingerie, Black Candle and black collar.Using Feathers in sexual play,History of the Raven or Black Bird, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Physical: Wear the black feather in your hair and wear your black collar. Play the raven or black bird tonight play within the darkness with your Sir.

Spiritual: Light your candle and Meditate with black feather in your hair, tonight call upon your angels and ask them for help in what it is you most desire, ask for wisdom and magic in your life and dynamic. You can do this with or without your Sir.

Emotional/Mental: Again we are talking about birds, today write in your journal if you were a bird, what bird would you be? Would you love to be a bird in a cage? What if you were a bird in a cage and your Sir your owner. What if you were the bird and your Sir the 

Human Bird Cage, Bird Roleplay, Animal Roleplay, Using Feathers in sexual play, History of the Raven or Black Bird, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

hungry TOM CAT? Today, write a short story about being this bird. Share your story with your Sir. You can even use your story in your next scene. TWEET…. TWEET!

On the Tenth Day of Yuletime, December 30, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Inspiration: 3 French Hens & Frankincense and Myrrh & Lavendar

According to Catholic, the three hens symbolizes the gifts of the Magi, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.” There is also the belief that the reference is to a new breed of Chicken, yes, MORE BIRDS! Even furthering the connection, the Chicken is the National Symbol of France. White Chickens are believed to bring Good Luck. The Hen is a sign of Motherly Devotion and symbolizes Divine Intervention.

Frankincense and myrrh are both resins extracted from trees in the Burseraceae family, also known as the torchwood or incense family. Both used in perfumes. Frankincense comes from the dried light yellow sap of the Boswellia tree. and is suspect of having anti-anxiety and anti-depressive effects. Myrrh comes from the lifeblood of the Commiphora and its sap drys into a red-brown color. It has antiseptic and pain killing properties. Both substances are edible and often chewed like gum. They are also extremely fragrant, particularly when burned, frankincense has a sweet and citrusy scent.  Myrrh’s scent is a piney, bitter odor.

Frankincense is a symbol of deity and prayer. Due to the fragrance when burnt,

Frankincense, Use of frankincense at Christmas,Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

 it was used by ancient people as religious offering and ceremonial worship.


Myrrh, used in Egypt as an embalming oil, The oil a symbol of death and suffering

History of Myrrh, Use of myrrh oil at Christmas, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Myrrh used as an anointing oil, and was even consumed as a medicinal tonic.

Talking of perfume and scents and France, I wanted to throw in a little Lavender. Lavender flowers are known to represent purity, silence, devotion serenity, grace and calmness. Its color also comes with great symbolism. Purple is the color of royalty and speaks of elegance, refinement and luxury. Its amazing scent that was prized by ancient people. It was often transformed into a costly and exclusive perfume, oil or balm that was used to purify, heal and scent things.

Lavender, Lavender Salt Scrub, Bath scrub Couples Ritual, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, 1st Day of Yuletime, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Material: New Perfume (Lavendar perfume or lotions and even Lingerie), Frankincense incense, Myrrh oil

Physical: Think of France, use your perfume or take a lavender bath. Oil your body and ask your Sir for a massage. Make sure to return his favors.

Spiritual:. Tonight burn some frankincense, take in the beautiful scent. Anoint yourself and your Sir with myrrh oil, Begin closing the gate to Yuletime and saying goodbye to the past year.

Emotional/Mental: Take tonight to close the year, see its death and say goodbye to this years Yuletime. Write about your experiences.

On the Eleventh Day of Yuletime, December 31, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Inspiration: 2 Turtle Doves & Eve of a New Year

Turtle Doves are a symbol of love, friendship and devotion. These doves stay together for a lifetime, which is part of the reason they are considered a sign of faithful and bonded love. The dove was used as a messenger through out time. Seeing a dove, tells you that you are looked after by the Universe. The dove’s song is an “advertising coo” or a “perching coo”.

Turtledove symbolism, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submissionThe cooing comes from males advertise their presence and readiness to breed. Their only purpose is to attract a female mate.

The Scot’s New Year’s Eve celebration of Hogmanay or “Gala Day” has a custom called “first-footing. Its origins reach back to the celebration of the winter solstice among the Vikings with wild parties in late December.  After midnight, family and friends would visit each other’s home. The “first foot” or person to cross the threshold after midnight should carry a gift for luck. Gifts usually are coal, salt, fruitcake, or even whiskey. The gifts are given to bring different kinds of luck. For example, Salt is considered good luck by many cultures in the world. Salt will get rid of many forms of bad luck.  After receiving it take a pinch of salt and throw it over your LEFT shoulder, throwing salt over your right shoulder will bring you bad luck.

In old days, New Year’s Eve the custom of fireball swinging took place. The local people make balls of chicken wire filled with old newspaper, sticks, rags, and other dry flammable material up to a diameter of 2 feet, each attached to about 3 feet of wire, chain or

New Year’s Eve celebration, Hogmanay, Gala Day, Viking Celebration, Historical Fire ball swinging, torchlight procession, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration,Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

a nonflammable rope. When the Town House bell chimes in the new year, the balls are set alight people begin to swing the burning balls above their heads as they go. Today people take part in a torchlight procession through the streets than watch fireworks.

One thing to include in your New Years Eve Yuletime celebration, any ring or round shaped foods represent coming full circle. Time to indulge in any round fruits such as grapes or oranges or the ring shape of doughnuts or pretzels.

Material: Round or Ring Shaped Sweets, Salt Scrub or Salt Bath, Round Candle, Gray to Pink lingerie or panties and bra, symbolizing the dove. Fireworks, buy some or make your own… YUM!New Year’s Eve celebration, Hogmanay, Gala Day, Viking Celebration, Historical Fire ball swinging, torchlight procession, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Physical: Light a fire or your round candles, eat some sweets, drink some spirits then burn your goodbye intension slips of paper. Also, later grab your new salt scrub and ritually bath or shower with your Sir, washing the year from him and him you, paying particular attention to your partner’s feet helping him walk into the next year. He may want to give your feet some attention as well, a foot massage, biting (the arch), sucking (the toes), cropping or caning the bottoms of your feet. Enjoy!

Spiritual: The dove represents peace of the deepest kind. It soothes and quiets our worried or troubled thoughts, enabling us to find renewal in the silence of the mind. … The dove’s roles as spirit messenger, maternal symbol and liaison impart an inner peace that helps us to go about our lives calmly and with purpose. Today, Light your candle & Meditate on the dove, write your Sir a love note with plans for your dynamic this next year then deliver it to him in a special way, as a dove would.

Emotional/Mental: Write on small slips of paper the things you wish to say goodbye to from this year. Burn them at before midnight symbolizing you are moving past the things that are not serving you. Set the intension to put things into motion to be rid of these things.

On the Twelfth and FINAL Day of Yuletime, January 1, My Truelove gave to Me…….

~Inspiration: New Years Day….. Health, Prosperity & Luck

We end our Yuletime with the final day, This is our Partridge in a pear tree moment. First the background, Christians believe the “partridge in a pear tree” lyric represented Jesus because the bird, partridge is known for the fact it will sacrifice its life to save its children.New Years Day, Inspiring ideas for New Years Day, Health, Prosperity, Luck on New Years Day,Getting Lucky on New Years Day,Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission

Material: Fruity Drink, New Year Day, Drink & Dinner, Cake (Sir’s Favorite)

Physical: Today, whoever you encounter you are to wish them, Health, Prosperity and Luck, that wish will come back to you 3 fold. Today you focus on the above 3 things. Start by making a pitcher of the spirit, Wassial. Wassial is a spiced ale or mulled wine traditionally drank closing the celebrations for the final day/night of Yuletide. Make sure to make the traditional English “Toast to your Health” for the cumming year. Your spirit should include fruit juice, particularly orange, symbolizing the return of the sun and its daylight hours. (Break out the sangria.) Drink and declutter your home. Clearing away Yuletime or Yuletide. Keep some twinkle lights up to keep the remaining darker nights a little lighter along with your spirits.

NO serious work is to be done on New Year’s Day, other than putting away your yuletide decor. Also, avoid crying or wailing on the first day of the year. In some cultures they believe that you never should wash hair on New Year’s Day because it will wash away the good fortune of that person that’s been collected. Going along with that, do not to sweep or dust on New Year’s Day, because you could also “sweep away” your good luck. So make sure you wash and sweep tomorrow after your decluttering. Let the dust accumulate, along with your luck today.

Dinner on New Years Day has its own special traditions. This is a great day for you Insta-pot or power pressure cooker owner’s to use your pots and make your L-inners (lunch-dinner) meal for the day/night. You may have your traditional New Years Day Dinners but I will cover I few ideas you may want to incorporate to represent health, prosperity and luck.

Health/ Long Life: You toast your health today with drink. But you can add cabbage to your dinner because the strands of cabbage in sauerkraut or coleslaw symbolizes a long life. In Japan they often serve long noodles symbolizing a long life. Noodles such as, soba noodles, udon, sesame stir-fried noodles.

Prosperity/Luck: Pork Seems to be the common meat P...ig means progress (not patience..this time!) for the cumming year! Pigs root around with their snouts moving in a forward motion, which is why many cultures around the world eat pork on New Year’s Day to symbolize progress for the coming year. Pork is eaten on New Year’s Day for Good Luck. Herring is served and considered to be lucky in Scandinavian Countries.

You will see on many couples menu, Ham, Black-eyed peas and collard greens, symbolizes a request for the coming year for prosperity, (representing coins and green folding money.) and cornbread, denoting gold. You can eat any legume on New Year’s Day. Legumes include black-eyed peas, chickpeas, beans (adzuki, cannellini, great northern beans, kidney, lima, navy, pinto, and soy beans), peanuts, and lentils. You can eat green beans and snow peas in their pods.

Finally….. dessert! KING CAKE! Many cultures have specific New Year’s cakes. The Greeks enjoy a cake called Vasilopita, AKA, king pie. This cake is sweet, breadie, and topped with almonds. The cake is baked with a bean, coin or trinket, and the person who gets the trinket in their slice is supposed to have VERY good luck for the year ahead. The Yule tradition calls for a bean in the cake, the receiver of the bean is to be considered that nights KING. So, the couple’s twist tonight is to make sure your Sir has a bean/coin in his slice, let him know he is your king tonight and you are his to do with what he will. Play and take care of his “bean” tonight.New Years Day, Inspiring ideas for New Years Day, Health, Prosperity, Luck on New Years Day,Getting Lucky on New Years Day,Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission, King Cake, What to eat New Years Day


This is similar to the “king cake” tradition that you hear about during the New Orleans, Mardi Gras. (By the way we have a member that has the BEST KING CAKE RECIPE, let me know if you’re interested and I will hook you up.)

Spiritually: Set up your hygge (twinkle lights ect..) if you have not already, to get you through until the time change happens. Mediate, thanking all the powers that be for this years Yuletime and all you received this holiday season. Make sure to collect all your luck for

New Years Day, Inspiring ideas for New Years Day, Health, Prosperity, Luck on New Years Day ,Getting Lucky on New Years Day, Sexy Christmas Couple Ideas, Sexy Couple Celebration for Christmas, subMrs, husDOM, Yuletime, Yule, Twelvetide, Winter Solstice, Christmas, 12 Days of Christmas, Christmas Couple Celebration, Marriages Sexiest Secret, Married Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Spirituality in Dominance and submission, Hygge, How to use Hygge

the day. You can also do a traditional ritual cleansing with sage to clear you and your home for the new year.

Emotional/Mental: Today is the day for New Years Resolutions. Today, write in your sub-journals your wishes for your Sir and your dynamic for the cumming year.

Yuletime Blessing to you and your family, Wishing You All The Happiest New Year!


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