A Drive with His Hand Up My Dress …….

Dinner was lovely.
The food was delicious.
We drive a long in silence. …
Passing under the street lights..
The streets are dark…..
An eagerness in the air.
I’m craving his hand up my dress.
I’m begging his fingers to wonder.
We’ve dressed our best.
For me, no panties allowed.
The thoughts in my mind, he knows me too well.
I’m beginning to wet my eager slit.
I watch as he reaches over and slowly inches my dress up my legs.
“Open your legs” he stares into the night.
“Yes, Sir…” I look at him and see shadows run across his face.
Soft finger tips creep ever so slowly up my thigh…
I open my legs wide and beg for him to enter.
His fingers graze my lips and the dew that has gathered.
“Pull the dress above your waist”
I do as I am told. I am his …..
I’m now bare from the waist down.
He feels my swollen tissue..
Rubs my sex between his fingers and thumb.
I’m breathing slow deep breathes.
Leaning my head back, I let me hair down from its conservative bun.
He plays, twiddles and stimulates.
My breathing picks up and I’m welcoming his advances.
His two fingers slips easily into my heated core.
My Sir plunges in and out until I am begging for release.
He’s wet past his powerful knuckles.
He looks into my eyes…
Lifts his fingers to his mouth.
Tasting my desire. One finger at a time.
You’re sweet.. Soo sweet.
Those fingers back inside delving.
Pushes me past my edge and into my own special bliss.
This time he takes his fingers and touches my lips, asking for entrance.
I open and take in the taste of my orgasm and smell my scent…
I clean his fingers.
I suck seductively. I twirl my tongue around his digits…
I’m seeing a bulge appear inside his zipper.
He hands me his handkerchief and instructs me to clean myself up.
I provocatively wipe my folds and see him stare out of the corner of my eye.
I pull my dress down and take a few thick breathes.
Thank You, Sir, for my orgasm.
You’re welcome “Little Kaninchen”…….
Next drive he reminds me, it’s his pleasure….
I turn and look at him and lick my lips….

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