Threesome Fantasy | A Gift for Little Kaninchen

Dominance and submission, D|s-M, Sex. Fantasy

Threesome Fantasy

A Third Experience, A Gift for Little Kaninchen

 {I wanted to try my hand at writing a hot short story about a married couple in the BDSM lifestyle. It’s about a very kind loving Dominant and a very lucky submissive as they embark on a night of pure passion. This is a fantasy, most of it. Don’t you wish you knew what parts are not fictional? This story actually has a Foursome dynamic. Enjoy the read. I hope you love it. Please be honest with your reviews. Hope it makes your bunny tail twitch and want to grab the closest carrot. Originally, written on February, 11th 2013}

Definition of  A Third Experience:  A Third Experience is were you and your partner add another male or female to a scene. It is an experience and NOT a permanent addition to your dynamic. This person is used as a tool that is added to fulfill one or both parties deepest fantasies. This person is controlled and instructed by your Dominant in the scene. Also, this person may or may not be in the lifestyle.

“Good Morning”…… I hear. I crack an eye open and begin stretching. “Happy Birthday, Little Kaninchen ” He says to me. That’s my Que, (calling me Kaninchen) that we are still in our roles as Dominate/submissive from play last night. “Thank you, Sir…” I say with the utmost respect. I can feel that I am still naked under the sheets with my cuffs on my wrists from our fun last night. As I begin wiping the sleep from my eyes… He hands me a tray of food and says that I should clear my plate this morning because I’m going to need my strength for later. I smile to myself.. Thinking oh goody, more domination.. Yes!……
“After you eat, please come to me and I will remove your cuffs and I want you to shower. Please make sure, everything is SMOOTH… Ok, Kaninchen?” “Yes, Sir.” I quickly eat, put on my fluffy white robe, then go to him in his office and ask him to remove my cuffs just as he had commanded of me. I’m never allowed to put my cuffs on or remove them myself. I hand him my right wrist first, as our ritual requires. He removes the dark brown leather cuff and raises my wrist to his nose allowing him to smell the leather’s sweet perfume that it leaves on my wrists from the last evenings play. I follow up with my left wrist, then I sit on his desk giving him my right ankle to remove the cuff. I purposely open my knee and show him that I am still nude under my robe. Presenting myself to him… I’m still hungering for his touch. He quickly, tisks at me. “Kaninchen, you’re still hungry?” “Yes Sir, I am” He removes my left ankle cuff and kisses the leather scented skin where it had laid.

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He then slowly kissed up my leg to my very eager slit… “You’re wet for me, Little Kaninchen…” I am always to answer if spoken to… My standard answer again, “Yes, Sir.” He nibbles at my folds… Then Sir says softly, “I can still taste myself on you.” He swiftly rolls me over onto my stomach inserts two fingers into my pussy. He stretches me. Then smacks my ass and orders me to go shower.

I slip out of shower and Sir is waiting with my towel. “Thank you, Sir.” “We are having a very special celebration for your birthday today,” he says. “The kids are gone to my mothers for the weekend.” He looks at me with that devilish twinkle in his eye. “Kaninchen, you have to follow my directions today no questions asked. You must obey each and every one of my commands. Do you understand?” “Yes, Sir.” “I want you to wear your make-up heavy today, a bit slutty if you will. Please indulge me and dress in your satin red thong, nylon thigh highs, and black stilettos, and then cover yourself with this trench coat.

I apply my makeup and put on my red satin thong just as Sir had asked me to do. Sir comes in and asks… “Are you ready to go?” I look at him puzzled, “Are we going someplace, Sir?” “Yes, Kaninchen I have a special birthday surprise in store for you today. Something you’ve been wanting for a long time now. Something that I know you will enjoy. I’m taking you to the Four Seasons downtown.”. “Oh, thank you Sir. We get to stay at the hotel and enjoy one another?”. Sir responds, “you could say that. I’ve packed a small overnight bag for you. I will meet you in drive in say 20 minutes?” “Yes, Sir.”

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We reach the hotel and are soon standing in an amazing penthouse suite. Sir tells me to relax and to get accustomed to the room. I walk around the luxurious suite. Large floor to ceiling windows, white leather sectionals, beige accessories… … One word, AMAZING! Sir walks into the main bedroom and tells me not to enter, he will need few minutes to prepare the room. “Yes Sir…” I say with a giggle.
He soon comes out of the room, walks over to the bar and calmly asks me, “Would you like a drink?” I’m getting a weird vibe from Sir…. I’m thinking to myself, should I be nervous enough that I would need a drink?
“Do I need one Sir?” “It may help to relax you a bit.. How about a cosmo?” “Sounds delicious, Sir.”
He walks over to me and hands me my drink. “May I take your coat?” “Sir, I may be cold…” “Kaninchen, I had the heat turned up before our arrival it will be a nude- comfortable 85 degrees in a few minutes.” He steps behind me and helps me out of my trench coat. “Thank You, Sir.” “Finish your drink, its getting close to time…” “Time for what Sir, if I may ask?” He walks behind me and begins kissing my neck… “Finish, Kaninchen I can not fuck you with that glass in your hand.” “Yes, Sir..” I quickly finish.. Hand him my glass. He sets it down and tells me to close my eyes. Sir reaches around and puts something around my neck… Open your eyes… My eyes fly open. OMG, it’s a gold body chain. I’ve always wanted one. “Kaninchen, you can wear this type of chain under or over your clothes.” “Oh, Thank you Sir!” I kiss him with all the feeling in my body. I lick his lips letting him know that I’m ready for our fun to begin. He then does something that I find to be peculiar, Sir hands me a soft white fluffy robe and tells me to put it on.shutterstock_188012843,Threesome Fantasy | A Gift for Little Kaninchen | Little Kaninchen

Sir keeps kissing and nipping my neck… I know he’s going to bite that spot on my shoulder that makes my cunt spasm… I close my eyes… The next thing I know. Sir puts a blind fold, a black leather mask over my eyes then takes my hand and lowers me across his lap. Pushing my satin t-strap aside, he rubs my ass and clit until I can feel the wetness. He slathers his fingers in my wetness and rubs it around my very tight ass hole. I moan, “Sir, that feels unbelievably good.” He then works my large jeweled plug deep inside my ass. “I want you prepared for your birthday present I promised you, kaninchen.” He helps me stand. Just then there’s a knock on the door. “Wait here Kaninchen.” I’m suddenly nervous. I feel my nipples pucker. My hearing becomes very keen.  My Sir is speaking to someone. He must have ordered room service. I do hear a service cart rolled into the room. I smile. This is going to be the perfect birthday, I think to myself.

I feel a slight breeze. Someone walking buy? “Sir?” I go to reach out to touch him. Just then there’s a hand on my cheek. I lean into it and kiss it. Then I hear Sir speak behind me .. Far behind, the hand is not attached to the voice. I recoil. Sir speaks up. “Kaninchen, remember our conversation earlier. I asked you to listen and obey my commands. I know what’s best for you.” “Yes Sir.” I am hesitantly responding. “Let me introduce you to your birthday presents. Roman, this is my submissive as well as my wife, Kaninchen. Kaninchen this is Roman, my good friend from Europe. Please address him this evening as Sir Roman. You will address me as Master tonight.”  “Sir Roman, nice to meet you”, I say as I shiver. This is one of the men that my Sir meets with in Europe and shares the lifestyle of being a Dominant. I go to reach out my hand as to shake hands. I only feel a hand come back to my face and he whispers, “do not be scared Kaninchen. I am here only for your pleasure. Your Master has given you, me for your birthday. I can not promise not to hurt you but I can promise no harm will come to you.” “Thank you Sir Roman.” In my mind, I’m so excited! Now I know what he’s up to. I told Sir that I would love to have a B/B/G threesome. It was one of my deepest darkest fantasies. Sir was giving it to me for my birthday! I feel another draft of air close to me. “Kaninchen, I would also like to introduce you to another of my friends, Sir Adolfo.” “Kaninchen, you are a beautiful woman.” It was a deep husky voice. I feel another hand, this one, harder, tight skin and callused. He took my right wrist and kissed it and placed a cuff on it. I begin to shake my head… “Sir, please don’t make me.” “Kaninchen, I thought this is what you wanted.” Tears pool in my eyes. I know the darkest black mascara and midnight eyeliner are going to melt like ice down my face. “Kaninchen settle!” Master says in a harsh voice…. .. “Yes, Sir.” “I am very sorry, I have disappointed you Master.” The tears keep rolling down my cheeks. I can feel my tears are hot as they stream across my lips…. “Shhhh, Kaninchen .. Do not worry. Let me ask you something, would you be ok with this if I am in attendance? You are my property, Kaninchen. I would never leave you unguarded. I was planning to participate….. This is all for you. It’s your birthday.” The tears dry up and the edges of my mouth curl up into a smile. “Please Master participate…. I can’t do this without you.” While Master consoles me Sir Adolfo finishes my cuffs on my wrists and ankles. I can already feel the teamwork between them. Roman holds my hand so I can balance while the ankle cuffs are buckled. Master tells me that he will not be collaring me this evening. “The collar represents that you belong to me only. I will be sharing you with my good friends and fellow Dominates, Kaninchen. No Collar tonight…”

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My Sir has spoken about these Doms in conversation. They attended boarding schools together. Up until know I’ve only spoken to them on phone. I have wanted to meet them but not quite like this. I feel hands all over me. Master starts going over his expectations for the scene. No talking unless spoken directly to. I may make noises from the pain or pleasure that I receive. No coming unless I have permission. “Kaninchen tell my friends what your safe word is.” “RED”, I answer. “Kaninchen, if things get to be too much and you would like for us to slow down, what’s your word?” “Yellow”, I stutter due to a set of hands massaging my ass. I’m blind folded and my skin feels electric… Another set hands is focusing on my breasts I recognize the hands… They are Masters… I lean into him… “Eager are we Kaninchen?” “Yes, Sir…” I can feel the heat coming off my blushing cheeks. The last set of hands are rubbing my arms and legs. “Kaninchen, we are going to first take you to the tantra chair. I had one delivered to the suite this morning.” My hand is taken and I’m lead over to the chair. I hear classical music begin to play in the background……… I’m very familiar with the chair. We have one at our condo. It sits in front of the window so we can look out over the city and Sir can play and enjoy the view of the city lights.Tantrachair,Threesome Fantasy | A Gift for Little Kaninchen | Little Kaninchen
They lead me to the chair, first turning me. I lower myself putting my hands out to balance. My hands are caught by a set of hands and they clip my two wrists together. I feel skin…I panic for a second. Master speaks up, “Sit Kaninchen!…” “I’m here to warm you up before I turn you over for the evening.” I’m sitting on Masters lap. My hands are held above my head by one of the Sirs.
Master begins to rub my breasts pinching my nipples all while kissing my neck… I feel another set of hands taking my legs and throwing them up and overtop of my Masters. I am spread open. I am already wet from the excitement and feel my pussy dripping down onto my Master’s legs. Sir Roman says to me, “Kaninchen I am going to orally pleasure you. You will sit still very still and enjoy my fingers and tongue inside you.” “Yes, Sir Roman.” “Good Girl,” master whispers in my ear. I’m focusing on Masters hands and lips. He has the softest lips.. I start to feel sweat form above my lip……. Sir Roman is telling me that I taste like honey as he is gently sucking on my clit… His fingers are starting their assault on my pussy. I’m already tightening… Sir Roman says, “Kaninchen relax… Before,….. I stop”…. “Yes…. Sir,” I say in a shaky voice.
My arms are released and brought down to to between my legs. “Balance Kaninchen,” my Master says and I feel a cock at the entrance of my lips… “Kaninchen, take my cock into your warm and wet mouth then pleasure me until I come.” “Yes, Sir Aldofo…. I will suck you dry.” ” Kaninchen, no additional commentary needed.” My Master says as he grabs me by the nape of my neck and hair and holds my head still while Sir Aldolfo fucks my mouth. He pumps and goes deep… His cock is a bit thicker than my Masters and it is difficult for me to keep my mouth around it. I drool…. I take him in as much as I can. He takes care not to stay to deep too long allowing me to breathe and not gag. Soon, I feel his cock twitch… Masters pinching my nipples hard… And Sir Roman now has 3 fingers inside my pussy and his thumb pushing on my plug. I’m feeling my orgasm take over… My eyes fly open!shutterstock_211212904,Threesome Fantasy | A Gift for Little Kaninchen | Little Kaninchen
I begin to feel that delicious pull deep inside… “Master, please may I come..l please…” “COME, Kaninchen for US”…. Spasms take over my entire body as Sir Adolfo comes in my mouth and I swallow as much of it as I can… There is so much. So much more them my Master usually has me swallow. Some slides down my chin. Sir Roman is pumping my cunt with his fingers not acknowledging my orgasm. He continues until the last waves are over. Pulling out his fingers, I hear him lick them one by one.

A warm towel is put up to my chin and wipes away the remaining cum. “Thank you Master for comforting me. Sirs, Thank you for the wonderful orgasms.” Master kisses my neck and Sir Adolfo kisses my mouth… And of course Sir Roman kisses my pussy. “Roman and Adolfo please excuse yourselves. I need to give my sub a proper fucking. You may watch from the living room if you so desire. Master removes the clip holding my wrists together. “Kaninchen, would you like to keep your mask on?” “Master, please I would like to look into your eyes.” He reaches up and slowly removes my mask. The lights have already been turned down helping my eyes to adjust to the room. The sirs have already lit candles and the beautiful aroma of vanilla is in the air. “Kaninchen, do you like your present so far”? “Oh yes Master…”
“The best present ever…. Not as good, though as just you and I. Thank you for giving me this experience.” “You’re very welcome, Kaninchen”, but your birthday is not over yet.
“Now, come sit on my hard cock.” “Yes, Sir.” “I want you to fuck my cock and look over my shoulders and stare directly into their eyes. See their jealousy, their desire, their lust for you. They know that I own you and they are only here because I allow them to be.” I slide up and down Masters cock in an agonizingly slow rhythm. He holds me down stretching me. I push down to let him know that I am giving myself to him. Master commands me to lean back on my hands, pushing my breast out to him. He takes my breast into his mouth… He sucks my nipples until they are the perfect shade of purple. He begins to move me up and down on his cock. “Kaninchen, faster….faster….” My body responds to his. It wants to be taken and taken hard…
My breathing is labored and I’m starting to see those little white dots… Those spots that I begin to see as I enter my sub-space… I’m staring directly into Adolfo’s eyes as my Master takes me on the chair… They are green with little flecks of brown. He is watching me as if he’s the one participating, like he is the one deep inside me. I can hear my flesh smacking together with Master’s. I wish Aldolfo was also attending to me… The whole time I’m feeling selfish that my attention has turned to him.. “Kaninchen!” “Yes, Master”. “Would you like Adolfo to join us?” He waits a few strokes and then asks, “Well… Kaninchen, do I need to remind you of the honesty pact that we share?” “Yes, I would like him to join us, Sir.” He smacks my ass hard! “What did you call me Kaninchen?” “I’m sorry, Master. Please may Sir Adolfo join us?” “Good Girl, much better.”

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“Adolfo my Little Kaninchen has taken to you and you seem to approve of my sub.” The whole time Master is continuing pumping into me and squeezing my clit between his fingers.. “Yes… Yes… Sir”… Is all I can get out….. It’s feeling so good. Master announces to his friends, “Kaninchen’s pussy is mine alone… No other cock is to go into MY pussy tonight. All of her other orifices are available for your use this evening” Master adjusts my knees so I’m over him and my ass is in the air. “Aldolfo, please remove Kaninchen’s jewelry in her ass and take her tight hole, as you wish.” I feel Sir Adolfo slowly remove the plug. I also feel cold lube being rubbed on my ass.. Then the head of his cock is at my opening. I’m praying my plug has done its job in preparing me as Master said. Master looks deep into my eyes and tells me not to look away from him. Stare into my eyes, Kaninchen.”. As he fucks that tight ass hole of yours I want your eyes only on me. Yes, Master. I feel a stretching.. In my ass… It’s full… Fuller then I’ve ever been before. It’s burning…I feel like I’m going to come undone. Adolfo’s cock is thick, not as long as Sirs but very wide…… It’s almost too much. I feel Master in my cunt… A slower pace, slow deep thrusts. Sir Adolfo is working his way inside me. He holds still while Master keeps plunging into me and putting pressure on my clit. “Ok, Adolfo, I think she is ready now…” Adolfo thrusts inside me. “Ahhhhh…” They work together on their assault. I stare into my Masters eyes… They are part lust and part love. Master loves me. This is his gift to me. I want to kiss him. “Kaninchen, Feel my cock.. It’s deep..I feel your cervix. I feel Aldolfo penetrating you and rubbing past me at every push. Is it good Little Kaninchen?” I’m in my space …sub space.. Master is talking to me, checking in with me. “Sir… I mean Master, forgive me… Master I am fine, this is very nice.” Back and forth..back and forth they take turns pumping me mechanically…. I’m tightening … I’m orgasiming …waves are taking me to the very top…. “Master, may I come? Please”, I begin to squirm … Tightening …..tightening. “Please come for us Kaninchen,” master calls. I let go, I feel Adolfo deep… He is holding my shoulders, twitching and filling my ass full… Masters eyes show that he is on his way to orgasm. Adolfo pulls out. Master keeps going… “Adolfo, please spank my subs ass hard until I’m finished with her. Harder, Aldofo, Harder! I call to him…

Sir Adolfo starts rotating smacks from one side of my ass to the other. The endorphins are flowing… Master is pumping my pussy relentlessly. At this point I’m only feeling a rocking motion from the spanking. Master likes it, he watches Adolfo spank me… It brings me happiness that he is enjoying my gift.
Another orgasm comes on so quick that my pussy clinches down so hard on Masters cock that he winces, then jerks and comes hard. First time I’ve heard Master cuss during our play. “Fuck! Kaninchen are you trying to pinch my cock off?” “No Master, Sorry Master…” “It seems one second your pussy wants me out… Now it’s begging me to stay inside… It’s sucking me back up inside”… “Yes Master, more please”……I beg… “Topping from the bottom again, are we Kaninchen!” “Sorry, Master!” He quickly withdrawals… Master sets me down and instructs me to lay back, to recline on the chair. “Roman, would you please come over here and attend to my submissive, she needs to be cleaned up. “Kaninchen, Adolfo and myself are going to clean up and will return momentarily.” “Yes Master, please hurry”…. “Kaninchen, I will return when I’m ready.” “Yes, Master.” “Roman has been given explicit instructions how to care for you.” “Yes Master.”

I sit… Staring straight ahead.. My eyes begin to close… Imagining what those explicit instructions for Sir Roman involves… I hear a jingling of some sort and I open my eyes, Sir Roman is standing over me with the service cart that has silver service pieces containing hot rolled up wash cloths and warm water. He hands me a bottle of water and commands… “Hydrate yourself Little Kaninchen. You are doing a good job for all of your Sirs tonight. Lean back and enjoy your vaginal massage”… “Yes Sir Roman.” He takes a warm cloth from a bowl and begins washing my face… His face so close to mine, I can feel his breath on me… Caressing my every feature. He moves down my neck to my breasts. Wiping, squeezing and rolling my nipples which are still hard and so sore from Masters earlier attention. I remember not to speak unless spoken to. He has such kind eyes. His large hands so caring in his efforts to make me clean again. I smile at him and lower my eyes in respect and appreciation.

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Sir Roman puts each one of my legs down on each side of the chair. I’m spread open.. I can feel the come from Master dripping out of my pussy and my ass seeping with Sir Adolfo’s. Sir Roman is wiping my legs and is now using a hot wet cloth to clean my pussy. “Close your eyes, Kaninchen and take delight in my touch.” “Yes Sir”, I close my eyes and Sir Roman begins to wipe. The warmth feels so good… “Push Kaninchen .. Bear down and let’s remove the seeds that were left behind, shall we?” He begins to squeeze my clit.. It’s making me contract… I bear down, contracting, almost to orgasm. Sir Roman says, “good girl”….. I can feel the slickness of the come disappear. It’s replaced with Sir Romans fingers. He’s rubbing my slit… Up and down the folds his fingers on each side.. Rubbing and massaging…. A groan, it escapes my lips before I could extinguish it. I open my eyes for fear… That he may stop.. “Kaninchen you are allowed to make noise. I instructed you to enjoy it. I prefer for you to make noises”…… “Yes, Sir Roman”….. I shut my eyes again.

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Sir Roman is very good with his hands. He keeps me edging over and over. Stopping each time just before I come. “Your beautiful ass and pussy are completely clean, Kaninchen.” “Thank you Sir Roman.” He rolls another couple hot towel and tucks them in between my clit and my asshole. It’s very warm and comforting after my Master’s hard fucking. Master walks around and sits in the chair in front of us. “Kaninchen, look at me.” Are you still hungry for more?” I look at Master and I’m surprised to see he has pants on. “Master, I am, yes, for you.” “Kaninchen, I want you to enjoy this experience as much as you want. More, yes or no? I know that you can take more, much more.”  “Master, yes I want more. May I ask why you’re dressed.” “Kaninchen, I would like you to stand up and remove all your clothing and your chain.” I do as I’m told. I stand naked in front of my Master.  “Kaninchen, I would like you to go into the bedroom and let both of your Sirs fuck you into total submission. I will watch little one. I will be there when they finish to tuck you in give you aftercare.”  I turn my head and look into Adolfo’s eyes. He dips his chin and says, “it will be my pleasure.” I then look at Sir Roman. He is looking at my Master. He quickly holds out his hand for me to take. I do not take his hand. I look at my Master and fall to my knees, down sweep my eyes and ask him. “Please, Master will you escort me to the bedroom?” He takes both my hands and helps me to my feet. “Of course my love, I will escort you and lay you out like a feast for these two dominates to devour, while I watch.”
Master sweeps me up and carries me into the bedroom. It’s lit with candles. I see the bed with cream satin sheets. Master sits me with my back against the headboard. Ropes are on each side.
My Sirs, I call them that tonight are on each side of me attaching my cuffs to the headboard ropes.
My knees are pulled back to my chest. My Master sits in the chair in the corner. I stare into his eyes. I’m giving this to him. Myself, letting these men penetrate me for him. The Sirs begin licking my eager slit. Each devouring me. I feel fingers opening me stretching me. I’m still staring at my Master. He is staring at me with a slight smirk on his face. He reaches down and unzips his pants and takes out his half hard cock. I lick my lips for him. There’s fingers in my ass, my pussy and squeezing my very sore nipples. Every squeeze is sending endorphins to my brain. I’m seeing the flickering on the wall from the flames of the candles. Flames……. music is filling my ears. I’m going under…into sub-space.
I’m unhooked from the bed and placed on my stomach. I feel the head of a cock at the entrance of my ass. I relax and open up to welcome the cock into me. I reach around with both hands pulling my ass open. I turn my head and see my Master holding his engorged cock… Masterbating….. I just start saying it out loud. I don’t care who hears me. “Thank you Master….Thank you, Master…. Thank you Master…” I am raised onto my knees. A cock is shoved into my mouth, pumping into my throat. I lick, suck and rub my teeth along it. Envisioning that its my Master’s shaft in my mouth. Both ends of me are being used. I relax and grind into the cock in my ass. I look back and it’s Sir Roman’s. He’s well endowed not as long as my Master or wide as Adolfo, but very good at using it. Some real skills with his fingers. He has not only his cock in my ass but two fingers massaging it inside as well. I’m only feeling pure pleasure. My tongue is running all around the head of Adolfo’s cock, hitting the hot spots. He begins to quake, then he empties into my mouth and instructs me to clean it completely with my tongue as he watches. I do as I’m told. “Yes, Sir.” My head is turned to the side and my Master slides his cock into my mouth and he unloads into me as well. He tastes delicious. He always eats a lot of fruit to ensure his come tastes sweet for me. I take all of it and thank him for giving it to me. I feel a wand vibrating my clit and my wrists clipped together. Its hard to balance myself on all fours. Roman is still fucking my ass. Adolfo is now underneath me eating my pussy and using the wand on my very swollen clit. Roman being the skilled man he is, finds my anal orgasm. The muscle inside begins to clinch and my pussy joins in and squirts like I’ve never done before. I scream and moan and scream again. I feel like I may pass out and I go limp but they hold me on all fours as I continue to come over and over. The amount of come is unbelievable. Master says to Sir Roman, “you will have to show me that trick Roman.” He grins and says, “It’s a secret I will never share!” I fall on top of Adolfo. He keeps milking me with the wand until he’s satisfied with my yielding.  They turn me on my back and all take turns kissing my body from one end to the other. Licking my come off my trembling body. My clit still twitching and wet, Roman stand me up against Sir as the each of them take turns penetrating my ass then spanking it. I float away… then way far away,  I hear the shower being turned on and they are carrying me into the bathroom.

shutterstock_3211841,Threesome Fantasy | A Gift for Little Kaninchen | Little KaninchenI’m standing under the warm stream coming out of the rain head. Sir Roman pouring my favorite french soap into his hands and lathering my body. The air fills with Lilac scent……Sir Adolfo holding me up for Sir Roman. Adolfo bends me over and places my hands on the glass. Sir Roman uses the hand held shower and begins cleaning my ass and pussy out. It feels so good. I begin to beg for it on my clit. “Please Sirs, give me one more orgasm.” My legs are trembling, my mind is in a fog. I hear my Master say to Sirs, “go ahead finish her.” The assault was quick they sat me down on the seat and Sir Adolfo held my pussy lips back and Sir Roman put the shower head on massage and went to work. I don’t know when it stopped. I kept screaming…and squirting…. Over and over… I don’t ever remember stopping.. Everything went black… I can only remember my Sir throaty laugh …. and lots of steam……. shutterstock_216542521,Threesome Fantasy | A Gift for Little Kaninchen | Little Kaninchen
I feel warm sunlight on my face. The sun is coming through the sheer draperies on the windows.
I open my eyes and sit up. My whole body is aching, I’m almost panicked. I turn and Master is sitting in the chair watching me with a huge smile on his face. “Kaninchen, (yep, still in role….) It’s OK. Did you sleep well? It’s 1 o’clock in the afternoon.” I look around. “Our company has gone.”  They are now only pictures in your mind. Well, until we go to Europe and visit them.”  He comes over to the bed and pulls me into his arms. “Happy Birthday, Little Kaninchen.” “Thank you Sir… I mean Master, or is it Sir?” I smile and look deeply into his eyes…. “Now, how are you going to top this or me next year?” I ask him Giggling…… Kaninchen, get up get dressed for your husDom. I stand on my shaky legs. Sir reaches over a smacks my ass hard. “Get moving, I will take you to breakfast in the village and buy you that diamond ring you’ve been wanting.” Then I will bring you back here and tie you up and fuck you all night. Yes, Sir!

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Dominant and submissive Married Couple

A Third Experience

Multiple Partner Sex Scene

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