Submissive Responsibility | Hope | Little Kaninchen’s Warren

Hello, Today I was catching up on all the happenings here in the Warren. Wanted to cover something that would help everyone on the blog or chat rooms. As you become a member here and see how this becomes a close protective group of submissives and you have a new responsibility here on Warren. Your responsibility here is to give HOPE to others. Find HOPE in your D/s….
Giving HOPE can be just listening or validating another’s feelings. Sharing your experiences with others here is rewarding to both parties. Learning from others positive and negative actions is a part of being a submissive on this site. We help each other. We protect one another. We do not judge each other. Each couple has their own tastes and issues. No measuring your D/s to another’s…sure we compare but only know that everyone’s dynamics are so different so take from that comparison those things that will work for your D/s. I can show you the way to a solid foundation and get things going in the right direction. After you have found your way, it’s up to you and your Sir to build it and make it strong. It’s a wonderful journey. It’s a magical discovery of not only your partner but also yourself. So I ask everyone here today, tomorrow and everyday after when you read something or get on chat spread the HOPE. Ask yourself how can I make this person feel good about being here on .
Refer their Sir’s to There they can learn as new Doms from other’s, just like here. It’s a place where their is a lot of Dominate men gather and talk and learn. They all are rare and different, special in their own ways. It’s kinda like the Shadowland books series…. . If you have not read them please do. Cherise Sinclair one of my favorite authors.
Best Wishes everyone. I am still recovering from my surgery and thank you all for being such great examples here.