Orgasm Control and Training | May Day Mayday | Calendar Theme

subMrs is the Premier and Exclusive Married Dominance and submission Community for submissive’s ONLY. This is the home of Marriage’s Sexiest Secret, the Ultimate Marriage Accessory. Every month we do different calendar theme’s which gives our member’s lots if Couple’s Inspiration and Ideas. On our Community Calendar, we post Twisted Holidays, Our Sex Toy Workshop Date, Journal Prompting, Couple’s Exercises, the schedule of Live Video Chats to our Library’s Book Club and many other Focus Groups. Hey we even throw in some History and Astrology! Our subMrs Calendar is downloadable as well! You don’t want to miss a thing! You don’t want to miss one day of Orgasm Control and Training Month!
The Merry.. Merry Month of May has cum upon our Dominance and submission communities, subMrs and husDOM. This month is usually all about May Flowers, Masturbation & Maypoles. Yes, we will celebrate these things as we usually do, but we also have a wonderful new theme for May this year! While May 1st has been celebrated as May Day in medieval and even today in modern Europe. This celebration of the return of spring originated in ancient agricultural rituals, and the Greeks and Romans festivities.
This month May Day and Mayday Mayday cum together.
The expression “Mayday” derived from the French word “m’aider” that means “help me” and is a shortened form of “venez m’aider”, which means “come and help me”. I am sure you think about you have seen at least one movie with a a pilot on his radio and yelling into it… “Mayday!!…. Mayday!!!…We Need HELP, WE’RE GOING DOWN.”
In our perfect Twisted Tradition we want to celebrate May Day as the French did… Mayday, Mayday! Cum and Help me, or Help me cum! … or NOT cum?
May’s Theme on subMrs and husDOM will be Orgasm Control and Training!
What should you expect to see on subMrs May’s Calendar?
- New Month, New Book to Read with the Book Club!
- Sex Toy Workshop- “May the Fourth be with you” … WAND WARS!
- Pain & Masochism Group Chat
- Fitness Group Chat
- Seasoned Subshare Chat: Seasoned Members cum together and share their unique experiences with others, new and experienced subs welcum!New subMrs Start Up Chat
- Mentor Topic Chat: Themed Chat’s lead by subMrs team mentors. All Member’s Welcum!
- New subMrs Start Up Chat: If you are new to the community and or with the dynamic, this is Your Chat!
Twisted Holidays: These are a few holiday’s that we will twist, giving you inspiration and ideas to use all month!
- May Day | Beltane Celebration
- May the Fourth be with You
- Kentucky Derby Fun
- Masturbation Month
- National Masturbation Day | Masturbation Month!
- Cinco de Mayo
- The Full Flower Moon
- National Memo Day
- Memorial Day | Mr. Fox and LK’s D|s-M Anniversary
If you’re Interested in becoming a member of the Dominance and submission Communities please see links, and If your husband is interested in becoming or learning about becoming a husDOM, send him this husDOM link. To get a little taste, monthly podcasts are released, subscribe to Marriage’s Sexiest Secret and husDOM podcasts.
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