Dominance and Submission Community | Calendar Theme and Sexy Ideas | April’s Secret Garden

Spring has SPRUNG UP on our Dominance and Submission Community, along with some other things.. wink..wink…
subMrs is the Premier and Exclusive Married Dominance and submission Community for submissive’s ONLY. Every month we do different calendar theme’s which gives our member’s lots if Couple’s Inspiration and Ideas. On our Community Calendar, we post Twisted Holidays, Our Sex Toy Workshop Date, Journal Prompting, Couple’s Exercises, the schedule of Live Video Chats to our Library’s Book Club and many other Focus Groups. Hey we even throw in some History and Astrology! Our subMrs Calendar is downloadable as well! You don’t want to miss a thing!
This month is a Spring Celebration with a theme being “April’s Secret Garden“
We combined Spring’s April Shower’s and Gardening with Marriage’s Sexiest Secret for our Community theme this month. Our Podcast, Marriage’s Sexiest Secret Podcast theme will be on Building and Tending Your Secret Garden.
What should you expect to see on April’s Calendar?
- Gardening and Tending Your “Secret Garden”
- History of April Fool’s Day
- Our Good Luck Ritual
- Easter & Sex Inspiration
- Library’s Book Club Chat dates
- Spiritual Group Chat: Energy of Water
- Master | slave Roleplay Group Chat
- New Moon & Pink Full Moon Ideas
- Mentoring with LK Live Video Chat: Submissive Q & A, Questions and Answers with L.K.
- Seasoned Subshare Chat: Seasoned Members cum together and share their unique experiences with others, new and experienced subs welcum!
- Team Mentor Topic Chat: Themed Chat’s lead by subMrs team mentors. All Member’s Welcum!
- April is Humor Month, so laugh it up! DIRTY JOKES ON SITE and CHAT ROOMS!
Twisted Holidays: These are a few holiday’s that we will twist, giving you inspiration and ideas to use all month!
- Twinkie Day
- International Pillow Fight Day
- National No Housework Day
- Pet Day
- Picnic Day
- Husband Appreciation Day
April is the month the month to Bloom, Play Water Sports, Start and tend to your Secret Garden and maybe even lay an egg, a Chrystal Yoni Egg that is….. Happy Spring, Easter and Ostara everyone!
If you’re Interested in becoming a member of the Dominance and submission Communities please see links, and If your husband is interested in becoming or learning about becoming a husDOM, send him this husDOM link.
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