Masturbation | How is it used in Dominance and submission

May is Masturbation month…. Enjoy! Masturbation, how is it used in Dominance and submission? It’s sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, most times……...

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Yoni Eggs & The Chakras

What is a Yoni Egg A Yoni egg is a beautiful semiprecious stone crystal that’s carved & polished into an egg shape that is to……...

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Little Kaninchen

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Formal Acceptance | How to ask for a Dominance and submission

-FORMAL ACCEPTANCE- How Do I ask for Dominance and submission BEFORE YOU DO YOUR FORMAL ACCEPTANCE: The Preparation……. Do your homework! How do I get……...

This content is for Elite subMrs™ membership level members only.

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Little Kaninchen

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