BDSM | Darkness’ Pull | D/s-Married Lifestyle

BDSM, Do you know her darkness? Does she pull at you to come away with her in the deepest and darkest shadowy depths? She reaches for me and I reach out to her. I want to go… I want those experiences that are sooo tabu.
Am I looking for that gratification, a fulfillment or repletion…
Just as her plump luscious lips touch mine she pulls away…… She runs hoping I will follow. All I can hear is the echoes of her giggles….the scuffle of her feet ahead. I run as if my life depends on it. I want to go “down the RABBIT hole” with her. “Wait” I yell… “Wait for me!” The dark cobblestone path only lit by small candles… twisting and turning. My head says I should be scared but my heart leads me ahead.
I want to go deeper into the dark world of D/s. I want to experience all that she has to offer. Her offerings are powerful but quiet. Don’t mistake her for something kind or soft. Hard and malice is what you’ll get. Her nails are talons. Her face is covered with a black Venetian mask. Giving her the appearance that she has a beak… Is it a mask or her true identity.
She comes to that small little webbed corner of your mind and has just been lurking…waiting for you to enter. Once you do, she will take you places that you never thought possible, places where pain and pleasure exist as one.
So step with me into that cloudy puddle. Pursue that shadow that sticks around even on the most cloudiest of days….
Catching you by surprise, she will put her arms around you and pull you under further and further… You will fight for your last vanilla breath as she squeezes it away. You gasp and fight but then something changes and you welcome the suffocation. Finally, you will embrace her and let her cradle you in her arms like a small child.
She will know if you are committed and ready. Hold on tight, be consistent or she will become only a ghostly apparition. A figment of your imagination. Was she just a wickedly delightful dream. Causing you to think, Was it that one night of “kinky sex” or was it more ? You will beg for more like it’s the most delectable drug.
She will abruptly disappear at the cruelest times. Laughing at you, teasing you as you try to grasp her. She will leave you empty, less then zero. Chilled to the bone.
Like an addict you will put yourself out there on that dark and lonely corner. There you stay wrapped up in your mind, the dark plain. You kneel, you submit …. You do what is necessary for your next hit.
Those dark depths … Are they real? Are they as delicious as they seem? She knows your secrets your darkness you wish for….Will she sate my desire to be wrapped in gold and devoured by a third? Will she bring me peace and a sated contentment or will she bring me discontent and misery, maybe even war?
Today, her heat draws me even closer, like a moth to the flame…. Will I burn? Or, should I keep away from the flickering & shifting flames. I want to burn. SHe runs her nails down the scorched skin on my back…. It is pain & pleasure… which I love so much.
Should I wait for her to cum to me again? Sadly, it’s unknown when she will appear.
The constant fog bewilders me … am I lost or have I found my home? …..Wait, the fog lifts and In a hushed whisper …..Shhhh……………..Listen…. She’s coming! Then as I turn ……..
Is that her that I see? Has she come back for me, yet again?
~Little Kaninchen~
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Playlist Alert ******of Verona, Dark in My Imagination
D/s Lifestyle, D/s Marriage, Submissive Wife, Dominate Husband, Little Kaninchen, husDom