D/s Play or Scene | submissive Topic

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D/s Play or Scene | submissive Topic

Play ~VS~ Scene

What is the difference?…..


Scene is scheduled takes anywhere from 1-5 hours to complete.

This time is scheduled ahead of time. (You should in downtime, month ahead be scheduling these times.)

The scene is previously choreographed and discussed by you and your Sir. (It is something you work on together to achieve the highest high in your sexual experience.) It takes many times to produce a “clean scene“, where you both achieve the planned out scene in its entirety with no “mistakes”.

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A scene involves warm up, play, impact.

You will have “coming down” time from subspace.

Aftercare will be provided. ( T.L.C., Wrapped in warm blanket and cool drink. Supplements taken and anti-brusing creams or moisturizers applied. )

 You will need to “debrief a scene”, talk about it. What did you like, what you did NOT, how could you make it better as a submissive and him as your Dominant? (Dom’s write it down!) Rate the experience and how you can make it smoother next time. (Very important step if you want better scenes!)

A scene uses multiple implements. (* But not every instrument/tool you own. LMsAO! )

*IF YOU’RE A NEW SUBMISSIVE & DOMINANT… start SIMPLE with one implement and a small “storyline”, or choreographed plan. Once you have achieved smoothness with it then branch out with more tools and toys.



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Your regular sex, maybe rougher but with a little bondage… spanking… (Good time to pull out one aspect of a scene you want to make better or practice that element so you will be able to master it next time. Look at your debriefs, see what could be improved upon.)

Only 45 min or so……

Aftercare is usually not needed…


My Sir and I usually scene 2X’s a month and play every chance we can get.


Any Questions please Private Message me.

D/s Play or Scene | submissive Topic

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