submissive Limits | Soft Limits and Hard Limits

submissive Limits | Soft Limits and Hard Limits
In Domination and submission there are soft limits and HARD limits referring to the activities during BDSM scenes or playtime. The Limits can be set by either party the submissive or the Dominant. These limits can be based on your feelings, tolerances and interests in trying an activity. Limits can be formally drawn up between the couple and even negotiated. You should review these limits at least every 6 months. I have provided a brief description of what these limits means below.
Soft Limits
Are meant to be pushed and broken.
Your Sir will quickly take you there… With a need to Challenge them and then Conquer them.
Later you will wonder why it was a limit in the first place.
Hard/HARD Limits
These mean different things to different submissives
Hard limit may mean these are things that you wouldn’t want to approach.
Your Sir will try to take you there maybe in small increments. You’ll want to try it after you have taken a couple bites or gotten a little time under your submissive belt.
You will also want to do it again as soon as you’ve conquered it. Lol!
Then there’s HARD limits… No WAY… Not Happening…EVER!
These limits will need to be discussed in original negotiations when you sit in downtime with your Sir. Be honest… Let your Dominant know your true feelings.
They will take you as high and as hard as you can go. Nothing worse then to have your Sir in process of doing a scene and find you in shock during or after, due to a flashback or trigger.
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