submissive Lessons | Run, Fall, and Scrape your knees

Whether your husband has already accepted your Formal Acceptance and his role or If you have yet to get his full commitment on the D/s-M dynamic.
** There is a submissive lesson amongst this short tale. We will schedule a live submissive chat to discuss this post. Be there or be vanilla. Watch the calendar for the date.
The excitement that fills your mind and body is bubbling out uncontrollably. Your days are bright and sometimes you are blinded by the intoxication of all that is Domination and submission. Your running along a newly constructed road, deeply graveled and uneven from the lack of traffic upon it.
I am familiar with BDSM, we have done Domination and submission before, heck, we have been doing it all along. I am ready to
Unfamiliar and irregular stones of different sizes. The best laid roads have dips and potholes and hair-pin curves. Yet you still RUN…. Run, hurry! It’s a race, isn’t it? Is it? You will see others along the way, the fallen.
WE are not going to be one of those that fall, I am in control.
You will compare other’s experiences and what they say their D/s-M is like. Measuring what you have to others. Why? Why isn’t my D/s moving like theirs? I need to grab my husDOM’s hand and keep… RUNNING!
You’re working up a sweat, but as you run and your hands start to slip… grasping at your Sir. You look into his face and then let go. He is saying something to you but you can’t hear him, you’re already too far ahead. You have take up the race on your own.
I will meet up with him next time around.
Your internal voice says, “Wait…. have I been going in circles? Have I seen this tree before? Are these my own shoe prints I just rushed by? Nah, it’s ok…… Whew, I am getting tired but I have to get to the finish line. Keep RUNNING!”
Perspiration is dripping from all your neither regions. You start to cramp, your pace slowing but you keep going. All that talking to other running submissives, now your mouth is parched and dry like the dessert.
Oh my, was that a camel or a mirage? This is a lot of work. Am I fooling myself, is this going to work?
WHEN SUDDENLY, it happens, your footing slips and you start tumbling, YOU’RE FALLING.
It STINGS, tears fall and your heart hurts.
Was it that detour, the promised short-cut?
It’s his fault. He did NOT do his part, as I did. I ran soooo hard. I did all the work.
Yet we still FELL or FAILED!
What are you going to do next?
Are you going to sit, complain and point fingers in all directions? Their is no room for fault or blame.
Stand Up, wipe yourself off, take responsibility for your part and begin again!
Turn to your new communities, ask questions and educate yourself on how Mr Fox and I represent it. The steps and foundations are all here and on We show you how to get started. After you have the foundations you then can take the controls and work together to form a D/s-M that is like none other. Your D/s can enrich your marriage. D/s-M helps you focus again on what’s important mid-life.
submissive Lessons **
What does the community do for you and your journey?
It’s pretty simple, you need someone to communicate with about what you’re feeling and experiencing. The sub-port you receive here is coming from some of the worlds best married submissives. They can talk about their experiences. The community has groups to join and be a part of. We offer live submissive chats for new submissives twice a month. You can make friends with others that understand what you are going through.
You’ve been in D/s before why is D/s-M different?
D/s, before the way that it has always in the past been represented as a singles dynamic, a dark perversion, mythical and something to be hidden and sometimes relating to swinging couples. When Mr. Fox and I began our journey there was no place that brought D/s into a light or taught it promoting it to monogamous married couples. Someplace that would show you how to do it in a way that advocates relationship foundations of honesty, communication, respect, trust and intimacy (Love).
D/s-M, is not just kink. Many times someone logs on and tells me they have been doing this for years and didn’t know what to call it. D/s-M is not just a spanking during sex. We show you how to have the dynamic in a healthy and sustainable way where it can stay viable within your marriage. Giving you that something, the magic, that other couples do not have and can not comprehend it without a thorough explanation.
Remember, this is a partnership. Team work is the key. It’s not about how bad you want it, it’s about how bad you both want it! It’s about both your knees.
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Please I need comments with this post, questions and comments, I will bring them to our Scheduled Live submissive Chat and discuss your comments and answer your question. Thank you submissives!
Best Wishes, Little Kaninchen