BDSM | D/s Married Lifestyle| About Me |Say Something

Say Something…. Please say something…
I’m walking away… Turning my head….walking away. Saying goodbye to yesterday.

I’m going to start living for today.

These words I mumbled… and you spoke.. You accepted and I awoke.

What if you walked away? Where would I be without you today?

Very Thankful that my Sir accepted my request for this lifestyle, D/s Married Lifestyle…..



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This video spoke to me so I thought I would copy my ABOUT PAGE… 

I wanted to share my journey and how I got here…. If one other woman reads this blog/Web-site and it makes her feel like its alright to want this lifestyle then it’s done it’s job.

Where to start? At the beginning of course. Well like all of you I read a book called “Fifty Shades of Grey”.


I ate up every word. I chewed it swallow it and absorbed it….Quickly finished all three books. As I read about Anastasia and Christian’s communication through their sexual power exchange. It spoke to me deeply. Not only did I want the scenes, I wanted the honesty. Honesty with myself and my husband. First of all let me put it out there… I love my husband and children very much. I needed to be honest about what I wanted. What I’ve wanted always. In our early twenties my husband put me on a pedestal so high I couldn’t see the ground. By our mid-twenties we had our first child. Thirty, our second child came along. We were going through the motions of doing the “perfect family.” What society deems acceptable. I was letting go… I was frustrated and lonely even when my husband was home. Even if we separated I would have always loved my husband…We have something others do not. I felt like time was running out. I didn’t want to waste anymore time just getting by… Not having that spark any longer… I needed to go after what was in my heart….Make the most of the time we still have….

Little Kaninchen ~luvs~ Mr. Fox (husDOM)

 Little Kaninchen began blogging as “Bedroom Submissive”.  When she began blogging her intention was to be submissive only in the bedroom. I blogged for me and to journal my dynamic.



I have found myself in my submission, found the Dominate in my husband…. Now I have found, my Warren, a community we are building to lead into this new dynamic of                 Married subs & Doms…….

I want to yell it from the roof tops… This is magic !!!!!








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