Dominant and submissive Game | Game of Moans

Dominant and submissive Game | “Game of Moans”
Game Host: Mrs BlueEyes
Purpose: To inspire some fun competition during this football season and now fill the absence of everyones favorite show “Game of Thrones”.
Objective: Count the number of each thrust during a scene/play-time for one week.
What counts as a “thrust”: A thrust of a Penis, tongue, toy or fingers in mouth, vagina, and anus of the submissive. Thrusting can be into hands, feet and between breasts. Fingers in vagina (can not be the submissive’s.)
How to “Play”: During a session/scene/play-time the submrs or submissive needs to count the number of thrusts in the categories stated above. Now, here is the trick the subMrs wins with a higher score and the Dominant wins for lower scores. So each husDOM will be trying to get his submissive to loose count so that the ending numbers are low. Also, if she stops at anytime, she must start all over counting…… While the submissive wants her numbers count high. End of each week you are to report your number to Mrs. BlueEyes and she post the standings up on our “Game of Moans” bracket on site in the forum. These numbers will be averaged on how many times that you actually played, scened or had intercourse. So that number will be tracked & reported as well.
Additional: Teams should state their intention to play by Thursday and post their scores by the following Thursday. We will ask every couple who wants to play to sign up for certain weeks. Many subs and DOMs travel so we want to make it fair that each couple gets 7 days available to compete. We will have to have at least two couples competing each week. We will after 6 weeks begin our playoffs… Who will get the WIN IN THE END? Hopefully, every sub! Ha! HA! butt, who will get the first annual golden trophy for our “GAME OF MOANS” ?
We encourage taunting of all types.. Let the best husDOM & subMrs WIN!
FIRST WEEK 9/21/17!!
***Please be honest about your numbers as it only adds to the fun…. HUGS! LK
*** Any questions please post them in the forum for Mrs. BlueEyes. This way she doesn’t have the same questions asked over and over by individuals. Thank you!
husDOM’s can email for further details
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