Being Marked or Claimed | Little Kaninchen

Being Marked or Claimed
What does being marked or claimed Mean?
First, I want to make clear when I am referring to being marked or claimed it’s being done in a romantic sexual manner. All actions coming from a positive place. If these things are done in a negative or domineering way it is considered dysfunctional behavior and may even scare the one you love. Hence, you are married, you want to make sure to participate and plan these things together. D/s-M is teamwork.
You can be marked or mark someone else. You are marking them or their body or you are being marked. Markings can be but are not limited to scent, scoring or branding in some way. The best way to describe marking is to consider cat marking you by rubbing against you or something with their muzzle, leaving their saliva behind so that other cats will identify that they own you.
Why Claim or Mark?
Your Dominant may choose to Mark you or Claim you during your play or make it an entire scene. They want to leave their smell or marks on you in some way to demonstrate their Dominance over you. In some cases, they will want others to see it or it may just be for your mindset. Some Dominants want to claim their submissive after they get particularly built up from someone else coveting you (paying you a lot of attention) or if someone touches you in a way he wants to erase. In these cases, sometimes the markings are aggressive ones, done in a Dominant way NOT a domineering way. You should discuss markings in downtime communications, making sure that you both are on the same page regarding the acceptable ways your husDOM wants to mark you.
How are You Claimed or Marked?
There are many ways and I invite you all to imagine and find your special way to do a marking or claiming. I will just mention a few ways. Marked with ejaculate, blood, or urine. You can be marked with markers, bites, brands, piercing, and tattoos on your skin. Afterward, your Sir may require you not to clean it off and go about your day with his mark on you all day. I can say that many a time it has felt so good to have Mr. Fox’s mark and every movement I will feel the tightness of the fluids on my skin as I move around and it makes me smile to myself. Some Dominants want to keep your scent on them all day. They can revisit their Domination with your scent on their fingers or body.
Can a submissive Mark Her Dominant?
Yes, a submissive can mark her husDOM, by his request. You can mark your Sir with your ejaculate or body fluids or any way your Sir wishes. He may want your mark on him reminding him that you are his submissive. There is an example below, Washboarding…..
Marking Scene
Mr. Fox and I are currently researching blood play so we can do a scene where Sir uses a quill or something sharp to make a puncture and gather his blood to use as ink to write things on my body during a scene. I want to worship my Sir and his blood, showing him my respect and submission. As I always say, educate yourselves and be safe no matter the scenes you plan.
One really great Marking Scene is where your Sir marks you with his fluids by rubbing them all over you in a sensual manner. When marking your Dominant you can ride his abdominals, Washboarding, until you leave fluids up and down his torso. Adding the bondage element is a must when doing any marking scene, so don’t forget your rope and cuffs! Have fun with the scene and comment letting me know your thoughts and results!
HUGS! Little Kaninchen
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