BDSM | D/s-Married Lifestyle | Love Being the Fun Couple

Vanilla’s see that you’re the fun Couple…… People feel your heat… You put off a pheromone ( …. chemical substance produced and released into the environment by an animal, esp. a mammal |.. A Dominate or a submissive|or an insect, affecting the behavior or physiology of others of its species.
You show it in your walk…. The way you look at him… The way you smile at him.
The confidence is intoxicating. …….
My Sir and I have had dinner’s & bar tabs paid for by complete strangers because they feel that we have something…
Subs you will notice you’ll turn heads… but so will your DOM… Both sexes will appreciate what you have going on… TTWD….
Your secret… Your D/s-M…… Little do they know what you do for fun…..
Enjoy it… Work it… Be D/s…. Be that “Fun Couple”…..