BDSM | D/s-Married Lifestyle | Finding Sub-Friendship

When you have a dirty little secret … You want to share it.. You want to scream it from the roof tops.. but you cant. You still have to live in the vanilla world. You still have vanilla friends … The ones you want to tell but know you can’t. You kind of begin to feel alone… You want no you NEED someone to share this with. You want someone to bounce this off of.. to compare and ask questions to…. To hold hands with while on your journey down the track. Well, here at you have come to the right place….. You lurk and lurk then dip your toe into the blog and comment. It feels safe and you then decide to join the book club… It’s harmless and you get great scene/play ideas and then you talk about it with another sub…. yep, you’re hooked… Then you decide to do it..LIVE CHAT! There you find so many super nice subs that are there for you to sub-port you… No Judgement… Just friends that share your same core feelings…
This is a safe place to come and listen and learn from others… Go down the “Rabbit Hole” or the “yellow-brick-road” with a friend. It makes the road a little less scary…
Who knows you may find that special new “bestie” …. Lots of women are… They are finding these women are wanting a friend as well, that they live in neighboring towns… There are so many of us in this new wave of D/s-Married Lifestyle.