BDSM | D/s-M Lifestyle| Scheduling Your D/s

“How do I have D/s-M Dynamic with small kids at home? “
I get this question a lot from the late 20 somethings through the 30 something subs …. Those of you with kids at home that are under 12 you tend to have a hard time finding time for yourself..much less your D/s……
The kids are running through the house.. yelling and screaming as they play…………
The baby is crying in its bed…
Your 2 yr. old wants to show you her new habit…. EWE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh… and the dog…… X#@*&%!
& the cat………………
Wait …. Smell that? What is that? OMG……………………….Dinner is boiling over on the stove… AHHHHHH!
“Bing”, That familiar sound, ….. You get a text. Your Sir is on his way home and instructs you to be shaved and smelling good for some play tonight. A part of you smiles and gives him a high -five, for being the Dom…… Then you remember that you haven’t showered in two days and its going to take a while to feed the kiddos and get them to bed… leaving you with no energy left for yourself….. HELP!
Now, have I stressed you out? Giving you a look into your life?
Well, how do you find time for this Lifestyle? How do you find time to be mindful and submissive?
Your household demands that you live “Vanilla” and that’s OK…
You may have to keep most of your dynamic to the Bedroom, a Bedroom Submissive while at home…( It will spill out here and there..enjoy it!) But I am starting to find from talking to so many subs that you have to remove yourself from the house to feel that freedom. For you to relax and submit. Many have tried to wing it…. being successful for the first few months then it get rescheduled and forgotten and pretty soon the sub is unhappy with her Dom, thinking he doesn’t care or want the dynamic any longer… When usually that couldn’t be further from the truth.
You have to sit down (downtime) and schedule your dynamic each month. Schedule your sitters and evenings away. A lot of hotels offer “day-rate” or “evening-rates” at big discounts. (Doesn’t have to be the Ritz.)
I would recommend that you schedule at least one Session a month (A Scene). The rest of the month I would schedule a training session (body discovery[squirting], anal, oral [Deep-Throat] or spanking), at home… and fit in some play called, Vanilla-with-a-Twist, which is regular vanilla rough sex with some implement or a little bondage.
You will find that you will be a better mother to your kids ..even more understanding if you get that time away, the time to bring out the submissive inside and let her most inner secrets and wants come to surface. …. Be good yourself, Your Dom and to your new dynamic.
It’s your new LIFESTYLE!
Any Questions, Please contact me at
*Please show your sub-port and comment on this post…Thank You Ahead of time… LK