A Successful Marriage | Husband and Wife Week

August has set aside a week just for Happily Married Couples to celebrate. How are you and your spouse going to celebrate it? Happily Married Husband and Wife Week is the August 26-31st. This week on subMrs and husDOM come and learn the foundations of a successful marriage, The Foundations of Dominance and Submission. If you already know the foundations then explore the keys to unlocking a deeper connection, taking your dynamic ever higher using these keys! You deserve bigger and better success in your marriage! You can start the week with our Live Video Chat about Marriage and Romance.
Ask Yourself, How happy are you in your marriage? Are you HAPPILY MARRIED? Would you say it is a successful marriage? Could your marriage need an accessory that adds heat and great relationship foundations? Could you and your husband benefit from Marriage’s Sexiest Secret?
Your Best Friend
Your spouse should be your best friend. You take pride in them and your life together. They know what you need and want to give you all your heart desires. Holding your hand, they have been with you through triumphs and tragedies. They are the ones who love you when you are at your worst and encourage you to be always be your best. Your partner in crime, your ride and die, the one sitting beside you in a cell!
If you don’t feel this way about your partner, don’t waste another day in MARITAL MEDIOCRACY!
Make your marriage MORE! Find that spark and make it BURN!
The Relationship Foundations that Married Dominance and Submission shows us is what we work on and strive to keep within our marriages. This week on subMrs in our community and our activity we will explore each one of these foundations.
- Honest Communication
- Trust
- Respect
- Love for your partner (Forgiveness/Flexibility)
- Intimacy (all types)
Happiness In Marriage
What makes a couple happily married?
What does a successful marriage look like?
How can D|s-M help you be successful?
- Communicate Clearly and Often
- Our Method’s recommended Downtime- 1 X week
- Express Appreciation to your spouse for them and what they do.
- Verbal Stroking and Physical Touching (The Method’s 1st Rite)
- Make time for partner and building your relationship
- Participating in D|s-M, committing and growing your roles.
- Personal Interests
- SubMrs & husDOM Communities & Focus Groups
- Understand Disagreements Happen & Compromise
- Articles for sub-portting the emotional and mental min. Sub-Port from other experienced members in community and it’s chat rooms.
- Keep Building Trust
- Encouraging actions and situations and Promoting atmosphere to build trust.
- Learn to Forgive & Keep Flexibility
- Live Video Chats with members. Providing reminders of mindset and sharing experiences.
Please join the communities for a week of Happy Marriage Techniques, Romance Reminders and Ways to make your marriage feel like a Successful Marriage. Have a wonderful Happily Married Husband and Wife Week!
Interested in becoming part of the secret, Marriage’s Sexiest Secret? To become a member of our Dominance and submission Communities, please see links, subMrs.com and If your husband cares to sate his interests in becoming or learning about becoming a husDOM, send him this husDOM link.
Want a taste of it all? We do monthly podcasts, subscribe to Marriage’s Sexiest Secret and husDOM podcasts.