World BDSM Day | Learn the Method and Live the Dynamic

Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, and Sadism & Masochism is what BDSM stands for. Where did the World BDSM day originate?
There once was a club in Barcelona, (Not a limerick )…. the Rosas Cinco Club, founded in 2003 by Kurt Walter Fisher, a Swiss BDSM lover. This club is historically very important in regards to World BDSM day. This was the first club in Europe tto be only dedicated to the practice of BDSM. Kurt Walter Fisher proposed in 2003 that July 24 will become the international day of BDSM. He wanted to dramatize the practice of BDSM. Giving BDSM followers a day that would be devoted to their passion.
In the BDSM, the meaning of 24/7 or to be 24/7 means you devote all your days and hours to BDSM and always practice the roles of Dominant and submissive, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Kurt Fisher looked at this symbolism and chose July 24th (7/24 or 24/7) as the day to represent World BDSM Day. BDSM lovers all over the world identify with his vision of their passion, living the dynamics 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Celebrating World BDSM Day
You can celebrate this day by educating yourself and others about the practices of BDSM. By teaching others or bringing about awareness this will break the dark taboos. Help others to comprehend the avoid those misconceptions that surround BDSM practices. Casting a positive light takes away ignorant misconceptions.
If you already live in the world of BDSM, then today is your day to have a scene with your partner. Try something new and explore the deep that exists only in this world!
The Attraction
What attracts people to BDSM ?
BDSM has become mainstream with the help of Fifty Shades of Grey Book and Movie trilogy. So much thanks go to great authors of BDSM erotica. BDSM has had BIG gains recently with more visibility on the internet. This growing interest shows as more and more people research and learn about the subject. They discover an unfamiliar yet attractive sexual world. BDSM builds intimacy! Couples have figured out that BDSM is the way to get the intimacy they crave. Physical intimacy leads the way to the all important EMOTIONAL intimacy, satisfying both the feminine and masculine types. BDSM’s scenes are a celebration of a union using sex and all its spectacular tools.
What do people hope to find ?
The craze has become a craving! Many people are now opening up to BDSM practices. The past has always shown us that in matters of sexuality, it is better to join the ranks rather than live in judgement. It has always been if you lived a different sexuality from what society deemed the “norm” then you were never accepted for who you really were and you were forced to hide it. Now peoples mentalities are changing. BDSM is no longer the dirty practice that one indulges secretly in the garages and basements in leather clothes. People have discovered that BDSM is a healthy practice and even has good psychological results between committed couples. Practicing BDSM with your partner brings you closer and to higher relationship heights.
The link between the Dominant and the submissive is difficult to understand for many people, but if you indulge and engage in the practice with your partner it is VERY rewarding for both participants. BDSM is all about feeling of power or lack of and it is exactly that, what animates the people bound by the dynamics of BDSM. People want connection, a better connection… a special connection…. the DEEPEST connection and experience with their partners. Life is short, why live with a mediocre relationship when you can have the MORE and sexual magic?
Learn the Method, Live the Dynamic!
If the practices BDSM intrigues you, we invite you to dip your toes into the word of martial pleasurable pain, D|S-M not the ball and chain type.. Even though those literally may work for TTWD. We do invite you to LEARN our method and become member’s of our very unique Married Dominance and Submission Communities, where you get all the edge without getting cut! Welcum to Marriage’s Sexiest Secret! Happy WORLD BDSM Day!
Just one limerick…. before we go… There once was a lady from Crete, Whose cherry pies no one could beat. She made them with flour, In less than an hour, And mixed all the dough with her ….. feet… yeah her feet! LOL!
Yours in Submission,
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