Threesome with Delta | submissive Exercise | Role-Play

Threesome with “Delta”
submissive exercise/Role-Play
I have spoke about my love affair with “Delta”. She is a wonderful lover. She knows just where to touch me and just how to make me explode. She makes me hot and she can chill me to the bone. My Sir and I have had many threesomes with “Delta” It’s always wet and steamy when we all join with one another. Our usual scene is done in our travertine shower. Sir and “Delta” start together before I enter to get warmed up. My Sir handles “Delta” like she’s his tool. She is our “THIRD” our Threesome. The scene begins when I enter the shower and quickly I am told to turn and brace myself in the shower and to spread my legs wide for him. He instructs “Delta” between my legs and lets her take her time and build me up before he steps in takes me from behind. This is done over and over until my legs buckle. I want to orgasm, “PLEASE Sir”, but Sir takes “Delta” away before I can climax. I call her name as she is withdrawn…. “Delta”…….. Sir uses “Delta” to play me like an instrument. My Clit throbs from her attention and my Sir makes sure she is thorough. She licks at my hot swollen pussy, up and down until I scream Sir’s name and then and only then gives me permission to cum…… Sir will use Delta for his pleasure as well… He will have me watch as he lets her kiss his hard shaft leaving precum on the head for me to remove. A mist begins to form outside on the mirror and the same things happens in my mind as things become a fog. I am taken over by her spell and Sir watches me as I fly.
Do you desire a “Third” or a “Threesome”? I know you all do. Well, I have an exercise for all you submissives to try… You have a “Delta” and you don’t even know it.
She looks like this :
The meaning of this exercise is this…. You can live out a threesome fantasy w/o an actual third. You both learn to communicate and you as a submissive learn to let him take command of the scene involving three of you…It’s a test of your submissive skills. You learn to communicate and take his orders.
Your Dominant will be treating “Delta” as if she is a real third and you both will be role-playing as if you are having a “third experience”. You will both refer to your shower head as “Delta”. Play it up and have fun with it. Communication in this scene is key. Make sure you let your Sir know things like “Sir, Delta would like to move from my pussy to my breasts, if it would please you…….. Your Sir will have to control “Delta” Instructing her what to do to you … out loud or you both can hear it. “Delta, I want you to stroke my submissive’s clit with your tongue.” Also, you and “Delta” can pleasure your Sir together as well… LET him instruct you both. Be vocal submissives and let your Sir know what your feeling. Close your eyes and let Delta and your Sir take over. Role playing is a lot of fun and Don’t forget to bring toys into the shower to play with.
Your next downtime, before you do the exercise discuss the scene and what you both want to do with your “Third”. Do things that you really always desired. Make it hotter then the water! Enjoy!
Please ask questions by emailing me at or Private message me here on Warren. Your Sir’s can ask questions on, Dominant’s only community.
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Domination and submission Lifestyle
D/s-M Scene Ideas
Threesome Scene
Role-Playing in D/s