subMrs submissive Book Club, Group & Live Video Chatroom

Here on we have a submissive or subMrs book club, group, chatroom and Live video discussions. There are so many GREAT fictional Domination and submission books out there to read. We are very excited to share these with all of you married subMrs. I will be attending some of these live video chat discussions and at the end of these chats I will be available for submissive questions. We are very happy that we have a subMrs/submissive that has very nicely volunteered her time to be our librarian. Please help me congratulate Colibri on her new position here as the subMrs Librarian.
Most months we will be exploring a new Dominance and submission book. There will be chapter’s assigned on our calendar that will be discussed during our scheduled live video chats. Watch the calendar for these dates. We also have the chatroom where things will be posted about the book and where you can make comments. The submissive library group has a forum as well where you can comment or catch up on any read. Please don’t hesitate to join our submissive book club and group. Join us at our next subMrs bookclub Live discussion!
subMrs submissive book club
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