Hickeys | Love Bites | Ownership Ritual

Hickeys, Love Bites, Sucker Bites, subMrs, Ownership Ritual, Married Dominance and submission, Marriage's Sexiest Secret, D|s-M, Badges of Honor, Badge of Ownership, husDOM, Downtime Discussion

Hickeys, It’s been noted that this word is not really suitable for polite conversation. But, here on subMrs we look past polite and get down to the “dirty little details”. Details like using hickeys in an ownership ritual. Hickeys, AKA, Love Bites…. You know that “Basic Badge”. It’s the end result of what happens when your partner sucks licks and bites your skin. That pressure from the suction breaks little blood vessels under the surface. Those broken vessels release tiny spots of blood called petechiae. A collection of these blood spots forms a larger dark spot, which is basically a bruise.

Think Back

You remember high school, hiding hickeys from your parents. Wearing a turtleneck in the dead of summer, oh you know you did it to! Well, if not here is your chance.In Married Dominance and submission, we speak of bruises we receive in consensual impact play to be badges of honor. In Dominance and Submission giving a hickey can be a badge of ownership. Now that we are adults we are supposed to act like them, …. wink… wink. Can I mention this is the BEST SECOND CHILDHOOD EVER, Marriage’s Sexiest Secret!


First, discuss in downtime, where they feel is appropriate for them to give you an “Ownership” Love bite. Be inventive in your choices! It will be your duty to watch the bite turn from red to brown to yellow…. Uh OH, time for another bite! You don’t want his ownership to disappear, right! You can add badge inspections of your bite into your weekly sessions. Now, every time you look into the mirror see your badge, you”ll remember your submission and think of the connection you have with your husDOM.

Hickeys, Love Bites, Sucker Bites, subMrs, Ownership Ritual, Married Dominance and submission, Marriage's Sexiest Secret, D|s-M, Badges of Honor, Badge of Ownership, husDOM, Downtime Discussion

Lastly, Please post your love badges or bites in our Challenges & Exercises Group Discussions! We love to share and sub-port your dynamic!( Please cover what needs covering…Remember a subMrs is EDGY & CLASSY! )


Not yet a member yet? Interested in become part of the secret, Marriage’s Sexiest Secret?  To become a member of our Dominance and submission Communities, please see links, subMrs.com and If your husband cares to sate his interests in becoming or learning about becoming a husDOM, send him this husDOM link.  

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