D/s for Married Couples | Submissive Questions | When Did My D/s Start?

D/s for Married Couples
I get the question almost daily… “When does my D/s
start?” or “When do I say that my D/s started?”
When you become a member here you will be welcumed with open arms. I have a “yellow-brick road” of sorts for all submissives to follow and learn and help others learn. I have been where you are and have tried to lay things out for you so that you wont have to go back and repeat steps therefore, deleting a lot of frustration. I help you dot your “i’s” and cross your “t’s” .
Your D/s starts the day/night you get a “yes” from your Dom/sub after a “Formal Acceptance” .
Until you get that special acceptance you are still vanilla.
You both understand where you’re going and what your goal is after the F.A.
You did your homework and you will say the things you need to make sure there is NO confusion on either one’s part.
It’s out in the open and the honesty has begun.
This Formal Acceptance will be something that you will hold so special in your heart just as you do you wedding engagement.
Some dress up like a ceremony and some get on their knees naked and ask from the bottom of their heart.
Either way… You WIN!
Any Questions, please Private Message me or E-mail me at LK@subMrs.com
D/s for Married Couples ; For Dominants… www.husDOM.com