BDSM | D/s Married Lifestyle | Scene

I am masked….
……and bound in a rope harness with my hands behind my back and he lowers me down straddling the arm of our leather chair.
Sir swiftly turns my head. He inserts himself into my mouth and uses me as he wishes. He is swiftly and efficiently fucking my face.
“Take me in deep as you can, LK…” I shake my head, yes, as I take him deep as I can and he takes me to my limits.. Deeper into my throat he pushes. He picks up the rhythm. I want to make him proud… so I open my throat and let him take me where he wants… My eyes water and mascara runs….. Black drops fall upon the pillow…
The ropes are binding my torso. My arms begin to qwiver. The wand tied to my core continues its assault. I hold back my urge to let go… I do not want to disappoint my Dom.
I drool onto the support under my head. He reaches over and moves the probe in my ass…. Its very warm…It has been heated. ( My new favorite toy.) Sir moves it in and out like a wave lapping at a shore….ever increasing in speed.
Every move of the probe threatens a pending orgasm. Sir reminds me that I do not have his permission to come. With a quick movement of his hand, He smacks my ass reminding me to answer him. “Yes, Sir… I will not come.”
“LK when I speak to you, you must always answer. “Yes, Sir” I say…… The humming in my head is louder and I start to float. Only to be awoke by Sir pulling from my mouth and penetrating me with a swiftness. I can remember Looking up into his eyes and saying “Yes, Sir… Even though he didn’t speak a word. It felt so good the double penetration and him fucking my ass with the probe. I was only holding on by a thread. “Stay with me LK” , he says as he pulls at the hand full of hair. I look forward and I feel my insides stiffening… Time drifts away…
I start to beg, “Please Sir… please…... “Ask me Little Kaninchen..” ” Ask me if you can come.” Just speaking at this point may put me over the edge and I hesitate …. Again, I receive a swift smack… “LK, I see we need to work on our communication.” Now with no hesitation, I ask if I may come and just as he responds I release, not realizing if he gave me permission or not…. I only know it was yes because he withdrew…
He gave me a few seconds, stroking my back…..Then he continues his offense. I feel a new strength. His invasion becomes his mission now and it is rough and hard. He pulls on my ropes that bind my arms….. He spanks me in the rhythm of his thrusts.. I can now give him what he needs… My submission.
“Turn your head LK.” I turn my head and he puts his fingers in my mouth and tells me to suck. I clean his fingers with great care and pretend this is his cock. My body and mind are one and I want him to use me up… To take his.
With one last deep push my Sir comes and pulls the probe from my ass …. I release with him. Our flesh covered in a spray of sweat. He whispers in my ear how pleased he is with my performance but we have to work on the hesitation I seem to be having while trying to communicate. I can hear the jest in his voice but I respond fast… “Yes, Sir.”
After I am released from my bondage, I am weak. He scoops me up and puts me to bed. I thank my Sir… My husDom then I fall asleep blissfully.
Little Kaninchen
D/s Married Lifestyle
BDSM Scene