A Submissive’s AHA Moment |SubMrs Share|Guest Post

“Letting Go Period”
Once in a while, there is something a subMrs will post that touches my heart and submissive mind. A wonderful lady and subMrs wrote a small article about her “AHA Moment”. I am honored that she shared her “AHA Moment”. Enjoy her words and let them wash over you and help you be inspired to Letting go period.
First, let me introduce you to subMrs Pearl.
Hi, I’m Pearl, 57, married to BayoWolf on husDOM for 37 glorious years. We have 4 kids, twin daughters that are 30 (not sure how that happened!) and 2 at home (14 &16) that we adopted 5 years ago. BayoWolf and I also have 2 granddaughters that are one of the great joys of our lives! We live on our family ranch in Texas.
After some major changes in our marriage of almost 34 years we began exploring where else we wanted to take our sex lives. One evening, after BayoWolf got particularly upset with me over something inconsequential, I remember pleading with him to just tell me what he wanted! The next day I stumbled in SubMrs.com. After reading a bit I took my request to Sir. We both agreed that we would give this D|s-M a try. That was February 2017 and we have never looked back. The last 3 and a half years have been some of the best of our 37 year marriage.
Letting Go Period
Over the years I have had some powerful “AHA” moments. They come at very inopportune times. There was the one during grocery shopping where I realized how awful I had been to Sir for years over banana pudding…but that is a story for another time. This most recent revelation of my reluctant submission involves a period. Yep, a stupid period like the one at the end of a sentence.
BayoWolf and I both work from home. I essentially work for Sir. About three years ago I suggested that I could take over writing and sending out his newsletter he uses to let his customers know about new items he has for sale. I send an email 3 or 4 times a month. This is mostly cut and paste from his website. One of the things he does that drives me crazy is to put a period at the end for a title. For years I have deleted that little period at the end of the titles in the newsletter. This may seem minor but I have deleted hundreds of periods over the years! And feeling superior in the process I might add.
It has slowly dawned on me that it is a control issue for me. This newsletter belongs to Sir, not me. What I do in this newsletter is a reflection of Sir. This newsletter I just finished has all those rascally periods left in. (Still working on the attitude apparently.)
I know if may sound silly but it is just one more layer of control that I am letting go. You would think that by now 3 and a half years down the line I would have learned but I know that I am a work in progress.
Did you enjoy Pearls article? Please let her know by private chatting or messaging her in the community. Let’s celebrate her vulnerability and sub-port her and her dynamic by letting go of our …. Period.
Thank You Pearl, HUGS! LK
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