D/s-Married Couple Exercise | Dominant and submissive Boxer’s Challenge | Little Kaninchen

Experience submissive, D/s-Married Couple Exercise, Dominant and submissive Boxers Exercise, subMrs, husDOM, Little Kaninchen

D/s-Married Couple Exercise

Dominant and submissive Boxer’s Challenge

COUPLEINBOXERSSSPIOPT930, Experience submissive, D/s-Married Couple Exercise, Dominant and submissive Boxers Exercise, subMrs, husDOM, Little Kaninchen

~ Little Kaninchen

This exercise is for any submissive that wants to have a couple’s Domination and submission (D/s) experience where you work on your submission and mindset.

This is an experience that will bring you closer to your Sir and will help you assure your husband-Dominant, husDOM that you want this dynamic and also show him the fun of it as well.

You are to go get a pair of cotton inexpensive boxer shorts you can both sleep and play in. You can decorate or embellish them however you wish. They have to be able to sleep and play in them. Whether you want to keep it simple only using a permanent marker and applying a “D” on his and a “s” on yours or if you want to bling them out in the most fabulous ways…. You and your Sir pick which way to go. You have to have them finished by the weekend and then over weekend, you both get to try them out in bed wear them around the house to lounge in or play in…. Before, you play in them please send in a pic… Yes, some of us are competitive subbies so if you want to enter yours in the D/s-M Boxer Contest in hopes of winning a new vibrator like this one:

Rabbit Vibe Goggle Image, Experience submissive, D/s-Married Couple Exercise, Dominant and submissive Boxers Exercise, subMrs, husDOM, Little Kaninchen

 I ask that you write about your experience in the submissive forum. subMrs get inventive here and make your experience your own.. you get BONER points for originality. Like maybe have a scene or playtime where the permanent marker gets used on your skin… his name, your nickname, little messages on your ass…..”Spank-Me”. Bedazzle your vagina and nipples or shave a landing strip or an interesting shape into the rug……. Have fun with it, surprise him, intrigue him, and inspire him to playback.

***This will help your Dominant get into his role.

shutterstockpdimage, Experience submissive, D/s-Married Couple Exercise, Dominant and submissive Boxers Exercise, subMrs, husDOM, Little Kaninchen

submissives please have your Sir register at Dominant Only Community 

Experience submissive

Domination and submission in Marriage

Fun Exercise in submission, D/s-Married Couples

D/s-Married Couple Exercise

Pinterest link, Paid Shutterstock Images, Google Images

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