Are You Listening?
Do you have your sub ears on or your vanilla ears on? This is a real struggle for D/s~M ….
When you were vanilla, you didn’t need to listen carefully. You would take care of what ever it was it if it was missed. You could do it all!
Now, quit fooling yourself. Your husDom is now at the helm.. He’s leading and taking great care and respect with you. They observe your lack of attention as a slap in the face. It in turns takes away from his Dom. We have to be more MINDFUL!
❓When Sir wants your attention, does he have to repeat himself several times before you respond?
❓Do you still tone him out until his voice is raised and he’s angry?
How do we become more mindful of our Doms?
Their voices should be a prick to our ears…
We need to be more attentive…..
LK ❤