BDSM Playtime Practice, Pain and Pleasure | Little Kaninchen

BDSM Playtime Practice, Pain and Pleasure
Little Kaninchen
Playing is so much fun….
Sir was just getting back from travel. We were both in need of some play time. He started by warming me up for an erotic spanking. He was touching my skin not just on my bottom but all of my skin warming and sensitizing it. As he began the spankings it was little harder then we usually start out. He asks where I am on my scale of 1-10…. Ummm…. Trying to take it in breath through it and let it roll off .. About an 8. It was getting harder by the second. Then he stops rubs in the heat and kisses my bottom touching and rubbing. Inserting a finger and gently finger fucking me……giving me a few seconds to adjust. Just as I relax and take a breath he begins again… Going back and forth from one side to the other. Now he checks in and my number is a 7… I know that he’s pushing me further my whole body is rocking…. I’m feeling like I’m starting to drift away….. He’s inserted another finger and is pushing that spot that is making me see those tiny white stars….. Again, he stops and it’s quiet except for my breathing and begging for more….. He massages and continues his assault on my clit….. I’m drifting … He pinches my thigh… Ouch!! That woke me up really quick…
He starts again.. The spanking… I’m rocking and he pulls me up onto my knees…I’m wobbly but stretch my knees apart so they can hold me up. He’s layering the swats… My bottom down my thighs… He sounds like he’s upset.. “Kaninchen answer me… What number… I will have to stop if you don’t answer… Ummmmmm… 5… Not feeling much now except when his hand comes down and it touches my skin, I’m starting to climax…..each swat I’m getting closer. “Sir may I come?”
He tells me no… I breath now I feel nothing except me getting tighter and clinching… He stops long enough to pull out his cock and thrust into me. It’s soo good I’m so swollen and ready… It sends me right in orgasm and I squirt… Oh no, I’m in trouble now… He continues pumping me through my orgasm and gets the vibrator and vibrates my clit until I’m falling and squirting…”Head down, ass up he says. He wants to go deeper. I try hard to stay up and can’t. He holds me in place by my hips and steadies me then continues to spank me again and something magical happens… I relax and I’m not fighting anymore internally, I’m letting him take me and take all he can. I feel like I’m floating …. He tells me he is going to take his and as punishment I get no more….
At this point … I want him to take me and all of me. I want him to have his… “Lay flat, stomach down and legs together.” I know this makes things tighter for him and rougher for me. “Yes Sir”, I do as I’m told. He continues to thrust into me… Whispering in my ear ….I’m his. This is for his pleasure. This is my punishment for cuming with out permission. I breath through it. I don’t dare let my orgasm come to fruition. I struggle and don’t think I can take one second more….
Finally, I feel him cum so hard.. He makes an exhausted growl in my ear and rests on top of me. I feel warm and loved and completed. Next thing I know he’s wrapped me in blankets and is handing me a glass of pellegrino with the splash of cranberry juice.. Just the way I like it… I fall to sleep .. Except, I can not dream because what I just experienced was better then any dream I’ve ever had!
The pain and the pleasure was so mixed I’m not sure which one was better… I looked up at Sir and requested we do it again and giggled …..
Sir, All My Love & submission Always,
Little Kaninchen
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