BDSM| D/s-Married Lifestyle | I’ll be Your Sexual Freeeek

From the world of BDSM came a relationship called D/s… An agreement that has a Dominate, a top and submissive, a bottom……

Pain & Pleasure ……. Hard Core & Leather rules this place…


The world of BDSM used to be a dark shadowy place..… A small flame was lit and it gave a face to a place that appealed not only  to singles but to Married men and women….  You can be a MARRIED couple and have those experiences.. Experience the dark & Experience the deep…. DO it in a honest and true relationship. ….The spark spread and I knew I wanted this lifestyle.. This Lifestyle was one of giving myself to my husDOM, giving him all of me and in return he puts me on that pedestal of his choice…. He takes from me what he wants..what he pleases & what he WANTS… He then treats me as a queen, his queen…. It can be glamorous…. It will be what you make it. Take me as far as you can Sir and I will give you all that I have…………….


This lifestyle fits at this stage of life well… It ignites fires that have been gone or maybe never been there before……


BDSM & D/s-Married mixed can be a beautiful and magical place…….



I NEEDED this for my marriage… I was a submissive personality.. My husband a Dominate personality… We became D/s-M, Dominate & submissive that were MARRIED.

A Little Kaninchen (rabbit) was born.

Little Kaninchen &  husDOM started their journey.. Forging a trail for others like them to follow……

LK & Mr. Fox ( husDom ) believe that society will become more accepting in the next few years…. Some will call us FREEEKS….

I’m proud to say I will be my Sir’s/my husDoms/Mr. Fox’s  Sexual Freeeek….. and have the time of my life doing it…………………





HUGS! ….. LK

 **** Playlist Alert!






BDSM/D/s-M /D/s Lifestyle



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