D/s- Help With A Bigger Picture, A Broader Scope
Very sorry for the length of this post, which is serving now as a long overdue introduction, as well as a request for help/support with helping us define the lifestyle for us to create a better foundation. I wrote “Courageous Love” initially with the members of subMrs in mind, hoping to get some advise and insight on how to deal with how I am feeling, what I could do to help my struggling Dom and myself, or just to find out if anyone else understands what I mean before I attempted to tell and possibly confuse my bf/Dom, Bear (member of husDom).
I brought up D/s about 18 mos. ago. I believed the almost natural D/s dynamic of our then 18 month long relationship was worth some consideration and started researching. Once I felt more sure that this dynamic sort of mirrored us, I shared what I was learning with him. I learned he’d been in a BDSM relationship many years before with a masochist, and he had many reservations about repeating what he’d come to feel were mistakes for him. He had taken on a role that left him feeling bad about himself and little respect for her. Not because of her needs, but because he didn’t stay true to himself. I tried understanding him, and clarifying what i was learning. Being so new to it all myself, it was difficult to contrast for him my vision to his past experience. I was learning about exotic pain pleasure and admitting my desire for that, but this further blurred the line he didn’t want to cross. I tried describing the Dominant traits I saw in him, the things he did that drew my submissive nature out, but communication has been a struggle for us. And, getting on the same page about this dynamic, our places in it, and when, where, and how to consciously apply it to our lives together has included many starts and stops.
Aside from our struggles with establishing D/s, life has thrown a few curves, too. You know how that can go. Recently, during another stop and almost total quit of us altogether, he sought some much needed help from the husDom community, and has since begun seeing this lifestyle in a new light, dispelling some misunderstandings about becoming something he is not, and seeing the role of Dominant/care giver more clearly. He’s a natural care giver, and I have had to learn to receive that care. It was a big catalyst for this whole thing (along with some pretty passionate controlling things he had thrown on me before all this came up :).
I’m extremely grateful to Mr.Fox and the other husDoms who took the time to help him/us out. We’ve implemented downtime once a week (we live together), and emotional safety and trust are slowly being restored as he practices listening, and I practice trusting my emotions with him once more. We are still struggling with consistency, communication, and more, but i figure with time and practice and more communication, we will get where we want to be. Trouble is, im not sure he does understand where i would like us to be, and i can’t seem to find out from him what his vision is. I tried in the piece below to capture what I thought was missing or had eroded that i feel could be restored and nurtured in this dynamic, so that once I had more input from others I could go to him and speak clearly to him about it. Instead, I shared it with him just prior to our downtime, so he might have a little time to formulate questions. He does tend to be defensive, and forgets to ask questions first; I tend to be too frank or direct, and it can come across as critisism. He’s done very well in downtime, though. He told me to go ahead and post this so I could share the input with him. When I asked what he was looking for, he said the interpretation from others, opinions, and whatever else you guys might see in this that you think woukd help in any way. For my part, please don’t worry too much about sparing my feelings. I already suspect that i’m feeling a bit sorry for myself, though, i cant be objective enough to be sure. It’s okay to say that out loud if you think it will help. Is this harsh?
“Courageous Loving…Growing Out of the Box”
Does anyone know what it feels like to want to be helped off of the pedestal? I feel guilty and ungrateful just thinking about this, but I can’t help that all the sweet words do not reach me, not like they once did. Sweetness is wonderful in good measure. What my vanilla life of 43 years has largely consisted of has been overdoses of sweet one day with a major swing to the bitter the next. But a little salty with the sweet is the best, is what I need.Don’t get me wrong, it is nice to be reminded that I’m loved, to hear the words and know I’m on his mind. But, what if I do not want to be treated so carefully? What if, though wanting respect, I want him to correct me when I’m wrong for my or our good, teach me something, and make demands of me for his pleasure, peace of mind, or happiness so I can feel I’ve given something back or done anything at all to be worthy of the affections he claims. I dont believe people must earn grace, but we do need to earn trust, we are appreciated by others for actions or our character, the way we treat them, ourselves, and others. Our best efforts often unsung, it would be nice to be given a note or two from someone who notices.
If i was worthy of a throne, i would rightfully want to be shown the depth of his proclamations of love and desire for me through meaningful actions or more descriptive words. Instead of just, i love you, you’re on my mind, I’m grateful for you, you’re the love of my life, why not tell me what he loves about me, what he’s thinking about specifically while I’m on his mind, what it means to him that I am the love of his life and what makes me so? The things he says are beautiful sentiments, but they don’t tell me anything about him or me. They dont let me see him, or myself through him. I would want the Hallmark card, but more real, not the 99 cent card.
What do actions of love look like to me? I can’t say that I know, exactly. Maybe they look like a curiosity and willingness to explore what does reach me; discover the things I’m passionate about, let me share and experience with him what he is passionate about, use that information to engage with me and us. Maybe it looks like him insisting that i do for him in a given moment, trusting me with that, so i can grow beyond myself little by little and impact his life in meaningful ways. Maybe, it looks like a calm and thorough but respectful chastisement for not following through on something or some other area where some attention may be warranted for my growth or our good, without being afraid of my reaction; or at least doing it anyway, regardless of fear, and being willing to learn from my reaction, and correct again if needed.
I think he thinks how he feels should be enough to reach me, and maybe it should, maybe it would, if it didn’t seem so undefined and unsupported. He does sweet things for me, things i’ve learned to receive and enjoy. But, how do his feelings about and for me actually affect my life and our lives? What impact does his participation in his love for me have on my life? Do i have a new appreciation or understanding of things he has introduced to me, or explained about himself, or shown me in love? I felt sure that he would, when we met. And, at first he did. But, that was so short lived, and despite my interest, we haven’t delved further together.
How does being in relationship with him enrich my life? How do I enrich his? He says he’s learned a lot about himself, that I have challenged him to be honest with himself and grow. I’m glad to have given him something for himself that he will have always and may make a difference for us and others in his life. But, i know that has been sometimes very difficult for both of us. What else do i contribute to his life, could i be contributing? I hate this question, but what about my growth, my need for input from him, from a loving place?
He tries. He is trying, but I feel like I’m withering. Like that struggling flower you want to tend,but just keep putting more water on it, without understanding why that isn’t making the difference. Before you know it, you’ve watered it to death.
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