• Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    I loved your poem too! 🙂

    Thanks Nskay 🙂

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk – now Free ( and possibly more confusing than anything else you are currently using….)

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    i like to make sure the house is clean before Sir gets home from work, make sure Sir is fed or there’s alway plenty of home cooked self frozen meals to choose from, Sir refuses to eat any tv dinners or canned food, so Im always cooking home cooked meals & baking cupcakes! i make sure im dressed the way Sir likes, always clean & shaven, wearing make up & listen to Sirs every command. He has alway been bossy since i met Sir, i never use to listen to Sir & thought who’s he to tell me what to do but as time went on it started to make me really happy to do what Sir says & turn me on. Especially when its an order like “take off your clothes” or “play with yourself” but any kind of order from Sir be it sexual or not is a turn on. It is even better touching myself when it is an order from Sir.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User

      Welcome Mama! It’s nice to meet you and I hope to see you out here more with all us subs. 🙂 Lk’s blog is a great place to get together and have fun, joke and also learn from all these bunnies in Lk warren. If there is an questions you have…please ask there will always be someone out here that will always try to answer it for you. Plus Lk is always hopping around checking her bunnies in the warren that may need help. We all love to hanging in the forum in the morning wishing everyone a good morning and joke or talk about crazy everyday life problems. We are always there to cheer up and sub port any sub who is not having a good day. 🙂 So feel free and hop on with us and have fun and its great to be able to talk with someone in the D/s lifestyle. So I hope to see you hopping around Lk’s blog.


    • messylittlemama


      Thank you for your kind welcome and advice 🙂 sitting down and getting on the same page is absolutely much needed. I gave my husband links to articles/posts from Mr.Fox, LK, and another blog I enjoy, in hopes he would better understand the dynamic I am searching for. He has yet to read many of them. He hates reading. He hasn’t had a day off in 7 weeks, so I am trying to be patient but persistent. I suppose just talking would be rather effective if I can muster the courage and not stumble all over myself. I look forward to learning with and from everyone here!

      • mrs-discreet


        Messylittlemam…. I would really like to know how your D/s relationship has gone so far. Any tips you might be able to share? My husband is like yours and is very slow going with this and also hates to read. That is a downfall, since it’s not really easy for a sub to lead and I don’t want to, but also hard if I leave it up to him… then it won’t happen. Kind of a conundrum I’m facing at the moment.
        I would appreciate any advice that you might have.

  • littledrakon


    Oh, gosh… There’s so many little things that I do to show my submission that would seem so very vanilla to the outside world.

    I make sure to fill Husband’s plate at supper time before mine at home, at a restaurant I let him take the first bite, and if we’re at a buffet style place – I let him go get his plate filled and then I go.

    I braid my hair at night before bed.

    I keep my body ready for inspection at any time. Shaving, waxing, exfoliating… The works are done weekly, if not daily.

    I keep my nails neatly trimmed to an approved length, and painted an approved color.

    There’s tons more stuff, but I’m drawing a blank. I guess that means it’s all becoming second nature?

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Welcome Mama!
    I think we all have things we love to do for our Sirs that make us feel so wonderful, and they, in turn make US feel wonderful. There are some things my Sir really NEEDS me to do, ( keep the house clean, laundry put away, fresh sheets on the bed every few days…) and somethings I do just “because”. My Sir notices those things and is always appreciative. Those things can be very vanilla or pretty erotic, it depends on what is meaningful to you both. I think that if you read this thread you will find quite a bit of both! For instance, in addition to the service type of submission, no one would ever guess that over half of the clothes in my closet were purchased by Sir for me. He likes me to look very put together and polished AND he has great taste, so while other more vanilla women might see this as domineering, I see it as how my Sir cares for me. He also will come to the Salon with me and work with the stylist so that my hair is how he likes it. Really, it sounds outlandish, but I love it, and he does have great taste, I know that when I go there by myself, I’m going to come home with a hairstyle he loves. I choose to view these things as expressions of his love for me, because he cares for me and always wants me to look my best. He does this so lovingly and not threateningly that there is no way for me to resist.

  • Sweets-CommunityMentor


    Welcome Mama!! So glad you stopped in on Lks blog.. You will enjoy the banter with all the subs out here. We are all sub-portive and enjoy each others company!! Sounds like you and your sir have a wonderful D/s going on!! Lk has some awesome information all throughout her blog each and everyone of us can take something away from it so enjoy!!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Thank you all for the welcomeness! i changed my screen name idk i might change it again, cant think of anything permanent i had a brilliant one & i forgot it :-\ anyway, i am so excited to make my descreet leather day collar with a heart shape pad lock! ….. & im making Sir a matching leather bracelet! W/we have been wanting to do this for awhile but took a little break from D/s even though its still just our personalities together so it’s still there. i went & looked at supplies to make our collar & bracelet set today. i want to make the collar & bracelet myself, cause it’s something to do & i can add my personal touch. Also i just re-opened all the example contracts i had saved to make our own. i brought it up to Sir & told Him i still want to do the contract & for Him to collar me with a locking one & He was very happy i brought it up. im typing the contract & W/we’re going to go over it together.

  • ma-petite-sirene


    I wanted to say HI to everyone. I am very, very new at this. I have wanted to be in the D/s lifestyle for awhile but never knew how to express it to my husband. It took a great deal of effort on my part to come out and be open and honest with my husband about how I wanted and needed this badly. But when I told him he couldn’t have been any happier. I am looking for some guidance for both of us. We have no idea on how to begin and how to bring this into our daily lives. We do have small children at home and have to be kind of secretive about the lifestyle. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    • cailinfire


      Hi and welcome Miss Submissive! Your story sounds familiar to a lot of ours out here! The community of married couples delving into D/s is growing rapidly! First thing I’ll say is you’ve found the right place! Most of us started our journeys with Lk’s help! You should definitely contact her! And your husband should look into contacting Mr. Fox, her husband as well for guidance!
      Everyone here is so sub-portive here…we have a wondeful group of ladies to talk to and relate to!
      So glad you decided to jump in! If you have any questions feel free to ask!

      Also wanted to let you know that I too have small children…and it can be trying at time, but it is absolutely possible! If not more fun sometimes with the sneaky factor added in! My husband had a similar reaction to yours….i was scared to death but he welcomed it and accepted me with open arms and weve been learning everyday! Hands down, THE best decision weve ever made!
      Look forward to getting to know you better!

      • ma-petite-sirene


        Thanks Cailinfire! I am looking forward to getting to know y’all as well. I have been reading the forums and all of you seem to know what to do. I am very happy I found the LK’s site and I am looking forward to learning from you ladies.

        • cailinfire


          Lol!!! I don’t know if I know what I’m doing….there are ups and downs, steps forward and then steps back its not always easy but its worth every bit…and at least I can come here and seek advice and information! There’s some great girls out here!

    • Hi and welcome Miss Submissive…as Calin said you are definately in the right place…this is a great group of ladies on here…so glad you found LK’s blog!!! I too am very new at this lifestyle, and we are enjoying every step of this journey…the ladies on here have been so sub-portive…so ask any questions you have.


      • ma-petite-sirene


        Thanks for the welcome Sir’s little butterfly! I don’t exactly know what we are doing yet. Can someone tell me how all this works? I have read the blogs and forums, but I have no idea where to begin. Should I be reading a book about this or is there something else you could suggest. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

        • MrFox


          Miss Submissive,

          LK and I will be in touch with you and your Sir in the next day or so. I returned from my trip late last night and LK and I are trying to catch up.

          Read as much as you can regarding the lifestyle in order to establish a better idea of exactly what it is that you are looking for in the lifestyle.

          Best wishes,

          Mr Fox

          • ma-petite-sirene


            Thanks so much Mr. Fox! My Sir and I look forward to hearing from from you and LK.

    • _cas_


      Welcome! You are definitely in the right place. LK and Mr. Fox are fantastic and everyone here is sub-portive, most having been where you are now.

      I’ve been married almost 15 years and we have three kids… we have to be very inventive at times. =)


      • ma-petite-sirene


        Thanks so much shygirl!! I know what it is like having to be inventive. We have 3 children also all 2 years apart (9, 7, and 5). So even before we decided to start on this journey we had to figure out creative ways of being alone.

  • messylittlemama


    Hello there everyone! I’ve been reading through this blog and that of Mr. Fox’s for a while now, and have finally taken the plunge to chime in. I am really new at this, but after finally understanding my desires and how they could work in a marriage, it’s amazing how everything makes sense. I am in my late 20s and my husband in his early 30s, and we are raising 3 young kids. I show my submissiveness by trying to have his breakfast ready in the afternoon (he works the night shift), trying to get any errands he needs done, and always letting him dominate in bed. I wish and long for so much more though! Still trying to muster the courage to tell him and articulate exactly what I want and need. He feels as though he is already dominate and isn’t sure what else I want. I feel super self conscious yet describing my needs. We aren’t prudes; I’m just not sure he’ll understand.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User

      Welcome Hisgirl! It’s very nice to meet you 🙂 You will find that all the submissive’s out here on Lk’s blog will try to answer any questions that you may have. We have a kinship with each other and sub-port each other through the bad days as well as the good one’s. Most of us are new in the D/s-M relationship and the support we get from each other is sub-tastic and you will not find it any where else from my point of view. I myself have been married 28 years and my Sir and I are in a 24/7 D/s relationship. Sir and I have been in D/s- M relationship for 6 months. In my opinion if you want your D/s-M to start of in the right direction you have to sit down with your husband and talk about what you want and ask him to take this journey with you and accept his role as your Dom. That way the foundation starts off on even ground and builds stronger as you learn your roles together. This is the first step in the right direction because it will not work if you are both not on the same page. If yo have any questions please feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them. So with that said I will welcome you to Lk’s Warren.♥♥♥


  • littlej


    I am struggling with being a submissive at the moment as I don’t really know what Mr P expects of me yet. He only recently told me that he wants to live this lifestyle and I have been doing a lot of reading and sending him links to things I like or ‘how to’ pages. And sometimes, to my surprise, I receive the benefit of his learning.

    The confusing part is that he started an online affair with a woman who knew all about this lifestyle so I am all tangled up in the saving a marriage I didn’t know I needed to and a complete new lifestyle.

    The more I learn and the more we play, the more I am liking it and feel that this is a natural extension of our relationship – he is a natural Dom and I am a natural sub, I think.
    I find I love sitting at his feet, especially when negative thoughts are spiraling around my head. Being a sub seems to fill something in me I didn’t realize needed fulfilling.

    It sure is an emotional roller coaster!
    I love reading all the comments and helpful advice on LK’s rabbit warren. It helps.

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User

      Welcome, little. My heart goes out to you and we have something in common :(. Having navigated the same waters myself, the most important thing for you is to heal your marriage first, your husband cannot become your Dom without earning back and maintaining your trust. You have been betrayed in a horrible way. You and your husband absolutely must communicate openly about your needs. He must be transparent in his behaviors and regain your trust. He has a LOT of work to do, but you have a unique chance to rebuild. Seize it, and heal. If he truly is a HusDom, and you are submissive, the dynamic will begin to fall in place, as you communicate, as it did for us, and you will experience joy and fulfillment in your marriage and in your D/s. email me at BoPeepmeetsMrwolf@live.com if you need some support in your healing journey, but do stay here in LK’s warren for subbie support!

  • june


    Keeping mindful. This is sometimes a struggle when Sir is on the road, but I have found that His standing rules are very helpful and include wearing my love balls and nipple rings each day. There are simple things around the house (like some of the pool work) that I do so that once home, He isn’t tasked with it. Knowing that I am helping Him makes me more aware that I am His… and if it pleases my Sir, then it makes it better.

    When Sir is home, I do other little things (like getting Him a cup of coffee and serving it to Him) to let Him know he is my Sir. Recently, I started sitting at His feet quietly while He’s watching tv or working on His laptop. He always stops, runs his fingers through my hair and then invites me to sit close to Him on the sofa. He told me this was very meaningful to Him and it really meant great deal to me to know that. When Sir returns from a trip, He likes for me to undress Him and I do it in a very specific order each time. He correctly guessed I would find this task sexy as all get out and it’s a wonderful way for both of us to acknowledge His return and get us both in the mood.

    I am looking for more ideas/suggestions on how to better feed my husDom and show Him that He’s my Top. Appreciate any ideas in advance 🙂

  • krolyk


    Just “found” this thread…lots of amazing ideas on how i can remain mindful. Are there any other subs here that are in high-control lives all week while their Dom is away & can only be together with their Dom on weekends? i’d love to hear how you keep yourself mindful long distance. Sir works away from home. After nearly 20 years of marriage we found ourselves naturally falling into the D/s lifestyle as i worked to show Him i still felt His home was His castle. However, since we’ve named TTWD i wish there was more i could do during his absence to confirm his Dominance so we aren’t starting over every Friday evening. i find it VERY difficult to put myself in the sub mindset until i’m told to go to the playroom & wish i could find a way to get myself to that place even when he won’t be home for another week while still managing home & business lives. My struggle is shutting off my power hold that self employment requires….

    And, for the ladies discussing waxing, if you are interested in having someone other than your Dom provide the service i can’t speak highly enough of European Wax Center. They are a chain across the US. pricing is reasonable ($70 for full Brazilian). Don’t be intimidated by their pressure to buy their products or wax passes unless you find it works for you. i am able to have the same person provide my service every time & i’ve never had a bad experience when i travel & use a different location. AND Hovan’s Gold….seriously worth it! Available on Amazon & really helps with ingrown hair everywhere!

  • Kaninchen


    Thanks GOF!


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