Rules and rituals
Still and I started our journey late this summer, so we are still very new in this dynamic of our relationship. We took in the vast knowledge and experince from both sites and just now talked about adding rules. We have been having downtime once a week and on Friday he brought with him several rules that we agreed upon. First of which is that I cannot open my own door, including car doors, when we are together. He will also pull out my chair for me at the table. And since I am a busy mom, like most everyone on the site, I have ignored myself so he now requested that I get my nails done once a month. Also, I am to wear newly aquired cute underwear to work each day. Since he leaves significantly earlier than I do for work we don’t really have any morning rules. I wanted to reach out and see if anyone had any rules they felt were good for them as a first rule or for early on.
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