
  • Pregnancy and D/s

    Posted by mcmel567 on at

    Sir and I have only been doing D/s for a couple of weeks, and already we’re finding it hard to stay in the zone. I just found out I’m pregnancy with #2, which is very exciting and definitely planned, however I’m wondering how this will affect our D/s, especially because I know Sir will want to be more careful. Can any pregnant subs share their experiences?

    joubiesnap replied 9 years, 8 months ago 9 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • little-jolie


    When I was pregnant with #2 not too long ago, we decided to take a brake with most of our D/s out side of the bedroom stuff, but I was still to be respectful to my Sir. As far as kink in the bedroom went, we cut out spankings of any kind but still kept up most of our other stuff, and Sir was very careful to be even more mindful and aware of my well-being.

  • caress


    As you all know Mr. Caress and i recently found out we are pregnant! 5 weeks to be exact. Its taken me sometime to post about our experience recently since i have been going through some unforeseen complications with the pregnancy. As of now i am doing A-OK. The first few days have been difficult as we were instructed not to have intercourse. Funny thing is at the beginning of our D/s relationship we joked about how difficult it would be to be in a sexless D/s relationship. There is some truth behind that joke we have recently discovered. To him i felt breakable, to me i felt sick and horrible, it was becoming vanilla by the second. I’d act out , he would take it and do nothing and without even knowing the negative “vanilla cycle” started. We attemped down time and things would start to feel normal, my sub was being feed while kneeling before him, feeling his warm hands trail down my spine. Simultaneously his dom was being feed, the soft leather chair under him while he caresses his property. The hours following were great until we were out with family, i was feeling bloated and crampy and started breaking rules he would normally have my A$$ for immediately. Instead he did nothing. Surprisingly making me feel empty. Before i knew it i was begging for a spanking, for anything ! to feel helpless to feel owned and loved, just to see how his eyes change when he wants to take me at his leisure. After days of worrying and communication were finding our way back on track, with new ways of giving one another what we need. This will NOT be easy, but were not giving up! hes my sir, my husband, protector, best friend and soon to be amazing father to our first baby. I refuse to let him down.

  • june


    Congratulations to all of you on your new little ones!

    Although pregnancy in a D/s-M is something I will not be facing (I’m a grandma! lol) I do think it will be possible to say in sync with one another emotionally even without being uber kinky. My Sir travels quite a bit and often assigns me tasks to do while He is away. For example, He will have me read various blog sites and articles. Sometimes He assigns a topic for me to research and then write an email to Him detailing how I feel the topic applies to us. He has recently assigned the task of creating a mood music list for my iPad. Really, it can be anything since the bottom line is the exchange of power between the Dom and the sub. Hope this helps a bit.

    I definitely remember the dreadful morning sickness along with throwing up after we had sex during the early stages. Nothing says, Oh Honey that was hawt, like running to the bathroom gagging! lol Certainly feel for the challenges ahead of you and wish all of you the best of luck and healthiest of pregnancies/delivery!


  • caress


    I know its been sometime since my last update. Sir and i have been through what feels like hell and back over the last few weeks. We Recently Lost the baby, I miscarried at 6 1/2 weeks Unexpectedly. The day before sir and i had our ultrasound where we saw the heartbeat and seemed like we were out of the woods finally After weeks of no sex because of my spotting and days of me sinking into depression and Mr.Caress desperately trying to prevent me from becoming a basket case. All the stress was released from our life. Until the next day when i started pouring blood, i knew at that moment “Now it was just us two again”. That night I had a natural miscarriage, Spent hours crippled over in pain but being that i obviously have a high pain tolerance, i didn’t want to go to the ER and be pumped with any pain meds. Sir sat by me the whole time, we lit a candle and played piano music, he got me my soft throw blanket and we sat and cried together. Ive never felt so connected to him. We had been brought closer through our loss and i can honestly say if it wasn’t for our D/s relationship that wouldn’t have happened. I can say i now know that the love you share with your husband and your children is unlike anything in the world. I am not angry but grateful . I pray this can send my submission deeper, and my trust will grow. We think it was a girl, so our little penelope came and went but changed us forever.

    • june


      Dear Caress-
      My heart aches for you and your Sir during this very difficult time. Although it’s been many, many years… we also lost a baby at around 14 weeks. Even though we already had two children, it was still brutally painful. Give yourselves permission to grieve for your loss. There is no timetable and no wrong/right way to do it. Be kind to yourself and don’t forget to stay hydrated. The hormones will continue to rage for a bit – be patient as they return to normal. When we went through it, a few friends dropped by with goodie baskets (lotion, bath oils, etc) and books specifically written on pregnancy loss. The books were a lifeline and helped me feel like my feelings were valid. If you’re a reader, this might be an avenue of comfort during this time.

      Your Sir sounds like he was an absolute angel to you and while this is gut wrenching, you are so wise to see and embrace the blessings of a stronger relationship between the two of you.

      Many hugs to you-

  • klb


    I am so sorry, Caress. I cant imagine the pain you and your Sir must be going through right now. Like we spoke of earlier, hold on to the understanding that all things happen for a reason. You, your Sir, and your penelope are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    I am so sorry, Caress. I cant imagine the pain you and your Sir must be going through right now. Your Sir and you will heal and your D/s will help you get through your loss and it will grow stronger. I will say a prayer for you both and Penelope! Hugs lady! xxxxx


  • annie


    Dear Sweet Caress,

    My heart is aching with you. We lost our first beautiful boy seven days after he was born – full term. I send my love to you and offer you hope that the light will shine again and it will indeed deepen your submission and your love. I pray my Angel Boy will find your precious Penelope and show her how to use her wings to explore the universe until we see them again . . .

    Love, strength and hope to you, Annie

  • collette


    I am so very sorry, Caress. We lost our first at 20 weeks (not even realizing I was pregnant) and it was very traumatic. I was so grateful to have such a caring man beside me to help me through the emotional spiral. It sounds like you have one as well. (((hugs)))

  • joubiesnap


    Caress I am so very sorry.

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