• My Submission, My Rules, My Sir

    Posted by lady on at

    I participated in a chat a while back in which rules and punishments were discussed. In this chat there were a few things that stuck with me 1) Make a rule that you can adhere to easily at first. 2) There does not have to be punishments right away. Now I enjoy a good spanking, and want punishment from my Sir when I do not adhere to the rules, how ever we did not really have any. We have rituals, Sir kissing my forehead when I drop him off at work, him telling me to text him when I get to work, my response Yes Sir. Well after the chat, I had expressed in one of our down-times that I wanted rules and felt it was a good idea to start out with just one.

    We tried a few different ones, but I found it hard to adhere and would often forget. There was no punishment for forgetting. I was disappointing that there was no punishment. However, right now I do not think Sir is ready to punish me. He was hesitant when I suggested it. Again I thought back to the chat and posts I have read. My Sir needs to find himself as my Dominant, I cannot force it. As the days past we continued to show Sir my submission, trusting in him, being respectful, not talking back and so on. I continued to get up in the morning and make his lunch, make his coffee for work and let him know when I was done as I do every morning. ( We are early risers, we get up before the sun as sir say “the sun is a lazy bones” which makes me giggle) Still no official rule had been set out for me.

    One night after i had brought him dinner, we ate and he kissed my forehead “Thank you lady for my dinner, you are a good girl” . We began to talk (not and official down time) and he said that when i was calling him on his lunch he does not always want to talk or does not have time. He sometimes needs times when he does not say anything to decompress. He looked at me, lifted my chin and looked me directly in my eyes “I would like you to text me and ask if your Sir would like to talk and if I do I will call you”. Looking back at him I simply said “Yes Sir”. With that my first rule was created. This rule only applies when he is at work, and I am proud to say that I have followed this rule well. When I text him and he does not call, i will not lie I am disappointed that I don’t get to talk to him. It makes me miss him ohh soo much more and look forward to the time when i get to see him again. I know that when he does not call, he has a reason for not doing so. This was hard for me at first, I want to talk to him every day on his lunch. But, when he does call I get all giddy like a school girl and giggle. I just cant stop my self. After following this rule well, I could see that Sir was happy with this little step we had made. I felt more like his Lady and he felt more like my Sir.

    Then last week, i got another rule. I was not expecting this, but it was very welcome to my submissive ears. Once again after dinner Sir looked at me ” Lady, I have decided something today at lunch” he reached out to me and lifted my chin to look him in his eyes ” I have decided I want you to bring me a cup of coffee in the morning. I will tell you if I do not want one, otherwise every morning” With a little flutter in my belly I looked back at him and simply said “Yes Sir”.

    You see, when Sir lifts my chin to meet his eyes (eye contact is something we are working one ) it brings me back to July 6, 2018 when I asked him to be my Dominant and he accepted. So when he does this and asks something of me, I know he is asking me as my Dominant and it give me chills. With each rule, action and request it solidifies for me how much we both want this dynamic to work and it fills me with joy knowing this. Sir has chosen rules for me that are very easy for me to follow, things that are very easily worked into my day. He knows me well, cares for me , loves me completely and every thing he does shows me this.

    HisgirlCGL replied 5 years, 5 months ago 8 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Veruca


    That is wonderful Lady! It is hard to sit back sometimes and let them grow into our Dom, being patient that things like rules, rituals and protocols will come when THEY are ready….but it is so worth it when it happens! Kuddos to you for your patience and congratulations on moving forward with your Sir!

    • Kaninchen


      I can say one word…. BRAVO!

      You both have the right idea. Do not over do it, take it one delicious step at a time. No punishments (impact) at first. You still can have funishments. I advice to impose corrections instead. Your Sir can get on husDOM and ask Mr Fox more about it or read about them there. I can feel your excitement over your submission and it makes me excited for you! Keep going, keep writing and keep being subMrs!



  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Dear Lady,

    Thank you for sharing this! I really like to read about how others are creating their dynamics. Your patience is truly paying off.

    Belle Soumise

  • subMarie-CSM



    High five!!!! This is EXACTLY why we should not rush our Sirs into rules. Many of us (myself included) have rushed to implement rules and found that they were not adhered to and there were no consequences. When often end up with hurt feelings and even question if our Sirs are really into D|s-M. This can set couples back in their dynamic. I strongly feel that when we allow our Sirs time to develop their Dom and understand their needs and desires they will provide us the rules that they truly find value in. As submissives, we do not want to let our Sirs down. We tend to value and really cherish those rules so much more.


  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    I agree, this is great bravo!! You have more patience than me. I admire that. 🙂

  • lady


    Thank you everyone. 😊 I love to share with you all.

  • wench-Mentor-buck


    Lady- it sounds like you are off to great start. After 5 years + we still have very few rules. I love that your rules fit you and your Sirs needs- that is what sets you up for success.
    Cheering for you 🙂

  • HisgirlCGL


    Good for you Lady! It is so great to see how things can evolve if we just let them and stop getting in our own way!

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