My Dom is Young.
Hello ladies, I hope perhaps this topic will help someone else who has a similar relationship or, maybe, I might receive some advice from those of you who have been submissives for much longer than I have. My Dom is wonderful. He is beautiful and terrifying. He is also 7 years younger than I am. I had a hard time bending to his will at first because of this; I am someone who has never, ever dated (let alone had sex with) a man who was younger than me before I met my Dom. The more I grew to know, understand and fall in love with him and his personality, however, the more I came to realize– our age difference makes no difference to either of us. He is an old soul. He finds the women (he calls them girls) his age to be shallow, wishy-washy, and devoid of a strong personality. He has dated women older than me in the past as well. But my friends have made me doubt (yes, I have doubted us) our D/s relationship because “Oh my god, he’s so much younger than you. How can you even get anything out of this?” The answer to that question is that he is NOTHING like men his age. He is mature, he is responsible, he is in upper management at his job (something unheard of at his age) and well-respected. He is a good employee, son, lover, and friend. And most of all, in spite of my being older than he is, he is Dominant and he is a natural at this lifestyle. Never too heavy-handed, always supportive and understanding, but definitely knows how to correct me and put me in my place when I need it. I apologize if this seems like a topic that isn’t relevant… I am merely curious as to how many submissives there are in this community who have faced this particular issue and what all of you think. Any thoughts and advice, shared stories and opinions would absolutely delight me. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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