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  • Posted by yozakura-prema on at

    In golfing, if you ask for a “do over” it’s called a “mulligan”. When Sir and I first started out on our D/s-M journey, we talked openly about collaring. He asked if that was something I would even want. At first I thought it might be strange, but a few days later, I said yes. When Sir proposed to me, we were only 19 years old. He proposed by handing me an engagement ring and saying “here”. I was so disappointed in his lack of romance, and I didn’t let him forget it for over 13 years of our vanilla marriage. Now that we were “starting over” I wanted to completely let go of that old memory and replace it with a new one. I was giving him a “mulligan” and he was so happy! He gave it a great deal of thought. A mysterious package had arrived in the mail and sat untouched on his nightstand for weeks. I was instructed not to touch it. I REALLY WANTED to touch it!!! I had no clue what it could be. Then on the evening of our 14th wedding anniversary, he asked me to get dressed up and fix my hair and makeup so that we could go out and celebrate. I put on one of his favorite dresses and his favorite shoes and did my hair in curls just the way he likes. We went out for dinner and afterwards we took a drive. After driving along the lake shore for about an hour, he pulled into a park with a beautiful old lighthouse. (I simply adore lighthouses.) We found a private place along the boardwalk where we could watch the sunset and talk about how happy this whole D/s-M lifestyle has made us both. We talked about goals we had and where we would like this journey to take us. We talked about how we wished it hadn’t taken us 14 years to figure out just how good marriage could be! The sunset was gorgeous; pink, purple, and gold. Just as the sun dipped below the water, Sir pulled me in close. The only sounds I could hear was the pounding of his heartbeat and the lapping of the waves. It was so beautiful and picturesque and perfect! Even the weather cooperated. Finally he pulled a satin pouch with cherry blossoms embroidered on it from his pocket. (His sub name for me, Yozakura, is Japanese for a special time evening where dignitaries can view the cherry blossoms all lit up in private. He thinks of me as a cherry blossom, but HIS cherry blossom that only blooms for him privately at night.) From the pouch, he pulled a beautiful Pandora necklace with a heart charm to symbolize his love for me, a lighthouse, and of course a cherry blossom bead. He then asked me to be his SubMrs and accept his dominance for as long as we both shall live and to wear his collar at all times. It was beautiful and absolutely perfect! My 36 year old husband “proposed D/s-M” so much more romantically than his 19 year old self proposed marriage. He got his “mulligan” and I vow to never mention the lackluster marriage proposal again. I am one lucky sub!

    kittyh-mrdh35 replied 6 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • red729



  • staci


    Oh Yozakura, that is even better than the way you told it in chat. I’m so happy for you!!!

  • kittyh-mrdh35


    So romantic! The love story continues 🙂
    Starting d/s-m does feel like a new — and better — chapter to our marriage. Definitely something to look forward to and be excited about!

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