• Posted by hprincess on at

    I’m not really sure this was a light bulb moment. I haven’t been on as much this past month on here because life had my Sir and I on an ebb. Not a complete disconnect but things were just not falling into place like they have been for months for us. When we’re on an ebb I tend to stay away from here. It’s probably the exact opposite of when I should do 🙂 In any event, we had some issues come up that I had no control over. I turned 40 this year and went for my first mammogram and they “saw something”…they were not supposed to see “something”. I went back for a 2nd one and long story short it is calcification which means i’m ok. It’s a lot though so I have to go back for a 3rd one in December so they can keep an eye on it. It still has me stressed because they weren’t supposed see anything and well I rather like my tiny boobs. Then other things that started become issues, some stuff with my son (he’s 19 so no control there either lol) that had mama bear coming out….and more and more stuff kept adding…and one night when I thought I’d just completely explode from stress, I turned to Sir and just simply yelled “what do I do???” His response was “shouldn’t you be on your knees?” I stared at him with a “what?” and he simply said “get on your knees” so I did and asked “then what?” he said “nothing else to do. nothing else you CAN do”, and left me there….i just knelt there raging on the inside…then started crying and it dawned on me in that moment that somewhere along the last month I had gone back to old me in part…and that Sir has got me…I don’t need to DO anything other than worry about Sir….I can’t control the rest of it…I can however control how I react to the outside world…Sir came back and we talked…He will take care of what he can and the rest out of our control, is just that, out of our control…nothing we do except face it together with Sir guiding us…all I NEED to do is take care of my Sir and place my trust and faith back in him and our dynamic…this past week we’ve been getting back into ourselves…all i needed to do was let go and follow His lead…I already knew that, I just needed a reminder I suppose…and this might be an over share because I’m still in shock that it happened but I squirted for the first time a couple days ago…completely caught me off guard! I guess I really did just need to let go! thanks for reading and sorry if this is too long or too rambling.

    hprincess replied 8 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    that is awesome!
    turning to him and then listening to him 🙂
    makes you wonder why you didn’t do this all along doesn’t it?

  • hprincess


    Yes! So true! would have made things a whole lot easier on me if I’d gone to him sooner 😉 One day I’ll stop needing to learn the same lesson over and over

  • I am sorry to hear you had to go through that stress and prayers your ongoing Mammo’s turn out just fine. It such a nice story to hear your Sir did exactly what a caring, loving HusDOM should have done. I don’t know that my Sir would have had the strength and confidence to do that. We all have the ebbs and flows, so thanks for sharing how you were able to get back in the swing of things.

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Ahhhh PP …Thank you for the heart share ! YEZ….I think we all think about staying away when things are below a sub 5. For me I think mmmmmm…I don’t want to bring anyone down ….GRRR why is everybody a 7 LOL….BUT, YES…now I know thats when need to cum here for sub-port the most !!

    Good new on your reset …KIDS ..UGS …they will figure it out !

    SO continue to ,
    LET IT GO ,

  • hprincess


    Thank you Bliss! I’m sure everything be fine..just had a little melt down. And they’re not perfectly fine, that’s ok too, I just need to remember that Sir has my back 🙂

    Curvy…exactly!! They say misery loves company but I don’t think I do…I don’t wanna bring anyone down with me. So happy to know I’m not alone in my feelings on that so Thanks! It’s why this place is so great!

    And if letting go, gets me more squirting i shall LET IT GO! LET IT GO! LET IT GOOOO! (sang like Frozen song)

  • Veruca


    Hate that you went through that scare and everything else…but there was a big bright silver lining that you found, and that is AWESOME!
    I will keep sending you good vibes for the other tests to come back fine!
    And the squirting was NOT an over share!!!! It’s hard to contain that excitement when you achieve it!!!
    Cyber (((hugs)))

  • hprincess


    Thank you Veruca! You’re right! Squirting is not an over share on here! lol

    Thanks for all the positive vibes!

  • hprincess


    So I thought I’d give a little update, I went for my follow-up mamo and they’re having trouble seeing if things have remained the same so I have to have a biopsy. It’s the needle one (not surgery) and the Dr seemed quite sure they are benign and this was just a precaution. I am a little nervous…I don’t want a needle in my boob. I only like the good/fun pain lol I am sharing because I feel like I am handling this much better than the last time. I simply called Sir and we set up, he’s taking me and has pretty much taken the lead. Actually, he rewarded me with what I probably needed more than anything…some good fun pain. On January 1st at the stroke of midnight, we kissed and left our vanilla friends’ home and spent the entire day holed up on our room together. Told the rest of the world we were ill and we some all day fun with ropes, paddles, riding crops, etc. I am still floating and it’s 6 days. Anyway thanks for all the good vibes! xoxo princess pea

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User


    I’m sooo glad u are keeping us update, I worry about my Subbies. Sounds, like your dr is making sure you are good. I would be nervous too ! I have had a few friends have this test…..one her husband held her hand. And they both took Valium ….just to relax. I’m no dr. Nor giving medical advise ….just a share ?.
    Take care …..Hearts , Curvey

  • hprincess


    Thank you Curvy! Reading your comments always puts a smile on my face 🙂 xoxo PP

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