• "Just follow me" Sir said…

    Posted by pearl on at

    It all started with needing to return a rental car for Sir’s sister. BayoWolf was going to drive the rental and I would drive his car and then we had things to do in town after. He realized I didn’t know where the rental car place was so he said “Just follow me.” Sounds easy enough but alas, it was not. The drive is about an hour, 30 minutes down the interstate we both exit where we need to but Sir has obviously forgotten where we are going because he is turning the wrong way. I go the correct way and call Sir. “You didn’t follow me” he said immediately. “No, Sir” I said “because you went the wrong way.” As it turns out he needed to make a quick side trip that he didn’t tell me about. “I will just wait for you at the gas station” I said. As hung up the phone I was wondering why he didn’t just tell me about the side trip and started brooding. After several minutes I checked to see where Sir was on our Life 360 app and he was already passed where I said I would wait for him! I called him and he said he looked for me and decided I must have said I would wait for him somewhere else. In my head I was screaming “You left me!” and continued to brood. I got back on the road, muttering all the while, and, because Sir was waiting for me, soon caught up with him. We returned the rental and I was being very quiet because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of something that really was no big deal. But my inner bitch was out and I kept making short terse replies to Sir. I just couldn’t get over the fact that Sir had left without me. During our conversations I realized that I had not been at the correct place, I was at the gas station next door…but still he had left with out me!
    The next day we started talking about the incident again. Sir made the comment that I had a difficult time with my submission the day before and I finally said “But Sir, you left with out me!” and he calmly replied “Pearl, you didn’t follow me.” That took all the wind out of my sails and left me with another lesson learned.
    I keep repeating that in my head now, “I didn’t follow him…” How many times have I failed to do that. What can I do to make sure that I do follow him next time and the time after that? How many times have I thought I knew better and didn’t follow Sir and that caused problems. Even if I had been right and he had forgotten where we were going, I abandoned him because he wasn’t going the right direction. So I will strive to follow him, where ever that may lead us.

    minx-prema replied 4 years, 7 months ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • HisgirlCGL


    Great post Pearl and an awesome reminder. I find myself feeling this way too often, why don’t I just follow? I got so used to questioning everything my Sir did and I know it is a hard habit to break. Thank you for sharing your struggle. It helps to know that I’m not alone.

  • 650s


    I identify SO much with this!! I have always “needed” to know what’s going on, what the plan is, before being willing to follow. Then, I’d complain that he never surprises me. 🤦‍♀️🙄 I’m doing much better now that I’ve found my submission. Now, to just keep it in tact.😊

  • subMarie-CSM


    This sounds so familiar! I am guilty as well. This is classic topping from the bottom when we think we know better. We must continuously work on allowing our Sirs to direct us even when we think there is a better or more efficient way. AS my grandma used to say, “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” We have to allow our Sir the opportunities to make mistakes and recover to help them grow as our husDom. This reminds me of a leadership book I once read called, Multipliers by Liz Wiseman. It talks about how to minimize your dimensioning tendencies. This does not always occur in the workplace, huh? I think I need to dust it off.

    Thank you for sharing! I am going to keep an eye on my behavior and reactions!

  • wench-Mentor-buck


    Wow- hits home here too. We all want our Sirs to lead then we don’t follow. Then we complain because they are not leading. hmmmmmm

  • Omagosh I can’t believe this post is shouting out to me!! Thank you for sharing this. I was in such a funk this past week about this very situation. So glad to know my submissive sisters struggle with the same issues as I do.


  • minx-prema


    Thank you for posting this very real moment and the “Aha” realization that you weren’t submitting and following your Sir. As many have already said, this hits home for us all. We all have times where we think we know better or the “most direct route” to wherever we are going, yet how many adventures and fun memories have we missed because of refusing to follow our Sirs? We don’t know where are Sirs are going sometimes or where they are trying to take us, but let’s commit to enjoy the ride and the “extra stops” they choose to give us along the way…

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