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Tagged: D/s M, husDom, Intro, New subMrs, subMrs
discretesub replied 4 years, 10 months ago 138 Members · 210 Replies
Hello everyone. I’m 29 (soon to be anyway) years old. My Dom is Nednil on husDom and we’ve been together for 10 years and married for 2 and have 2 young children. This lifestyle has been long a time coming for us and we’ve been officially D/s for a few months now with some ups and downs with it. We’re happy to find a place that suits the dynamics of the married lifestyle to help each of us learn! Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Hi all,
I’m LadyK, I’m 29, I have been with Hubby (The Chad on husDom) for 7 years. We hare engaged but not likely to actually get married any time soon. We have a toddler at home. We are about a week into our new adventure, hoping to do formal acceptance for Christmas but our progress is slow so I’m not positive we will be ready. We both are so happy with this new dynamic and it has already done a lot for our communication. We are excited for this new adventure, and I’m so excited to have found such a great place to learn
Hi everyone! I’m 31, been with hubby for 10 years, married for 9. We have 4 kids. We talked about moving towards this lifestyle a couple years ago but life got in the way. We never made it a priority. We finally sat down and had a real talk about fully committing. We are taking it slow. Figuring our what works for us and our crazy life!
Hello everyone. My Sir found husdom last night and then I found this site this morning and was so excited! I’ve been looking for exactly this type of place! I’m 39, mom to three boys. Sir and I are only about 6 months into the D/s relationship, mostly in the bedroom but wanting to expand it into a lifestyle. Thanks for having me.
Hello everyone! I am new to subMrs. I am very happy to have found a bdsm site for married couples. I’m amazed that many of you are in the same age group as I am.
I am a 46 year old wife of 23 years & mother of 3. My Master & I have been exploring bdsm for about 3 months. We started to explore our kink after attending The Everything to do with Sex Show. I am absolutely loving the passion and intensity of our scenes – I have never been so consumed by sex in my life! It’s an exciting new hobby!
Nice to see other like minded people here.
Hello, I go by Lovedoll or Opal. Im 48, living full time with my Master for about 7 months. I am new to this live style but enjoying every minute. We have met lots of wonderful people and learn many things. My Master talk a lot about everything, we have so much respect for each other. I have 3 children, ages are 24,22,and 21. 2 of them still live at home, so we try to be careful when we have our playtime. We have a wonderful start but I want to learn from others.
Hi my name is Love Drop and my husband is Mr. Reign. We have been married for 10 years and together for 12.5 years. We are both currently 49 and very interesting in incorporating this lifestyle into our marriage. I would consider myself to be a natural born sub. Pleasing others makes me the most happiest and pleasing my Sir is my joy. It turns me on to do things for him. We are very new and need a lot of direction. Our first hurdle is the fact I am attending school about 6 hours away and we don’t see each other and won’t until I am finished in April. So I am doing research and informing and teaching my Sir and myself in preparation when we reunite. That day can’t come soon enough for me as being away from him drives me crazy and it almost kills me as I am not there to do for him.
Hello everyone! I’m Mr. Wolfgang’s Pumpkin. 27 year old disabled veteran, and mother to a 4 yr old. Mr. Wolfgang and I have been married for almost 2 yrs and just now starting our journey to a 24/7 D/s lifestyle. I’m currently going to school for my BA and enjoying every minute of it.
Hello everyone!
I’m Andi, 33 years old, mother of 2. Very new submissive (2 months). I’m so glad to find like minded people to share my thoughts and to learn from!!!
I think Sir is going to sign up for Husdom. Excited for this part of our journey together! -
Hi yall!
I’m TNvet’s subMrs. I am 27. We were high school sweethearts and have now been married 8 1/2 years. We have been doing D/s off and on for 3 years and are in a much better place now that we have been taking it more slowly, communicating better, and realizing we have a natural D/s dynamic in our relationship. We have 2 kids (8 y.o. and 4 y.o.) who do numerous extra-curricular activities. Sir is gone a lot due to his job and I work long shifts and weekend shifts so when we are together and alone, I do my best to be the sweet, sassy, slutty submissive he loves.
Any tips on how to stay in the submissive mindset and to please Sir from a distance (text/email/video/pictures, etc ANYTHING!) would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
<3 MrsTNvet
Hello, my name is Staci. I have been married for 5 years to a wonderful alpha male. I am 44 and it has taken me this long to figure out that I am a submissive. I was reading some BDSM fiction and it was like a lightbulb came on that this is who I have always been, and it caused me to reflect on my choices and behaviors. My husband has always been very protective and possessive of me, and naturally takes the lead, but he had not labeled himself as a Dom until I shared some of my new revelations with him. Doing so unleashed something in him and gave him permission to embrace that side of himself rather than dialing it back to what society tells us is respectful.
We are entirely monogamous, and my very limited knowledge about the lifestyle community leads me to believe that most of the BDSM clubs and conventions are geared towards people looking for additional partners (which doesn’t interest us at all). I am not sure what this will evolve into for us, but I am happy to be here.
Hello everyone…. My name is Quinn. I am 29 years old between myself and my Mister we have 8 kids. My Mister and I have been together for 2 years and are just stepping into the world of d/s. We have always done scene and now would like to venture into the 24/7 lifestyle. So excited to have found a welcoming community to speak freely and ask questions…
Hey y’all! I am Bonerider, and I am a new here on the site. I am 25, married to Bonedriver on HusDom for 5 years, together 7 total. It’s currently just us and our one furbaby. I talked to my Mister about interest in the lifestyle and he’s DEFINITELY on board, but up to this point, we haven’t crossed into anything formal. It’s hard to know where to start! I’ve read the blogs about Formal Acceptance and the kneeling ceremony. Can’t wait to dig deeper into it all on subMrs.Thanks for your friendly welcomes.
Sidecuts intro:
Hello SubMrs’s,
My husband and I have been married two years, been together for 16 years. There has always been a BDSM bedroom play since the beginning. Over the years we have talked about master/slave dynamic and taking it more then just the walls of our home(Bedroom play). I was not sure if that was what I wanted or what it entailed. Since then we had joked about somethings here and there. We openly hid our Dominate and Submissive vows to each other, in our wedding vows. It was a very humbling for me. I am a natural submissive and tend to all of my Husbands needs. Just a few months back I had a realization that I shared with my now Sidecuts Sir. That looking back about 15 years ago and realizing what I wanted and needed was a dominate man now dominate husband. Ever since having the conversation which sparked our decision on trying this new lifestyle everything has been great. Sidecut’s Sir found this HusDom/SubMrs website I am glad he did. It has helped us and we are learning lots. Things are amazing this D/S lifestyle has helped me/us in so many ways. I am looking forward to learning and being the best Submissive I can for my Sir. Please share some experience.
Sincerely Sidecut -
Unknown Member
Deleted UseratHi everyone,
I’m new here. I’m 37 and currently together with the sweetest man for 2 years. Between us we have 5 kids. Unfortunately we aren’t living in the same country at the moment which makes everything a bit more difficult. Hopefully that will change in the foreseeable future. I am happy I found this place.
We have started ttwd about 6 months ago and we are taking things step by step in a slow pace, the fact that we live on separate continents is a factor in that too ofcourse.
We have always had a dynamic which made me the submissive and him the dominant and some things come natural because of that and the rest? Well we learn, discuss, try, evaluate and have fun.It is awesome to have found a lot of like minded people. Hope to get to know you all and learn a lot here.
Hi everyone!
I’m new here! Holy cow, where to start? I’m 41. My Sir and I have been together for 13 years, married for 3. We have 3 and a half kids (we fostered an older for a few years, but we still consider her ours). I used to be a Domme 20 years ago when I was young, however, before I met my husband I had stopped. I always believed that just by nature I was a Domme due to being an Alpha most of my life. And then I met my husband. Holy hell that changed things. It took me about 10 years to get the courage to tell him what I wanted, and I don’t think he actually believed me at first. We’ve progressed, always up for learning. I wanted to join here for guidance, and it does look like there is quite a bit to be learned on here!
Hello y’all. I am SubMarie. A few weeks ago I was doing some research on-line and came across subMrs. I was stunned at the similarities as I read the story of Mr. Fox and LK and many of the members. I found my people! I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 21 years. He is registered as DomJ618. (He is on husDom) We are in our early 40’s. Our children are almost out of the house (ages 17/20). (EXCITING!) We look like your typical suburban couple. We both work outside of the home as professionals which can make being a sub a little more challenging!
Throughout the years we have enjoyed varied levels of kink and BDSM. I have always been submissive in the bedroom with my husband always being the dominant. In fact, I read the Fifty Shades of Grey series and thought our bedroom was similar. At the time, I did laugh at the kneeling.
We are not sure how or when it happened but over time the kink left the bedroom and our communication just stopped. Even the vanilla sex had no flavor. We were acting more like roommates. I was even at the point of thinking through a future that did not include my husband. One evening a few months ago I finally hit a breaking point. I’m glad it happened because it forced us to talk and say exactly what we were feeling. There were some underlying health issues that we simply needed to work together instead of facing them alone. Our kinky, BDSM was back!
I recently started to notice the benefits of the D/s relationship in the bedroom. I noticed how much my Sir loved being in control and how much less stressed I am when I transfer my power. I realized that I really do love to serve him. After doing some research specifically on married couples, I approached him about trying D/s-M 24×7. When we commit to something, we commit! It has only been three weeks but the result has been nothing short of amazing. We have slowly been adding rules and rituals to include kneeling. (You know, the thing I laughed at a few years ago.) Honestly, I did not realize how much we needed this. This is a lifestyle.
I realize this is lengthy so I will close. I am looking forward to growing as a 24/7 sub to serve my Sir. This site and support group is going provide me a wealth of information. Who knows, we may be able to attend the next Warren Gathering!
(I apologize if this is a duplicate post. I attempted to edit the original and it may have disappeared.)
Hi all, I’m 46 and my Sir and I have been married for 22 hears. My Sir is on HusDom but I don’t know his user name. We’ve been mingling in D/s-M for a year or so but just a month or so 24×7. We have 3 children, 2 grown and married and a 16 year old senior in high school, my mom also lives with us, which complicates this lifestyle. I’m a very controlling and OCD person and its great to let him have control, but its also a struggle. I have a lot to learn Nd I’m still getting into trouble quite a bit, but I’m trying and loving the lifestyle.
Hey all! I’m Yozakura (formerly known as Mrs. Hickory-long story). I’ve been on Submrs a few months and only just found this group. I’m still working through this website and trying to gain all that I can from the knowledge shared by fellow subbies. My Sir is Grizzled Yeti on HusDom. We have been together almost 17 years, married 14 years. We have 4 beautiful children on our cute little poultry farm in the middle of nowhere near the Canadian boarder. We have always “attempted” a D/s type relationship for religious reasons, but it never worked. The Bible studies on submission are far too vague and there’s little to no actual instructions for either the husbands or wives. For 14 years I carried a lot of resentment in my heart towards both my husband and God for putting me into a position where I felt like I could never win. I have gotten more information and support on how to be a submissive wife and how to be truly fulfilled by it in the last few months on Submrs than I have from over a decade of religious studies. Sir and I have had great success in taking what we have learned on HusDom and Submrs and applying it to our spiritual lives. I am so thankful to everyone here. I no longer feel like a constant letdown to my husband and to God. Believe it or not, the subport I have received on Submrs has undone 18 years worth of psychological damage that was inadvertently caused by the church. You can’t raise kids in the church and constantly beat them over the head with the idea of sex being “gross” or “dirty” or “wrong” and thensuddenly on their wedding night expect them to switch gears and suddenly desire sex with their spouses. It’s a wound that drove deeper and deeper as time went on in our marriage. The friendships I have made in this community have shown me that I don’t need to resent God or my husband for the life I was given. You ladies have shown me how powerful and beautiful submission can be. You’ve shown me that it’s not “gross” of me to want to enjoy God’s wedding present to us that we call “sex”. You have shown me that even though the world of kink is viewed as “taboo” it actually follows the Biblical ideals for marriage (assuming that your particular type of kink is monogamous(…only difference is that you ladies actually say HOW to make this happen. Sir and I have never been happier. We have worked through so many problems and healed so many wounds and I owe it all to LK and her amazing community. Thanks for setting this up to be a judgment free zone where I can share my past negative experiences with misguided submission and set things right. Thank you from the bottom of mine and my Sir’s hearts!
Great post Yozakura! It is amazing how so many of us have very similar stories and we have been lucky enough to find this place that helps us get “un-stuck” from the things that were instilled in us. I had a very similar experience to your’s except it wasn’t the church that did it, it was my Mom. I loved my Mom dearly and she only did what she was taught so I don’t blame her at all. I just had to spend the majority of my life feeling guilty about having sex with my patient and ever so loving husband! Since we have found D/s those feelings are getting buried deeper and deeper. I don’t think you can actually remove learned things but you can cover them up with other teachings. My Sir knows this and can now snap me out of it, if need be. I am thankful that he was so patient with me all those years of trying to give me pleasure, but me not feeling worthy to accept it and then him not feeling worthy at being a good lover. What a vicious cycle that kind of dysfunctional teachings of sex it is!
We have found that this is definitely more in line with our Biblical foundation. We don’t fight over control any longer and he is for sure our families Spiritual leader and I have no issues any longer of giving him the control for familial decisions.
Welcome to the site!
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