• Ice and Why It Matters

    Posted by katzchen-mhac-tire on at

    Today I started to make a glass of water. I drink tons of the stuff, yes with lemon juice in it, and a TON of ice is gone through daily by yours truly. 

    For years, ICE has been a source of contention between Mhac and I, especially as the kids got older and started fixing their own drinks. He keeps it stocked, well he’s supposed to keep it stocked. Like every other person on the planet, there would be times that he would forget or overlook it. Oh My God!! It made me nuts!! Obviously it had to be personal. It was the ONE thing that I asked for. He wasn’t even paying attention to this tiny little detail, this one thing that kept me sane and happy and……yeah, you get me, right? Unhappy, non-communicative, frustrated vanilla housewife. Who in the world gets snappy and snarky over ICE?? 

    Now, let’s fast forward six months to….today. I open the freezer for my morning crunchy water fix and….there’s no ice. I close the freezer and fill up my cup about halfway and add my lemon juice. No big deal. Mhac will be home from work soon. He always brings me home a cup of that GOOD ice from the machine at the shop. I smile to myself. Maybe we can swing by the gas station after dropping our daughter off at school and pick up a bag together. So goes my internal monologue. I continue on, laying out Mhac’s pajamas for after his shower. Braiding back my hair the way he prefers when he gets home, resting on my knees by our recliner to wait for my husDom to come through the door. Then BAM!! The lightbulb goes on. Once the most petty of arguments, the thing that I would nag and nitpick about more than any other. Frozen. Freaking. Water. It wasn’t an issue because I knew that Mhac would have my morning fix. I knew that even if he hadn’t noticed it was out yet, he would check the minute he got home. 

    WHY?? Because it’s one of the million little things that he notices. It’s one of the thousands of little ways that he feeds me, cares for me and reminds me, without a word spoken, that I matter. All I had to do was feed him, trust him, care for him. And in turn he is doing the same for me. And it all started over ice…

    Js_bunny-CGL_Ms replied 4 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Js_bunny-CGL_Ms


    Aww I loved reading this. Totally made me smile❤ thank you for sharing

    Jsbunny 🤗

  • katzchen-mhac-tire


    Thank you, Jsbunny! I know it seems like such a small thing, but I’m hugely proud of our growth. This moment made me realize that I’m finally breaking free of the selfish thought pattern that kept us both miserable. Learning to trust in both the biggest and smallest of moments is bringing us both the peace and the intimacy that we have so desperately missed.

  • Js_bunny-CGL_Ms


    I love hearing that Katz. It’s not just that you are growing (which is great) but that your growing together.  That’s what it’s all about, your journey, every step you take together. It just makes me so happy to read these moments. Its inspiring 😊

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