• I have a question

    Posted by hprincess on at

    Ok I need a little assistance or outside thoughts on something that I’m probably making too big of a deal out of. Sir and I will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary next month. The traditional wedding 5th year gift is wood, which I thought was totally boring but then I found a couple cute wood romantic type presents for him (my favorite are these wood puzzle pieces with our names that link up & are key chains) and then I bought a couple pieces of sexy lingerie to inspire Sir’s “wood” (i’m even naming them for each day we’re away “morning wood” etc) So now to my question, I wanted to purchase something for this new dynamic that has really taken our relationship to a whole other level (we’ve been married 5 but together at least 10). I was thinking of purchasing a personalized wooden spanking paddle with “Sir’s” engraved on it. The problem is Sir buys all of toys, implements, etc. The only thing I’m in charge of is lingerie because He likes to be surprised. We do discuss some things before He buys them to make sure it’s something I think I can handle (though I’m usually pretty much up for trying anything with Sir). My question is am I overstepping by buying the paddle? Or am I overthinking this: He’ll probably see if for what it is: a gift? Maybe it’s in the presentation? I would usually discuss with Sir but it’s a gift for Him/us. I need to decide soon so it gets here in time (Sir is taking me to Orlando/Disney for a week btw. I am super excited to be a large child during the day and a freak in the sheets at night tee hee)

    hprincess replied 8 years, 8 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Veruca


    If it was me, I would buy the paddle, but I am a brat, lol.
    That being said, you know your Sir and what rules/protocols you two have established. Is the fact the he makes all the toy purchases something that you two have established as a rule, not to be broken or is it something softer and that maybe just this once, he will see it for what it is…a gift. Maybe try to ask him during down time how he would feel in that situation without giving away your surprise and then you will know for sure. Sorry if that wasn’t helpful, I tried! 😉

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    Princess P,
    Congratulations!! I can feel the Love for your Sir D/s. In the end you know your Sir. Here are my shares:

    Yes, yes, what an amazing gift with, heart soul,celebration of you D/s. Presentation is everything. Present it to him naked,in his favorite pose , layer at his feet.

    May you fly in sub space❤️Curveysub

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    We actually have the same rule and our anniversary is coming up as well. I wanted to buy him something so I asked first. I didn’t tell him what it was but told him it was within the scope of items okay in both of our limits and he agreed that it would be okay. I think for us gifts are one of those exceptions because we both like surprises. I agree presentation could add a great deal to it. I am planning something special for mine as well.

  • hprincess


    Thank you CurvySub! Such sweet words lady! Thank you ladies for your input! It is why I love this site so much! I definitely think you’re right on the presentation. And I guess Sir buying (or making) everything is not really a hard rule but just how it’s been, an unwritten rule I guess, so soft. We have toy shopped together…I’ve just never gone off on my own. I do like the idea or sorta asking Sir without actually saying what it is, maybe just asking how him how he’d feel about me purchasing a D/s gift? Thanks again! And happy anniversary Juliet!
    p.s. Rachelle – lol on being a brat…maybe I’m looking at this all wrong…perhaps the “worst” case scenario is that He punishes me WITH the paddle 🙂

  • hersubject


    You could (depending on skills and tools available) make the paddle yourself. That way, if the purchase of BDSM equipment has become your Sir’s prerogative you don’t bend that rule at all – I would expect that something you’ve physically made for him would not count as ‘buying’ so unless the was a specific prohibition on making/creating bdsm gear you’d probably be safe as houses. The effort going into making it is also something he’d appreciate I’m sure.


  • hprincess


    hmmmm good idea but I don’t think I’m skilled enough to do anything with wood. Good thinking though! Sir is the handy one. He on the other hand can build anything it feels like from kink to our vanilla neighbors bar for his “man cave”. Sir and I both agreed they could have used that space for something muchhhh more fun!

  • sassymagpie


    I like making DIY toys. You can convert a ping pong paddle into a kink paddle. I saw one where they took off the rubber sides. Added a nice smooth side to one side and fur fabric to the other. Something nice for sensation play.

    For our anniversary, I had bought Sir a leather bracelet to wear. He wears it everyday now. 🙂 Much like I wear my collar.

  • hprincess


    oooo I like that idea! I never would have thought of turning a ping pong paddle into a kink paddle! Love the bracelet too. Very sweet!!
    Sir should return home late tonight (He’s been gone a couple of days), so probably will have a little DT this weekend so I can find out if there any new rules on gift giving with D/s dynamic.

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