• Body Image Issue Blown Out Of The Water

    Posted by 650s on at

    I was hopeful that after a day to wrap his mind around my request, Sir ᏩᏯ would be willing to play over video chat. Since the internet was laggy we just talked instead. (with the idea that we can practice this kind of play at home so we’re more prepared for the next time he’s gone and has his own room) The big topic was that recurring topic that I just haven’t been able to shake, like in all my adult and teen years, body image. Why can’t I kick it?! And WHY did I have this issue when I was young and cute?!! Ridiculous! After listening to me, Sir ᏩᏯ, my Daddy set me straight. He said it was because I didn’t believe him. … Wait, what?!!… I had to think about that for a minute. I started to explain that it wasn’t that I didn’t believe him, it was that I just didn’t “get it”. “Yeah, you don’t believe me.” He want on to explain how many times he’s tried to tell me, he doesn’t like my boobs because of what they look like, like if they were in a magazine, he’d choose those over any others. It’s that they are on MY body. All these times over the last 17 years that he’s tried to tell me, I just didn’t believe him; I didn’t trust his opinion. I have needed to understand WHY he thinks that to accept his answer. … You could have knocked me over with a feather! He was right! So, now my submission includes accepting his opinions without question. Wow! Of course he’s allowed to like what he wants without my approval or agreement. IDK how long it will take to change my habits but I think now I can. 

    650s replied 4 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Trixie787-CGL


    I am so glad you brought this up.  I have struggled with body image for years and years as I have been overweight all my life.  I am always comparing my body to those in movies or on TV or in magazines.  My Sir also tries to tell me that he loves my body and wants to see more when we are alone in the house.  I struggle with this not because I am shy but because I don’t like my body and can’t understand how he can.  I have struggled through so many things on this journey but this is one that I am having the hardest time with  accepting.  Any suggestions, thoughts?  Anything I can do to help me get over this?  I have made much progress with my submission and my whole attitude  and my Sir is very happy with all the changes but I cannot seem to progress through this. 

    • 650s


      I’m glad Sir ᏩᏯ gave me the go-ahead to upgrade so that I can finally reply. For me, I just repeat what Sir ᏩᏯ said as kind of a mantra everytime I start thinking negative things about my body. I’ll say things like “This body belongs to Sir ᏩᏯ and he likes it, my opinion isn’t necessary.”  “Sir ᏩᏯ doesn’t buy cheap, less than acceptable tools so why would I allow myself to think that about my body?” EVERY negative thought MUST be met with a comeback that you KNOW your Sir would aprove of. I’ve even scolded myself saying “What would Daddy say about that?!!” I’ve noticed a decrease in my needing to correct or scold myself for those thoughts. I won’t say that I LIKE my body, but I don’t hate looking at it anymore, it just makes me think of what my Sir ᏩᏯ does with it. YUM! 🙂 

  • What a great topic kanna! I really don’t think I know any woman who doesn’t struggle with body image.  I know I do and always have.  My Sir is from Sweden and over there they have a much different perspective as to what constitutes attractiveness.  He loves natural beauty and for him there is nothing as delightful as nudity unadorned.  I was always uncomfortable with it until he decided he would ‘train’ me to be comfortable by having me be naked in front of him doing things every day. What an exercise!  It really changed me because just as you said the fact that he gave me the directive meant I had to do it without question because that’s how our dynamic works.  Initially I felt well, naked!  But after a very short time I began to really feel comfortable especially when he had me fetch him something or do some task in my natural state.  I will not pretend I am not hypercritical when I look in the mirror and do what I can to look good for my Sir – I think I will always be looking for ways to look better because that’s just my way.  I want to look my best for him but I not longer feel ‘apologetic’ for the body I have because that’s the body he chose and the one he loves. 


    • 650s


      elskling, that sounds like a lovely exercise! I started 10-15 years ago or so by going topless when Sir ᏩᏯ and I were out for our anniversary camping trip. Once we get out away from people, my top comes off…. and that was BEFORE D/s! Hehehe! We didn’t get to go this year because Sir ᏩᏯ was working but I can’t WAIT to see what D/s does to THAT situation!! Being naked just for regular activities DOES help a lot!

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