• Posted by pixierose on at

    Hello beautiful subMrs!!!! Hope everyone’s doing well. I have a question or two about playing with the booty. My husDom and just did some exploring play. Now I’ve had anal sex once a very long time ago and it was horrible and painful and very strange to my body. I’ve never been big on it since but I think my love might have or will change that. What I want to ask is what are some of things you do or did to start anal play. Keep in mind we are not building up to anal sex. My husband is not big on the idea but does want to play seeing ass he loved what it did to me when we tried. I just want some advise as to what to start off with. Ways to maybe help me relax not just myself but my butthole as well so it doesn’t hurt as bad. My love did a very good job, had me so over sensitive on my clit that I never realize he had slowly but surely slipped his finger until he start actually finger fucking me. The sensations we very overwhelming and caused an orgasam so I’m not so put off with anal anymore. Just looking for ideas and information of course! I’m always glad to learn something new.

    Kaninchen replied 7 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • dixie-Mentor


    Pixie –

    LK posted on this here….


    She has some wonderful suggestions, but also read the responses at the bottom of the post – it’s always nice to see others’ thoughts as well.

    And you can always do a search through the site or the forum.

    Hope that helps!

    ~ gracie

    Beginning Anal Play & Sex

  • pixierose


    Yeah i’ve read it already lol. It was a good blog, I was just reaching out for more information

  • liebchen


    PixieRose, I would recommend trying an anal lube specially made to relax your hole down there. It really helped me when we were first starting out with this type of play. My Master is super into all things anal, and me, not so much at first! Like you, I had a really bad experience years ago that made me very reluctant. Now, I can honestly say I enjoy anal play, especially toys. There are some anal vibrators in our toy collection that I loooove 🙂 Just go slow, and experiment with what feels good.

  • pixierose


    Thanks so much for your input. We finally did find a lube that my husband isn’t allergic to so I think that’s the way we are gonna go. Just nice and slow lol

  • mrs-t



    I have two things to say about anal.

    1. If you cannot relax you will not enjoy it. It may take some training and deep breathing. I love anal and there are still times where I have to ask Master to stop so I can breathe and relax around him. It takes focus and concentration if I am not fully engaged or ready to receive him. If you cannot relax, you may need some training, there are small anal trainers that you can work up to. Gloved fingers work well also! You may need to work up to penetration and simply become comfortable with him caressing your rosebud, depending on where you start, you could have a simple sprint, or a marathon before you are at a full on anal scene.

    2. Lube. When you think you have enough lube use more. Then just for good measure use more than that. We have used a half a small bottle of KY for longer anal sessions. Your rear door does not self lubricate and do not be afraid to ask for more lube. Trust me, there is never enough lube. Yes it is sticky, and messy, and embarrassing to be covered in lube when you are done: butt you can high five in the shower after you’ve had your first O from pure anal stimulation.

    Ok one more thing…

    Anal orgasms are completely different than vaginal or clitoral orgasms. The first time you orgasm you may be surprised by how it takes you. I am always caught off guard by it, and we do anal play quite often.

    If you have more private questions feel free to pm me!

  • Kaninchen


    -What I want to ask is what are some of things you do or did to start anal play.

    Pixie, go back and do anal massage. It is your way to full anal sex. Just having your Sir massage and dip in and stretch the anus a bit is so erotic. Keep doing that until you know and he knows you are really ready to move on to the full monte… Most times going back breaking things off in smaller pieces and work on those smaller pieces until you are ready for the big one, sorry for the pun but it’s the key to finding pleasure in what play you’re trying to achieve. Also, it’s a great idea to sit and discuss these things in downtime, https://submrs.com/downtime-ds-married-lifestyle/. The more you communicate about what your doing in scenes and play the better the outcome when you do actually do them. I added the link about downtime, it may haelp you out. Good Luck & Hugs! LK

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