• sirs-succubus


    Well, my Sir actually got his name (Master) before I got mine… it’s origin is nerdy and from our friendship. Actually, both of our names have a nerd origin. 😛

    Mine followed in that my Sir asked me what I wanted to be called. After some discussion he asked me to come up with 20 names that weren’t some form of profanity and to then submit the list to him for his choosing. “Succubus” ended up on the list because I had introduced Sir to a manga which had a succubus in it who he felt was very similar to me… After a few days, he came back and said that he’d chosen Succubus. 🙂

    • ladybird


      Good to see someone else reads Manga 🙂 Sir and I met each other at the local anime society but we’re also into Dungeons and Dragons board game, Tante Coure which is a really cute and sexy deck building game, etc. Sir plays a lot of computer or online games as well. I am a Minecraft tragic but am slowly feeling my way into playing Final Fantasy. Sir’s favorite anime is Gurenn Lagenn. I’m also heavily into Sci Fi.

  • little-sotto


    From the beginning my Sir wanted me to call him “Sir” in every text and in the bedroom and now its used whenever the kids aren’t around. My name is a different story. Sir named me but when he said it for the first time he didn’t like it and it felt forced. So he gave me permission to look for my own name and get his approval. I wanted something that linked to submission because in my mind that is the only way it wouldn’t feel weird. So I went with the Italian word for submissive which is Sottomesso (Sotto for short) and it worked out well. Its also nice because the first initial to my name is ‘S’ so no one is really going to question anything I have with an ‘S’ on it.

  • Sweets-CommunityMentor


    my sir has been calling me sweetness for 27 years…he came across a couple on Tv that the man called his wife “sweetness” and my sir loved that…so that is where my name came from… My sirs name Mr. B came from his nickname I have called him for almost 28 years… just the first letter… so when we started our journey these names were perfect!!

  • wench-Mentor-buck


    My husband has called me his Wench for years- (He quit for a while when our son called me Wench at a church pot luck because he couldn’t get my attention.) So the name just came naturally. I call him M’Lord because it fits and makes sense. We also enjoy the renaisaance fairs so again- the names just fit us.

    • _cas_


      I am laughing out loud at your son calling you Wench at a potluck!!! That is so funny!!

    • Kaninchen


      OMG.. Wench… Too funny! That would be bad… if he called you that there! Lesson learned!


  • _cas_


    My Sir calls me many things, but I don’t have a specific sub name yet. Sir is an artist and is never happy with anything He draws/paints, even though it is always great, and I think he is taking the same approach to finding a name for me. Even if/when He gives me one, I won’t share it online… that will be for His lips only. =) I call Him a few things, which I won’t share either, but I’ve called Him those for years!

  • little-muis


    I am getting used to calling him Sir without giggling. thanks for sharing girls!

    • Kaninchen


      Have you found a Dom name yet other than SIr?


  • wench-Mentor-buck


    Our son was only 4 at the time-I must admit he did get my attention. We can laugh about it now, but I thought the “ladies of the church” would never settle down. I suppose it could have been much worse. 🙂

    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User

      Wench that is such a funny story but to make u feel better here is mine! Master and I don’t drink often maybe 3-5 times a year so we had spring fever ( this was last spring ) and decided to pull out a bottle of Crown one night we got alot heated tee hee and I ended up with a hicky’s all over my neck. Not knowing they were there the next morning I went out to have coffee on the porch and my daughters Sunday school teacher was on a morning jog. She saw me and stopped to chat. I sat and visted with her not knowing what I had all over my neck I got back in after she left to tell My Master who had stopped by and he just busted into laughter. He was like have u looked in the mirror today at all. No, sure haven’t why…. OMG I still blush when I see her.

      As for my name My Master gave me my name will be 9 years soon. My children have heard him call me this for ever so it was perfect fit for us. As for Master Greys name it is not from 50 shades of grey we haven’t even read the books yet. He has been Greyghost for so many years of his life that it just fit perfectly too to call him Master Grey. =0)

  • takara


    Hello fellow subs. i am relatively new to this site and only 7 months into the M/s lifestyle though married for 9 years, so i apologize if any of this sounds inexperienced.
    His name- began as a respectful Sir, which then grew into a Sir/Love combo when texting or speaking in front of our children. my respect and devotion to Him always emphasized by the capitalization. A few months ago He told me he prefers Master to Sir, as He feels we have moved into a more M/s dynamic than D/s. i was more than happy to verbally call Him my Master- though this is not a name i call him when the children are present.
    my name- began as just a written or understood lower case version of my name. As we have continued our journey and training He now calls me baby girl most often and good girl (which is a has a wonderful feeling associated with it).
    i believe there is great power to a name. At first i felt a bit odd calling Him Master, even though deep down it fit Him to a ‘t’, it has become more natural over the past weeks. The same goes for mine, having it change from my actual name with just an understood lower case ‘sense’ to it, to a name that screams i am His possession and property has honor and feeds me in a way i didn’t know was possible.

  • tatiana


    as w ar new to the lifestyle w have recently chosen our names. Sir wants to be called MR.White, not sure where he came upm with it. bretty sure it has to do with his sweet juices. and he gave me the choice to choose my own name, I wanted him to chooseit. he chose Tatiana, because of its eritocness. very sexy. funny story right after our names were chosen I was commanded to change his name in my phone to mr.white. one of his coworkers had his phone when I sent a text. he very quickly handed the phone back to my sir. his coworker and wife are friends ofours and we do things when they are in town so im sure he thinks hes doing something he shouldn’t.. lol little doess he know!!!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    What a great story to add to your “new” relationship, and the someday in the future giggles you will receive once again from thinking of it.

  • kaotickitty


    Hi all, My Master chose his name Mr Alps as we live right under the southeren alps, I have had my name kaotickitty for years now i have always used it for most things although that is not the name given to me by My Master. My Master calls me honeybee so he can call me that anywhere anytime, the reason i chose to use kaotickitty here instead of honeybee is because i only like My Master to call me honeybee. As we are still really new to this lifestyle we both still grin like fools every time we use our names. :0)

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User

    I love the humour in many of these. My “Papi” as I occasionally call him gave me my name several months ago when he discovered my name I’d created for joining sites such as this, was much to close to my RL name. He gave me this sweet alias. Coral being a shade of pink and Zad being Polish for buttocks. I’m a bit cheeky so it fit perfectly.

  • little-red


    I questioned Sir, Mr. Wolf, a few days ago about changing my name. He rarely uses it, and I feel if it were different he might use it more. Anyway, he calls me Red, and when I asked him why he said, it is because little red riding hood is sweet and innocent looking, but when she has to be, she is strong, and a force to be reckoned with. So, knowing he put thought into my name, I like it more now. I would like a name we could use out with others, red is a little hard to explain, I am a blond with blue eyes and 5’1.5″ I can’t leave out that 1/2 an inch LOL.

  • littlepiep


    fun to see another dutch name. Do you have a connection to NL?

  • his-princess


    My Sir gave me the name Princess because I am indeed His Princess. I’m His fiancee. My Sirs name is Kennie-Chan, and it fits, because He is an otaku (do some research if you’re unfamiliar with this term), and His name is Kennie.

  • mrs-discreet


    We don’t have any names for each other yet.
    I have requested if could at least call him, Sir in the meantime, but I have not yet got an answer on that.
    We are however looking for something that would have meaning for both of us.

  • sassymagpie


    In private Sir calls me His sassy girl. Doesn’t really have anything he calls me in public. I call him Sir. I’ve been asked to not in public. But it’s become so natural now it’s hard sometimes not to. I will answer his with a Sir, But not directly call him that in public or in front of the kids. I hope that someday we will have something we can call each other in public.

  • bratty


    We don’t have D/s names yet. BUT I am very sassy, which is why I chose it. And Sir knows I am. He would probably pick Bratty for me! Maybe someday we will have private names. When we are together he does like me to call him Sir or Master.

  • sugarbee


    As some of you may know, Sir and i have been only been in a D/s relationship for a fraction of our relationship, and He and i have yet to enter into the realm formally – something that I have discussed with Lt and Sassy. That being said, our nicknames used when we were in a strictly vanilla relationship seemed to have carried over into our D/s relationship, lending a deeper, more intimate connotation to the previously-strictly-innocent petnames.

    Sir has never requested that i call Him Sir, however during a particularly intense intimate encounter the name slipped out and has become His name behind closed doors. In public or around our families i call him my Pervybear… it’s an odd name, i know, but there’s a bit of an inside story behind it.

    In the past i had always slept with some sort of stuffed animal – a poor habit i carried over from my childhood – and one such animal was a stuffed bear wearing a t-shirt with my college insignia on it. It’s a little crazy to think about now, but i swear every night that damned bear would lose his shirt in bed, as if i were stripping him in my sleep! After meeting Sir in person (Sir and I met online and live in separate countries) and being able to spend an extensive amount of time with him during a summer vacation, i traded my stuffed pervybear for a real live Pervybear, one that showed His appreciation for me stripping Him in a variety of imaginative ways… It started off as an endearment and now when i use it there is a bit of reverence to it, as if i can’t quite believe Sir is mine – my Sir. my Pervybear.

    Similarly, the alias i go by on here, sugarbee, is Sir’s public nickname for me. i’m not aware of a story behind it, but my Sir will give me many stories to associate with His name for me in the years to come, i am sure. In private he tends to call me His good girl, or His little slut, although what he calls me tends to depends on His mood and what He has planned for me.

  • krolyk


    Sir has always thought of me as “his little bunny” but never called me that. He chose krolyk, which is the English translation of Russian “rabbit”. There have been hints about my first collar & ” krolyshka” (little rabbit). When Sir found this forum & told me what LK’s name meant i felt so comfortable jumping on here. i never participate in forums, but this just feels different, more real. Sir’s name for me has opened many doors!

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