Don't take things so vanilla…
Last night while I was sharing a fantasy with Sir, He got nervous and went vanilla and laughed becuase he was nervous. Of course, I then went vanilla too. I got angry and hurt, felt humiliated and embarrassed. I said some pretty nasty vanilla words, Sir kept apologizing and saying how bad he felt! Totally made me more angry! I stormed out of the room, went for a smoke, Sir followed me and the vanilla arguement kept going. I stomped back to our room, and went to bed. Turned my back on Sir, he kept saying I’m sorry. I took a deep breath and found my D/s-M voice. I as respectfully as I could asked Sir to stop the vanilla apologizing and Dom up. Please take control of the situation, lead me instead of pleading.
I learned that as a submissive I have to let go of the vanilla hurt, it’s my job to show my Sir he doesnt need to be nervous about TTWD! I don’t need to take laughing vanilla, I need to remember that the laughing is part of Sir learning his dominance and learning how to take control of himself and his own fear. TTWD isn’t just about be learning to submit it’s also about Sir learning to dominate! Take the vanilla out and Dom up and submit down!
I can’t say that it will never happen again, after all we are still human, but as we learn and grow together it will happen less and less.
Once our mindsets were back where they were supposed to be, Sir took what he desired! Sparing the details for now, I had one of the most powerful orgasm of my life!
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