Need to get it out.
Those ebbs and flows… I wasn’t expected how I would feel when it happened. His trip came and went. I was not the most well behaved while he was away, which we discussed in depth.
He came home exhausted, and went straight into another workweek that is off his normal schedule.
I’m PMSing so I mostly feel worthless. Definitely not the same as before he left.
But that makes sense. That intensity isn’t sustainable. We’ve talked and he has expressed his exhaustion. He has asserted himself in small ways. So the anxiety riddled part of me that says maybe he doesn’t want to do this anymore, I know is wrong.
I also know my tone with him has floundered, they way we’ve interacted in general, and so he’s pulled back.
I’ve resolved to give him some time to rest. To let him take initiative, but otherwise to stay patient and remember that our D/s is beyond the bedroom and not always exciting. That I can take over some tasks at home and with the kids that will feed both of us.
Most importantly that. That I feed him. Testing him is just bullheaded and doesn’t serve our dynamic. When I’m alone I’m going to find some time to kneel.
Then I am going to compose a journal entry, and in a few days I will send it. I will explain what I feel is missing in this dynamic, and ask what he needs from me to feed his Dom.
Patience and realistic expectations are not things I’m known for having, but they are important for any relationship.
He went from not being able to get enough of me, and me and him, and real life got in the way. And that’s okay.
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