When real life interferes
Sir and I have had alot on our plate. Sir had been not playing his role enough, I was trying to stay in that submissive state but I was barely floating. Well he said something to me in text and said it was punishable. I lost it at him via text and send it was totally unfair, it was ultimately a communication breakdown. He said one thing the night before but meant it differently. Told him he wasnt being dominant. Well youre not being submissive lately. At this point I was getting quite stressed out. I halted the argument calling red, explaining why. He has realised how much he was not fulfilling his role. I tried to continue things, but until i had my meltdown and could look in and see when he lets his role down, my routine falters. His dominance is my routine. With my ADD and ASD its not uncommon for me to not see/deal with the breakdown when it happens, something else happens and I will crack because my coping mechanisims get too overwhelmed. Its at that point we can pinpoint what is actually going on for me. We had downtime, we are back on track and Sir is putting work in for him to be where we need it to be. The difference was immediate with me having him lead again. We are D/s-M for nearly 1 year and this is our first roadblock.
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