What truly is M/s?
I am foundationally a slave.I like being a slave and prefer it over being a sub. Neither dynamic is better than the other,just different. A slave means something different from a sub and slavery means something different from submission.
In slavery, people think you don’t have a say/voice/opinions/rights and to some extent its true for me. M/s can vary just like D/s. Everyone’s D/s is different, everyone’s M/s is different. Its what you make it. M/s doesn’t mean strict D/s can be strict too. Masters don’t have to be strict/oppressing to be true Masters. Masters can be kind.In my slavery I do not have a say UNLESS Master says I can d that doesn’t make me less of a slave or ‘like a sub’ you have the right to have a say its a privilege for me if I get to.These are for things like training and scenes. I can say if something is bothering me I am allowed to call downtime. I have a voice just with restrictions. I do have opinions and I’m allowed to share them. (Things like politics or what colour curtains I prefer). I have rights, restricted ones. I can only have these things if Master allows me to.
Originally I had my list of limits but now Master has chosen our limits and the list is considerably shorter. I don’t have access to my safe words all the time like during punishment and certain scenes or activities. He can tell me to do dangerous things or do things he knows I don’t like but he doesn’t. Master controls everything from what I eat how much I drink and everything to do with money. I’m not a fool for giving him all my money nor am I incompetent. I can handle all money problems by myself I choose not to. I have access to money and don’t have to tell him when or how much however again with restrictions (like I can’t take money to buy a popcorn machine since it ”makes no sense”). It has to be for reasonable things. I don’t have to ask either.
He controls everything in our relationship and me and I like t that way. I need the structure and the ‘strictness’ and complete lack of control over everything. There’s a fine line between M/s and abuse. He does things I don’t like (nipple torture) but that isn’t abuse he does things that were on my list of limits that he didn’t include n our new limits but that isn’t abuse. Abuse is overlooking the safe word when I can use it or drugging me. Fine line.
M/s isn’t bad or intimidating and slaves aren’t robots I mean we’re awesome but not bionic awesome lol
I love my slavery no matter how it seems to others. Slavery is freedom and that has different meanings for every M/s relationship.
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